Alyssa Milano to debut as Roxie Hart in Broadway’s ‘Chicago’ this Fall

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. Broadway /BRAWD-wey/ [noun] – the street in New York City known for its theaters and musical performances Broadway is famous for its big and exciting theater productions. acclaimed /uh-KLAYMD/ [adjective] – praised or admired publicly The movie received acclaimed reviews from critics. legendary /LEJ-uhn-der-ee/ [adjective] – very famous and admired or spoken about The legendary scientist made groundbreaking discoveries that changed the world forever. choreographer /kawr-ee-OG-ruh-fer/ [noun] – a person who designs and directs the movements and steps in a dance performance The choreographer created beautiful dance routines for the show. interpretation /in-tur-pri-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the…
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