The well-preserved remains of the new species of Pterosaurs that lived during the age of dinosaurs 95 million years ago have been discovered by the researchers. The remains of the creature were found more than 15 years ago in a limestone quarry in Lebanon. Pterosaurs are flying reptiles during the dinosaur age, and the first group of animals to develop the skill of flight. Pterosaur remains are famous; however, the record of its fossil is uneven because of the few deposits that justify the vast majority of specimens.

The newly found specimen is the most complete pterosaur that has been discovered. According to Michael Caldwell, a co-author of the study, the array of these ancient animals is more diverse than they were ever able to discover from the fossil record. Caldwell also mentioned, “This means that these Lebanese pterodactyloid were flying reptiles living in and around and across the ancient Tethys Seaway, from China to a great reef system in what is today Lebanon.”