
South Korea sees decline in drinking culture


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. attribute /uh-TRIB-yoot/ [verb] – to say or think that something is the result of a particular thing The team’s success can be attributed to their hard work and dedication. corporate /KAWR-per-it/ [adjective] – relating to a large company or group The corporate office is located in the downtown area. gathering /GATH-er-ing/ [noun] – a meeting or collection of people for a particular purpose Family gatherings are always special occasions. downturn /DOUN-turn/ [noun ] – a decline or reduction in economic activity The company faced a downturn in profits due to increased competition. noticeable /NOH-ti-suh-buhl/ [adjective] –…
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Carlos Acosta brings a Cuban twist to “The Nutcracker”


©REUTERS Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. diversity /dih-VUR-si-tee/ [noun] – the condition of having different elements or qualities The city is known for its cultural diversity. choreography /kawr-ee-OG-ruh-fee/ [noun] – the art or practice of designing dance movements The choreography for the musical was stunning. glimpse /glimps/ [noun] – a brief or quick view or look I caught a glimpse of the actor as he entered the building. resilience /ri-ZIL-yuhns/ [noun] – the ability to recover quickly from difficulties or toughness The community showed great resilience after the natural disaster. fusion /FYOO-zhuhn/ [noun] – the process or result of combining different…
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Google’s 2024 “Year in Search” shows global trends and insights


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. surge /surj/ [noun] – a sudden and great increase There was a surge in online sales during the holiday season. notable /NOH-tuh-buhl/ [adjective] – important and deserving attention, because of being very good or interesting She made a notable contribution to the project’s success. sector /SEK-ter/ [noun] – a distinct part or subdivision of a society, economy, or activity The technology sector has seen significant growth over the past decade. intriguing /uhn-TREE-guhng/ [adjective] – very interesting because of being unusual or mysterious The scientist made an intriguing discovery about the behavior of the species. demure /dih-MYOOR/…
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First humans across North America reveal mammoths dominate their Ice Age diet


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. nurse /nurs/ [verb] – to feed (a baby or young animal) with milk from the breast or teats She decided to nurse her baby for six months to ensure he received proper nutrition. elk /elk/ [noun] – a large deer with brownish-red fur and large antlers (horns like branches) that lives in the forests of North America The hikers spotted a majestic elk grazing in the meadow early in the morning. bison /BAHY-suhn/ [noun] – a large wild animal, similar to a cow but having a larger head and shoulders covered in hair, found in North…
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Experts share tips on eating nutritiously during winter


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. parsnip /PAHR-snip/ [noun] – a long cream-colored root of a plant, eaten as a vegetable Some people prefer to use parsnips in soups for added sweetness. versatility /vur-suh-TIL-i-tee/ [noun] – the ability to adapt or be used in many different ways The chef praised the versatility of olive oil in various dishes. porridge /PAWR-ij/ [noun] – a dish made from grains, often oats, boiled in water or milk She likes to eat porridge with honey and fresh fruit for breakfast. palate /PAL-it/ [noun] – the sense of taste or a person’s taste in food Different cultures…
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Mount Kanlaon eruption triggers evacuations, disrupts air travel, and raises alert level in the Philippines

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©AP Photo/Chona Aplaon Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. pyroclastic /pahy-ruh-KLAS-tik/ [adjective] – relating to or consisting of small pieces of rock from a volcano The pyroclastic flow buried the nearby forests under layers of ash and rocks. ascent /uh-SENT/ [noun] – the act of moving or climbing up something The hikers began their ascent early to reach the mountain summit by noon. incinerate /in-SIN-uh-reyt/ [verb] – to burn something completely into ashes The firefighters quickly contained the blaze before it could incinerate the entire building. susceptible /suh-SEP-tuh-buhl/ [adjective] – easily influenced, harmed, or affected by something Young children are more susceptible…
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Brazilian states push to ease rainforest protections, sparking environmental concerns

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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. deforestation /dee-fawr-uh-STEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the action or process of clearing large areas of forests Deforestation is a serious problem in many parts of the world. biodiverse /BAI-ow-dai-vurs/ [adjective] – containing many different types of plants and animals The Amazon rainforest is one of the most biodiverse places on Earth. privatization /prai-vuh-tuh-ZAY-shn/ [noun] – the process of transferring ownership or control of something from the public sector to the private sector Privatization of the energy sector has sparked debates about fairness. agribusiness /AG-ruh-biz-nis/ [noun] – agricultural business, especially one that involves the production and distribution of food…
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European satellites launched from India to create artificial solar eclipses for groundbreaking solar research

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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. corona /kuh-ROH-nuh/ [noun] – the outer layer of the sun’s atmosphere, which is visible during a solar eclipse The bright corona of the sun was visible during the total solar eclipse. ejection /ih-JEK-shuhn/ [noun] – the act of something being thrown or pushed out forcefully The volcanic ejection of ash covered the nearby towns in minutes. elliptical /ih-LIP-ti-kuhl/ [adjective] – having an oval shape; elongated in a way that is curved The orbit of the comet is highly elliptical, taking it close to the sun. trajectory /truh-JEK-tuh-ree/ [noun] – the path followed by an object moving…
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Scientific findings highlight Venus’s dry origins


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. condensation /kon-den-SEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the process by which a gas turns into a liquid The condensation on the windows showed that it was much warmer inside than outside. parched /pahrcht/ [adjective] – extremely dry, especially due to heat or lack of moisture The parched fields desperately needed rain after weeks of drought. reservoir /REZ-er-vwahr/ [noun] – a natural or artificial place where a large quantity of water is stored or accumulated, particularly underground The underground reservoir holds enough water to support the town for several months. diverge /dih-VURJ/ [verb] – to develop in different directions or…
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1.5-million-year-old footprints in Kenya reveal key insights into early human ancestors’ behavior and locomotion

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©Louise Leakey via AP Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. proximity /prok-SIM-i-tee/ [noun] – the state of being near in space or time The school’s proximity to the park makes it a popular spot for students. biomechanics /bahy-oh-mi-KAN-iks/ [noun] – the scientific study of the movement and structure of living things Biomechanics helps engineers design more efficient sports equipment for athletes. facilitate /fuh-SIL-i-teyt/ [verb] – to make something easier or possible New software was introduced to facilitate faster data processing in the office. transformation /trans-fer-MEY-shuhn/ [noun] – a complete change in form, appearance, or character The transformation of the old factory into…
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