
Disney+ considers price increase due to UK laws


©comicbook Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. legislation /lej-is-LEY-shuhn / [noun] – a law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament The new legislation aims to regulate online privacy and protect personal data. ongoing /ON-goh-ing/ [adjective] – continuing to exist or develop, or happening at the present moment The ongoing construction work is causing temporary disruptions to traffic in the city. sector /SEK-ter/ [noun] – one of the areas into which the economic activity of a country is divided Different sectors of the economy, such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services, contribute to the overall development…
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Discovering ocean submersibles


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. detect /dih-TEKT/ [verb] – to notice something that is partly hidden or not clear, or to discover something, especially using a special method The detective carefully examined the crime scene, hoping to detect any clues that would lead to the identity of the thief. echo /EK-oh/ [noun] – a sound that is heard after it has been reflected off a surface such as a wall or a cliff The sound of footsteps in the empty hallway created an eerie echo, making it feel as though someone else was present. disturbance /dih-STUR-buhns/ [noun] – something that interrupts…
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Ever-present threat that surrounds Titanic


©Popular Mechanics Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. wreck /rek/ [noun] – a vehicle or ship that has been destroyed or badly damaged The wreck of the ship was discovered at the bottom of the ocean. withstand /with-STAND/ [verb] – to be strong enough, or not be changed by something, or to oppose a person or thing successfully The bridge was able to withstand the strong winds and heavy rain during the storm. swiftly /SWIFT-lee / [adverb] – quickly or immediately With the help of modern technology, information can be swiftly transmitted across the globe. realm /relm/ [noun] – specific and distinct…
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Delightful diversity of Vietnamese cuisine


©Chris Middleton Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. tender /TEN-der / [adjective] – (of food) easily cut or chewed The chef served a tender piece of chicken that was cooked to perfection, making it easy to cut and enjoy. irresistible /ir-i-ZIS-tuh-buhl/ [adjective] – impossible to refuse, oppose, or avoid because it is too pleasant, attractive, or strong: The aroma of freshly baked cookies wafted through the kitchen, creating an irresistible temptation for everyone in the house to grab a warm treat. indulge /in-DUHLJ/ [verb] – to allow yourself or another person to have something enjoyable, especially more than is good for you…
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Test case decides the future of fossil fuels in UK


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. emission /ih-MISH-uhn/ [noun] – an amount of gas, heat, light, etc. that is sent out The government is implementing measures to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. comply /kuhm-PLAHY/ [verb] – to act according to an order, set of rules, or request All employees must comply with the company’s safety regulations to ensure a secure working environment. dismiss /dis-MIS/ [verb] – to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering The judge decided to dismiss the case due to a lack of evidence presented by the prosecution. comprehensive /kom-pri-HEN-siv/ [adjective] –…
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Gallup-Amazon partnership develops tool to help youngsters navigate career paths


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. initiative /ih-NISH-uh-tiv/ [noun] – a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem The company launched an environmental initiative to reduce waste and promote sustainability across its operations. refine /ri-FAHYN/ [verb] – to make something pure or improve something, especially by removing unwanted material The chef continuously refines her recipes, experimenting with different ingredients and techniques to achieve the perfect balance of flavors. resilient /ri-ZIL-yuhnt/ [adjective] – able to return quickly to a previous good condition after problems The company’s resilient business model allowed it to weather economic downturns and emerge stronger, thanks…
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Fascinating world of underwater and deep sea tourism


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. serenity /suh-REN-i-tee/ [noun] – the quality of being peaceful and calm As I sat by the tranquil lake, surrounded by the soothing sounds of nature, a sense of serenity washed over me, calming my mind and filling me with peace. venture /VEN-cher/ [verb] – to risk going somewhere or doing something that might be dangerous or unpleasant, or to risk saying something that might be criticized Many students hesitated to venture into the unknown, but their curiosity pushed them to explore new territories. formation /fawr-MEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the way something is naturally made or the way…
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Differences in how heavy drinkers process alcohol might be key to new treatment route


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. tolerance /TOL-er-uhns / [noun] – the ability to bear something unpleasant or annoying, or to keep going despite difficulties Heat tolerance varies among individuals and can be influenced by factors such as age, health, physical fitness, and acclimatization. immune /ih-MYOON/ [adjective] – protected from or unable to be influenced by something, esp. something bad His previous injuries had made him immune to pain, allowing him to endure intense physical activities without flinching. detrimental /de-truh-MEN-tl/ [adjective] – causing harm or damage The excessive use of pesticides had a detrimental effect on the local ecosystem, leading to a…
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Rise in egg freezing for fertility preservation


©NYU Langone Health Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. prompt /prompt / [verb] – to make someone decide to say or do something The passionate speech by the activist prompted the audience to take immediate action against climate change. fertile /FUR-tl/ [adjective] – (of people or animals) able to produce young The doctor assured the young woman that she had a fertile reproductive system, increasing her chances of conceiving a child. donor /DOH-ner/ [noun] – a person who gives some of their blood or a part of their body to help someone who is ill Doctors removed the healthy kidney from the…
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The amazing floating highway: A journey like no other


©Johnny Stockshooter/Alamy Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. awe-inspiring /AW-in-spahyuhr-ing/ [adjective] – causing you to feel great respect or admiration The students stood in awe-inspiring silence as they gazed at the breathtaking sunset, painting the sky with vibrant hues of orange, pink, and gold. feat /feet/ [noun] – something difficult needing a lot of skill, strength, courage, etc. to achieve it The young gymnast’s graceful backflip was a remarkable feat that left the audience amazed and inspired. coral reef /KAWR-uhl reef/ [noun] – an area of coral, the top of which can sometimes be seen just above the ocean During their snorkeling…
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