
New NTT West Corp. job interview program

  Pre-reading questions: What are typical job interview questions? What do you think is the one of hardest questions asked during an interview? Does physical attributes contribute to a higher evaluation in an interview.   The NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone) West Corp. developed a program at Kansai University. The program analyzed students’ practice job interviews, and the results can be used to correct eye movements, gestures, and ways of speaking. Furthermore, a wristband checks the pulse and hand movements of the interviewee. Through camera and microphone, the program monitors facial expressions and counts how many times the speaker utters er or um. However, attitudes and mannerisms can also affect…
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Martin Luther King Jr.’s childhood home reopens to public

  Pre-reading questions: What is a historic site? Have you ever been to a historic site? Why are historic sites important?   After temporarily closing for repairs, Martin Luther King Jr.’s childhood home reopens. King is known for being an activist and a leader. His house at 450 Auburn Ave. N.E. is one of the buildings in the historic site in Atlanta, Georgia. It had to undergo repairs due to damages caused by daily visits, according to Judy Forte, superintendent of Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site in Atlanta. King’s birth home is partly open since only the first floor was restored. The upper floor of the landmark still…
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Miyagi school opens to public after the great 2011 tsunami attack

  Pre-reading questions: Do you know what a tsunami is? Do you know someone who has been affected by a tsunami? Can a tsunami be prevented? How?   A school in Miyagi prefecture was hit by the 2011 tsunami attack. The school opened to the public for the very first time. Vehicles swept in the 14-meter waves remain on the grounds of Miyagi Kesennuma Koyo High School. Debris are scattered all around the building. I thought I had known what the disaster was like from news, but seeing a car sitting on the third floor taught me how powerful the tsunami was, said Satoshi Tanaka, a Kanagawa prefectural government official….
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Paris Climate Change Agreement gains approval

  Pre-reading questions: What is climate change? What do you think causes climate change? How does climate change affect our way of living?   The Paris Agreement gains approval to prevent climate change. It aims to limit the global temperatures to 2°C or possibly to 1.5°C. However, the steps to accomplish the agreement are yet to be figured out. Fatih Birol, the executive director of the International Energy Agency in Paris, said that temperatures will still be up to 2.7°C even if the countries that signed the agreement fully achieve their primary promises. Some companies are still thinking of ways to address climate change. The agreement also made the market…
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Stolen Yahoo data for sale on dark web

Business - I

  Pre-reading questions: Do you have an email account? How long have you been using your email account? How important is security in email accounts?   Over one billion Yahoo accounts had been compromised in the hacking incident in 2013. Account owners’ personal data including phone numbers, passwords, security questions, and backup email addresses were illegally acquired in the process. It is considered the biggest data breach on the record. The stolen data had been for sale on the dark web, but since the incident had been disclosed to the public, the price was expected to decline. Investigators pointed the finger at Group E— a group of cybercriminals based in…
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Children’s love in a truck

  Pre-reading questions: How can a child express his love for his/her parents? Have you ever cheered for your parents before they go to work? Can a drawing cheer anyone up? Why?   A decorated truck has been launched by a transportation company in Takatsuki, Osaka Prefecture. The project is to provide emotional support for drivers and to avoid misfortune while on the road. At first, the management has thought upgrading driving equipment would be inadequate to avoid accidents. Now, they have found out that it’s important for drivers and the people they love to find peace while drivers are at work. This project is supported by 15 transportation companies…
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Experts urge malnutrition be cured to prevent health catastrophe

  Pre-reading questions: Do you always eat healthy food? What unhealthy food do you enjoy eating? Which kind of food do you enjoy more: healthy food or unhealthy food?   Malnutrition is considered among undernourished and obese people. A third of the world’s population is now affected by the problem. People who have unhealthy diet and lack regular exercise are also at risk. Middle income countries have increasing numbers of malnourished patients. Experts say that governments must take action to prevent it from becoming worst. Nutrition is a public issue and state responsibility. Governments should give more monetary assistance to grow healthy food. Agricultural research must focus on nutritious products….
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Panda twins in Atlanta zoo get names

  Pre-reading questions: How often do you visit the zoo? What is your favorite zoo animal? Where is the nearest zoo in your place?   ZOO ATLANTA – The newest super stars in the said zoo gained their names last Monday, December 12, 2016 . A naming ceremony for the cubs revealed that they would be called Ya Lun and Xi Lun. Ya means “elegant” and Xi means “happy” while Lun is derived from their mother, Lun Lun. Their names were decided thru public votes from seven pairs of names prepared by the zoo’s panda conservation partners in China. Marking their 100 days, CEO Raymond King expresses high hopes for…
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Schools for young offenders instead of jails

Pre-reading questions: What is the legal age in your country? Why do you think people younger than the legal age commit crimes? Justice Secretary Liz Truss unveils her plan to hold some youth offenders to schools rather than youth jails. This plan is part of the government’s efforts to prioritize education to rehabilitate and reduce re-offending. Truss said she will commit an additional £15 million a year for this project. Two schools will be launched where youth offenders will study core subjects such as English and Math. Youth offenders will also have access to work training and internship programs to make them productive upon release. These plans are part of…
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New York SantaCon

Pre-reading questions: How do you celebrate Christmas? What are the most popular Christmas food and drinks in your country? How is Christmas celebrated in your country? A Christmas fundraiser event invited all alcohol-loving people to SantaCon. SantaCon is an annual Christmas bar crawl. The organizers say SantaCon celebrates Christmas traditions of festive dress and good cheer. It also raises tens of thousands of dollars for charity. The said event took place last December 10. The annual bar crawl was held in 380 cities across the US and in 51 countries all over the world. In New York, the bar crawl started at 23rd street Broadway Pedestrian Plaza, The Flatiron Building….
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