Bahamas pioneers $300M debt-for-nature swap to boost conservation and climate action

©AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa, File Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. conservation / kon-ser-VEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the protection and preservation of the natural environment, including wildlife and natural resources The government is focusing on conservation to protect endangered species. endowment /en-DOU-muhnt/ [noun] – a fund or income provided for a specific purpose, often for charitable or educational purposes The university has a large endowment to support research projects. groundbreaking /GROUND-brey-king/ [adjective] – introducing new and innovative ideas; revolutionary The scientist made groundbreaking discoveries in the field of medicine. credit insurance /KRED-it in-SHOOR-uhns/ [noun] – insurance that protects lenders against the risk of borrowers…
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