
Pennsylvania’s Capitol maintains its timeless clocks


©(AP Photo/Marc Levy) Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. mantel /MAN-tl/ [noun] – a framework around a fireplace or a shelf above it She decorated the mantel with flowers for the holiday. stained /staynd/ [adjective] – something has been marked or colored by a substance The stained carpet had a large coffee mark in the middle. controversy /KON-truh-vur-see/ [noun] – a prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion The new policy caused a lot of controversy among the workers. conspiracy /kuhn-SPIR-uh-see/ [noun] – a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful The government investigated the conspiracy to overthrow the…
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New evidence challenges long-held beliefs about early human arrival in the Americas

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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. belief /bih-LEEF/ [noun] – a strong feeling that something is true or real Many people have the belief that the Earth is flat. evidence /EV-i-duhns/ [noun] – facts or signs that show something is true The police found evidence that proved the suspect was guilty. archaeological /ahr-kee-uh-LOJ-i-kuhl/ [adjective] – relating to the study of ancient cultures by examining artifacts, buildings, and other remains Archaeological digs help us learn about ancient civilizations. coexist /koh-ig-ZIST/ [verb] – to live together peacefully at the same time or place Different species can coexist in a healthy ecosystem. manipulate /muh-NIP-yuh-leyt/ [verb]…
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Mekong giant catfish shows signs of recovery after conservation efforts in Cambodia

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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. critically /KRIT-ik-lee/ [adverb] – in a way that is extremely important or serious The scientist examined the data critically before sharing it with the team. endangered /en-DEYN-jerd/ [adjective] – at risk of no longer existing, especially in the wild The park is home to several endangered animals, including rare birds and turtles. obstruct /uhb-STRUHKT/ [verb] – to block or prevent something from happening or progressing Fallen trees obstructed the path, making it difficult for hikers to pass. preservation /prez-er-VEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the act of protecting something from harm, loss, or destruction The preservation of old buildings…
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New species discovered in Peru’s Amazon highlight urgent need for conservation


©Conservation International/photo by Trond Larsen/Handout via REUTERS Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. partially /PAHR-shuh-lee/ [adverb] – not completely The instructions were partially completed, leaving some steps unclear. spiny /SPAHY-nee/ [adjective] – covered with spines He avoided touching the spiny sea urchin while snorkeling. amphibian /am-FIB-ee-uhn/ [noun] – an animal, such as a frog, that lives both on land and in water but must produce its eggs in water The pond is home to many amphibians, including frogs and salamanders. invaluable /in-VAL-yoo-uh-buhl/ [adjective] – extremely useful The map provided invaluable assistance during the hike. immense /ih-MENS/ [adjective] – extremely large in size…
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Parent-led initiative tackles student transportation challenges in Chicago

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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. logistical /luh-JI-stuh-kl/ [adjective] – relating to the planning and organization of a complicated activity Managing a concert requires solving logistical problems like seating and parking. complexity /kuhm-PLEK-si-tee/ [noun] – the state of being difficult to understand or deal with The complexity of the puzzle made it hard for many to solve. comprehensive /kom-pri-HEN-siv/ [adjective] – complete and including everything that is necessary The report provides a comprehensive overview of the company’s performance this year. mitigate /MIT-i-geyt/ [verb] – to make something less harmful, serious, or severe Planting trees can mitigate the effects of air pollution in…
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NEWBrew introduces recycled beer as a solution to global water challenges


©(AP Photo/Peter Dejong) Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. scarcity /SKAIR-si-tee/ [noun] – a situation in which something is not easy to find or get During the drought, food scarcity became a major issue for many communities. conserve /kuhn-SURV/ [verb] – to protect something from loss or harm, often referring to resources We need to conserve energy to reduce our carbon footprint. purify /PYOOR-uh-fahy/ [verb] – to remove bad substances from something to make it pure The water was purified before being used for drinking. awareness /uh-WAIR-nis/ [noun] – knowledge or understanding of a particular issue or situation The campaign aims to…
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Kite making in Gujarat benefits the economy but causes problems


©REUTERS/Amit Dave/File Photo Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. duration /doo-REY-shuhn/ [noun] – the length of time something lasts The duration of the meeting was longer than expected. widespread /WAHYD-SPRED/ [adjective] – existing or happening in many places and/or among many people The widespread use of smartphones has changed communication. numerous /NOO-mer-uhs/ [adjective] – many She received numerous gifts for her birthday. electrocution /ih-lek-truh-KYOO-shuhn/ [noun] – the act of being killed or severely injured by electric shock He was warned about the risks of electrocution when working with electrical equipment. sustainability /suh-stey-nuh-BIL-i-tee/ [noun] – the ability to maintain or continue something over…
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Two critically endangered North Atlantic right whales entangled in fishing gear off Massachusetts coast

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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. critically /KRIT-ik-lee/ [adverb] – in a way that is extremely important or serious, especially in terms of survival or condition The patient was critically ill and needed immediate attention. sighting /SAI-tuhng/ [noun] – the action of seeing something, especially something unusual or rare The sighting of the rare bird excited everyone at the park. aerial /AIR-ee-uhl/ [adjective] – related to the air or atmosphere, or done from the air The aerial view of the city was breathtaking. entanglement /en-TANG-guhl-muhnt/ [noun] – the state of being caught or twisted in something The fisherman struggled with the entanglement…
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Germany and France launch high-speed train service to strengthen EU ties and promote eco-friendly travel

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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. eco-friendly /ee-koh-FREND-lee/ [adjective] – designed to have little or no damaging effect on the environment Using bicycles instead of cars is an eco-friendly way to travel short distances. symbolize /SIM-buh-lahyz/ [verb] – to represent something The national flag symbolizes unity and pride for the country’s people. punctuality /puhngk-choo-AL-i-tee/ [noun] – the quality of being on time Employers value punctuality because it shows responsibility and respect for others’ time. modernization /mod-er-nahy-ZEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the process of making something more current or suitable for the present The modernization of the library included adding computers and digital resources. complement…
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Rio de Janeiro barber battle celebrates craftsmanship and creativity

©REUTERS/Aline Massuca Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. elevate /EL-uh-veyt/ [verb] – to raise something to a higher level or position The new policy aims to elevate the company’s environmental standards. ingenuity /in-juh-NOO-i-tee/ [noun] – the quality of being clever, inventive, and resourceful Her ingenuity allowed her to solve the complex problem quickly. intricate /IN-tri-kit/ [adjective] – very detailed and complicated The detective struggled to solve the intricate puzzle left behind by the criminal. reinvigorate /ree-uhn-VI-gr-ayt/ [verb] – to give new energy or strength to something The coach’s motivational speech helped reinvigorate the team before the game. clientele /klahy-uhn-TEL/ [noun] – a…
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