Tag Archive: entertainment – expert
Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. compelling /kuhm-PEL-ing/ [adjective] – if a reason, argument, etc. is compelling, it makes you believe it or accept it because it is so strong The movie had a compelling story that kept everyone on the edge of their seats. nomination /nom-uh-NEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the act of officially suggesting someone or something for a job, position, or prize The film received several nominations for its outstanding visual effects. alongside /uh-LAWNG-SAHYD/ [preposition] – next to, or together with She walked alongside her friend as they chatted about their day. prestigious /pre-STIJ-uhs/ [adjective] – very much respected and admired,…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. veteran /VET-er-uhn/ [noun] – a person who has had a lot of experience of a particular activity After 30 years in the industry, he was considered a veteran in his field. resolute /REZ-uh-loot/ [adjective] – determined in character, action, or ideas Despite the setbacks, she remained resolute in achieving her goals. eligibility /eh-luh-juh-BI-luh-tee/ [noun] – the state of being qualified or entitled to do or receive something His high grades and extracurricular activities ensured his eligibility for the prestigious scholarship. triumph /TRAHY-uhmf/ [noun] – a very great success, achievement, or victory Their recent triumphs have solidified…
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©REUTERS/Hollie Adams Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. headline /HED-lahyn/ [verb] – to be the main performer or act in a show or event The famous comedian headlined the comedy festival with his hilarious stand-up routine. ensemble /ahn-SAHM-buhl/ [noun] – a group of musicians, actors, or dancers who perform together The orchestra’s ensemble included violins, cellos, flutes, and trumpets, creating a rich and harmonious sound. eclectic /ih-KLEK-tik/ [adjective] – deriving ideas, styles, or tastes from a broad and diverse range of sources Her artwork showcased an eclectic mix of abstract paintings, sculptures, and digital art. garner /GAHR-ner/ [verb] – to gather or…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. mogul /MOH-guhl/ [noun] – a powerful or influential person in a specific field, especially in business or entertainment The movie mogul announced plans to produce a series of blockbuster films over the next five years. catapult /KAT-uh-puhlt/ [verb] – to quickly move someone or something to a higher level of success or importance The young singer’s viral video helped catapult her to international stardom almost overnight. stratospheric /stra-tuh-SFEH-ruhk/ [adjective] – extremely high or great The company’s stratospheric profits this quarter exceeded all expectations. prominence /PROM-uh-nuhns/ [noun] – the state of being important, well-known, or noticeable The…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. depiction /dih-PIK-shuhn/ [noun] – the way that something is represented or shown The artist’s depiction of the bustling city street captured both the chaos and beauty of urban life. prominent /PROM-uh-nuhnt/ [adjective] – very well known and important She has become a prominent figure in the field of environmental activism. overshadow /oh-ver-SHAD-oh/ [verb] – to cause someone or something to seem less important or less happy The achievements of the other team members were overshadowed by the captain’s outstanding performance, making their contributions seem less significant. spearhead /SPEER-hed/ [verb] – to lead something such as an…
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©20th Century Studios/Marvel Studios via AP Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. stir up /stur uhp / [verb] – to cause excitement or agitation The politician’s speech stirred up strong emotions among the crowd. buzz /buhz / [noun] – excited or enthusiastic talk or gossip There was a buzz of excitement in the air as the concert date approached. debut /dey-BYOO/ [noun] – the first public appearance or performance of something The debut of the new smartphone model attracted a large crowd of eager customers to the store. portray /pawr-TREY/ [verb] – to represent or depict someone or something in a particular…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. hip-hop /HIP-hop / [noun] – a musical and cultural movement characterized by various elements such as rap, DJing, and breakdancing, often used for self-expression and social commentary Kids in the neighborhood enjoy practicing hip-hop dance moves at the community center. evolve /ih-VOLV / [verb] – to develop or change gradually over time Technology continues to evolve, offering new and improved gadgets every year. explicit /ik-SPLIS-it/ [adjective] – clearly expressed, leaving nothing implied; often used to describe content that is direct and straightforward, sometimes containing strong language or explicit details The teacher gave explicit instructions on how…
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©AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato, File Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. spark /spahrk/ [verb] – to cause something to start or develop, especially suddenly The teacher’s inspiring words sparked a newfound interest in science among her students. pioneer /pahy-uh-NEER/ [noun ] – a person who is one of the first people to do something Marie Curie was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, paving the way for future generations of scientists thought-provoking /THAWT-proh-voh-king/ [adejctive] – making you think a lot about a subject The thought-provoking documentary challenged viewers to reconsider their opinions on climate change. resonate /REZ-uh-neyt/ [verb] – to have particular…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. exceed /ik-SEED/ [verb] – to be greater than a number or amount, or to go past an allowed limit The company’s sales exceeded expectations, reaching a new record in the fourth quarter. consensus /kuhn-SEN-suhs / [noun] – the average or general expectation or agreement among financial analysts or experts regarding a particular financial metric, such as per-share earnings The tech company’s quarterly profits of $1.90 per share fell short of consensus estimates by 5 cents, disappointing investors who were expecting stronger financial performance. revenue /REV-uhn-yoo/ [noun] – the income that a government or company receives regularly…
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©REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. reformed /ri-FAWRMD/ [adjective] – having been changed or improved for the better The town implemented reformed policies to address environmental concerns. ethical /ETH-i-kuhl / [adjective] – relating to beliefs about what is morally right and wrong The company made an ethical decision to prioritize sustainability over profit. voter /VOH-ter/ [noun] – a person who votes or who has a legal right to vote, especially in an election The citizens eagerly lined up, ready to exercise their rights as voters in the upcoming election. dispute /dih-SPYOOT/ [noun] – a disagreement or argument The neighbors settled…
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