Author Archive: admin

Heisei era gives new meaning of ‘Japanese’

Pre-Reading Questions: What do you like about your culture? Why? What do you think is special about your country? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: term /turm/ [noun] a word used in relation to a particular subject Studious is a term used for people who love studying. descent /dih-SENT/ [noun] the origin of people in your family background My neighbor is of American-Irish descent. survey /SUR-vey/ [noun] the information gathered by asking people the same questions The survey shows that many businessmen skip their meal. political /puh-LIT-i-kuhl/ [adjective] relating to politics and government Education is one of the major political issues these days. aspect /AS-pekt/ [noun] a particular feature of our…
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Volkswagen changes charging system for electric vehicles

Volkswagen new stategy for electric vehicles

Vocabulary: profitable /PROF-i-tuh-buhl/ [adjective] useful or likely to give someone an advantage Mariah believes that having a profitable action plan is going to have good effects on their project’s final result. in the event that /in thee ih-VENT that/ [conjunction] if something happens; similar to “in case that” Stock up on herbal medicines and take some good rest in the event that you fall ill. deplete /dih-PLEET/ [verb] to consume the remaining supplies of energy, money, etc. Anne has no wish to further deplete whatever funds she has left in her bank account. affix /uh-FIKS/ [verb] to attach one thing to another Affix the stamp to the upper right corner…
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Volkswagen changes charging system for electric vehicles

Volkswagen new stategy for electric vehicles

Pre-reading questions: Do you own a car? If yes, kindly describe it. If no, what car brand do you want to buy? What car brand is famous in Japan? Vocabulary: strategy /STRAT-i-jee/ [noun] a detailed plan to achieve something or reach a goal The basketball team coach’s strategy won them the game. mobile /MOH-buhl/ [adjective] something that can be easily moved The old lady sits on a mobile chair every morning. exploit /EK-sploit/ [verb] to use something in a way to help someone or oneself People must exploit every opportunity to learn more and new things. accommodate /uh-KOM-uh-deyt/ [verb] to give what is needed to something or someone The new…
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Volkswagen changes charging system for electric vehicles

Volkswagen new stategy for electric vehicles

Pre-reading questions: Do you like cars? What is your favorite car brand? Vocabulary: public /PUHB-lik/ [noun] all people in general Fake news caused confusion to the public. charge /chahrj/ [verb] to put electricity into an electrical device That smartphone needs to be charged for two hours only vehicle /VEE-i-kuhl/ [noun] a machine that people ride to go from one place to another Sam doesn’t like riding public vehicles. unit /YOO-nit/ [noun] a machine or item that is part of a set The company released new television units this month. batch /bach/ [noun] a group of people or things A new batch of students are looking for summer jobs. Volkswagen shares…
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Breath test to detect cancers begins trial in UK

Breath test to detect various cancers begins trial in UK

Pre-reading questions: Do you think technology can help people cure their diseases? What should people do to stay healthy? Vocabulary: healthy /HEL-thee/ [adjective] strong and well She has a healthy daughter. tool /tool/ [noun] a piece of equipment that you use with your hands to make or repair something They will buy agricultural tools. patient /PEY-shuhnt/ [noun] a person who is receiving medical care The patient had a heart surgery. disease /dih-ZEEZ/ [noun] illness of people, animals, plants, etc., caused by infection Mila has to get treatment for her disease. report /ri-PAWRT/ [verb] to make a public statement about something The manager reported a decrease in milk production. Cancer Research…
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Breath test to detect cancers begins trial in UK

Breath test to detect various cancers begins trial in UK

Pre-reading questions: How many kinds of cancers do you know? Elaborate your answer. Do you think cheap and effective cure for cancer will be invented? Why or why not? Vocabulary: presence /PREZ-uhns/ [noun] the fact that someone or something is in a place The tests showed the presence of toxin in the body. individual /in-duh-VIJ-oo-uhl/ [noun] a single person or thing You are the kindest individual I have ever met. breathe /breeth/ [verb] to move air into and out of the lungs She cannot breathe due to lack of oxygen. express /ik-SPRES/ [verb] to show a feeling, opinion, or fact Johnny expressed interest in joining the soccer club. stage /steyj/…
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Breath test to detect cancers begins trial in UK

Breath test to detect various cancers begins trial in UK

Vocabulary: trial /TRAHY-uh/ [noun] a test, usually over a limited period of time, to discover how effective or suitable something or someone is The company has to conduct four clinical trials to know the drug’s safety. clinical /KLIN-i-kuhl/ [adjective] used to refer to medical work or teaching that relates to the examination and treatment of ill people Her sister is a clinical psychologist at Newt’s Mental Health Foundation. molecule /MOL-uh-kyool/ [noun] the simplest unit of a chemical substance He went to the clinic to ask for the result of the DNA molecule to see if he is really the father of his son. metabolic /met-uh-BOL-ik/ [adjective] relating to metabolism (the…
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Esports event to be held in Tokyo, Japan

Esports event to be held in Tokyo, Japan

Vocabulary: esports /EE-spohrts/ [noun] a form of competition using video games between professional players and teams My friend is very fond of playing video games; thus, he wants to experience watching esports live. allocate /AL-uh-keyt/ [verb] to give a particular amount of money that can be used in a particular way or event Several companies allocate some of the budgets to their social responsibility projects. demonstration sport /dem-uhn-strey-shuhn spohrt/ [noun] is a sport which is played to promote most commonly during the Olympic Games or at any sporting events The organizer said that our national game will be played as a demonstration sport tonight. launch /lawnch/ [noun] an event to…
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