
Halloween party in Shibuya


  Pre-reading questions: Have you ever joined a Halloween party? Do you think Zombie party is safe?   Shibuya Halloween is a popular event in Japan. It takes place on Halloween night. It is celebrated near JR Shibuya station in Tokyo. It’s a gathering of people in Halloween costumes. 2,268 people joined last year’s Zombie party. Around 90 events will be held in Shibuya this year, but celebrity Hakase Suidobashi said that Halloween should not be celebrated in a busy place like Tokyo.   Vocabulary: Halloween – ハロウィーン [noun] the evening before All Saints’ Day popular – 人気のある [adjective] common celebrated – 有名な [adjective] widely known costumes – 衣装 [noun]…
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Education ministry experts want to know what is “serious” school abuse

Education - B

  Pre-reading questions: What is the meaning of the word bullying? Do you think students can stop bullying?   Experts want the education ministry to say what is “serious” school abuse. New rules say that schools will respond to abuse. The experts say that the police’s action to abuse is not good. The education ministry must give examples of discipline to school abuse. Teachers, students and parents do not know much of anti-abuse rules. Schools must have a meeting so that there will be no more abuse in their schools.   Vocabulary: experts – 専門家 [noun] skilled people abuse – 悪用 [noun] bad behavior against other people respond – 返答する…
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China’s October Exports, Imports Drop

Business - B

Pre-reading questions: Do you buy products from China? What are your favorite products from China? The exports or number of products that China sold to other countries dropped by 7.3 percent, while the imports or number of products that they bought from other countries dropped by 1.4 percent. This is based on their October reports. They said it decreased more than they thought it would this year. Vocabulary: exports – 輸出 [noun] products that are sent to another country to be sold there imports – 輸入 [noun] products brought into a country to be sold there drop – 落ちる [verb] to fall percent – パーセント [noun] part of every hundred…
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Paris reveals plans to win back tourists


Pre-reading questions: Where do you like to go on vacation? What did you do during your last vacation? Today, tourists visiting Paris are fewer. The Paris government plans to increase the number of tourists. They need tourism volunteers, mostly university students, who can speak English. Taxi and bus drivers, and hotel staff will take English classes. They will also make a new welcome app for tourists to guide first-time visitors. To make sure that everybody is safe, the government is in a state of high security. Vocabulary: tourist – 旅行者 a person traveling to another place volunteer – ボランティア a person who offers services for free staff – スタッフ a group of people,…
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United Nations talks about climate change

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Do you use things that are made of plastics? What are some ways to protect the environment? The United Nations (U.N) talks about climate change during the meeting in Marrakesh in Morocco. They talked about how to be responsible in taking care of our planet. They said people must be responsible at all times. They must also be careful in using things that can be bad for others’ health. Vocabulary: climate change – 気候変動 [noun] changes in the weather environment – 環境 [noun] surroundings responsible – 責任を果たせる [adjective] accountable for planet – 惑星 [noun] heavenly body,earth United Nations – 国際連合 [noun] an international organization True or False: The…
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Skin Patch for Children with Peanut Allergies

Health - Beg

Pre-reading questions: Do you know the word “allergy”? Do you have any food allergies? Viaskin peanut patch can help children who are allergic to peanuts. These patches have small doses of peanut protein. It works by letting the body accept small amounts of peanuts. Good results were found in patients aged four to eleven year-old. Those who were 12 years old and up did not experience much effect. More study is needed for the skin patches. The patch was not yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Vocabulary: patch – ばんそうこう [noun] a piece of material used to cover a hole dose – 服用量 [noun] an amount of medicine…
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US Inmates Uses Instant Ramen as Currency

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: How do you call your money/currency? Do you think eating instant foods is nutritious? Why or Why not? Today, US inmates uses ramen as their money. In some prisons, meals are only served 2 times a day beacuse of budget shortage. This is the main reason why they use instant ramen as their money. Instant ramen has a high value in prisons so they are using it in exchange for sweatshirts, thermal underwear, fresh vegetables, or cigarettes. Other forms of money that they use are postage stamps, preserved mackerel, and instant coffee. Vocabulary: inmate – 収容者 [noun] a person who is confined in a prison, hospital, etc shortage…
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Programming, a new fun way of learning

Education - B

Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite computer game? Do you think computer is important to people? Many private classses teach programing in a fun way. Programming classes will start in elementary schools in 2020. The classes need to teach creativity in children. A second-grade pupil actually made a computer game, where he used a parrot that helps the monkey by fixing blocks that says change the X coordinate by 10. Programming lets users run a computer program the way they want to. Today, the use of blocks in drawing pictures makes programming easier for children. Vocabulary: parrot – オウム [noun] an animal, a kind of bird computer – コンピューター [noun]…
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Lowest bus service in Tokyo and Narita


  Pre-reading questions: How’s your experience in riding a bus from the airport? Do you think riding a bus is easier and cheaper?   The newest and lowest bus service started last Monday. It connects Narita International Airport and Osaki Station in Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo. It is the first cheapest bus route with prices from ¥1,000 to ¥1,200. The bus route starts at an airport in Chiba Prefecture to the station in Yamanote Line. People are hoping that it will improve airport access from Tokyo.   Vocabulary: service – サービス [noun] supply of basic needs connects – つなぐ [verb] bring together cheapest – 安い [adjective] low in price route –…
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Human Antibodies Produced in Cows Counter Contagious Diseases

Health - Beg

  Pre-reading questions: Do you know any cow products? How often you get sick in a year?   A company has produced human antibodies from cows. A cow can produce 30 to 60 liters of antibodies a month. Humans can produce only 4 liters a month. This can help fight infectious diseases. They are testing if this can be a treatment for MERS. Scientists tried to use antibodies from other animals but the human body cannot recognize it. They are the only company that can produce antiboides from mammals. It may become available in 3 to 5 years.   Vocabulary: antibodies – 抗体 [noun] proteins which function to identify and…
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