- threshold /THRESH-ohld/
- sentinel /SEN-tn-l/
- restoration /res-tuh-REY-shuhn/
- conservationist /kon-ser-VEY-shuh-nist/
- endanger /en-DEYN-jeyr/
[noun] – the level or point at which something starts to happen or change
The temperature dropped below the critical threshold for manatee survival.
[adjective] – refers to a person or thing that watches over and signals potential danger
Coral reefs are sentinel ecosystems, providing early warnings of climate change through bleaching events.
[noun] – the process of returning something to its original state or condition
Habitat restoration projects are helping manatees survive environmental changes.
[noun] – a person who works to protect the environment and wildlife
Conservationists warn about the dangers of habitat destruction for manatees.
[verb] – to put someone or something at risk of harm or extinction
Pollution continues to endanger the survival of many marine animals.
Article reading:
Manatees are sentinel species, meaning they reflect the health of their environment. In areas such as Indian River Lagoon, pollution has destroyed seagrass, their main food source, leading to starvation. Temporary feeding programs and habitat restoration efforts have helped reduce manatee deaths, which dropped from over 1,100 in 2021 to 565 in 2024. However, challenges remain, including an increase in calf mortality caused by earlier malnutrition and reproductive cycles resuming. Although some groups have pushed for manatees to be reclassified as endangered, they remain listed as threatened. Conservationists warn that threats like boating accidents, habitat loss, and cold stress continue to endanger the species. While progress has been made, ongoing management, public awareness, and stronger conservation efforts are essential to secure the long-term survival of Florida’s manatees.
Discussion Questions:
- Have you ever visited a place to see animals in the wild? If so, where was it, and what animals did you see? If not, which animal would you like to see in the wild? Why?
- Have you learned about animals facing extinction? If so, what actions were being taken to protect them? If not, why do you think it’s important to learn about them?
- Do you agree that public awareness can play a big role in saving manatees?
- How can people balance development and wildlife conservation in areas like the Indian River Lagoon?
- What are some innovative ways technology could help conservationists protect endangered species like manatees?
- freezing
- facility
- reduce
- essential
- long-term