The human gut is home to a vast and diverse ecosystem of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and archaea. These microorganisms outnumber our own cells by a significant margin and have evolved alongside us over millions of years. However, recent research suggests that gut microbiota may have a much more profound impact on our lives than previously thought.

One of the key findings of this research is that gut microbiota may have a direct impact on brain function. Studies have shown that the gut and brain are connected through a complex network of neural, hormonal, and immune pathways. This means that the gut microbiota can communicate with the brain and influence our thoughts and behaviors. This research has led to the development of new treatments for a range of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. For example, some studies have shown that probiotics, which are supplements containing beneficial microorganisms, can improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Additionally, fecal transplants, which involve transferring gut bacteria from a healthy individual to a patient with a mental health condition, have also shown promise in treating these conditions. In conclusion, gut microbiota is an essential aspect of human health and well-being.

By better understanding the complex relationship between the gut and brain, researchers may be able to develop new treatments for mental health conditions and improve overall brain function. As per John Cryan, a professor of anatomy and neuroscience at University College Cork, remember that you are becoming more human every time you use the restroom and shed some of these microbes.