Abu Dhabi announces plans for second Sphere entertainment venue, following Las Vegas success
©(AP Photo/Nick Didlick, File) Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. signify /SIG-nuh-fahy/ [verb] – to be a sign of something; to indicate or represent something A red light can signify that a vehicle must stop at the intersection. remit /ri-MIT/ [verb] – to send money as payment; to refer a matter for consideration The company will remit payment to the supplier within thirty days of receiving the invoice. artistic /ahr-TIS-tik/ [adjective] – relating to art or creativity; showing skill in creating art The artistic design of the building attracted many visitors to the exhibition. differentiate /dif-uh-REN-shee-eyt/ [verb] – to recognize or ascertain…
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