Tag Archive: Health & Lifestyle – Expert

Food color shapes perception


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. perception /per-SEP-shuhn/ [noun] – the way something is understood, interpreted, or viewed Public perception of electric vehicles has improved as more people recognize their environmental benefits. synthetic /sin-THET-ik/ [adjective] – made by chemical or artificial processes rather than being naturally produced Many athletes prefer synthetic fabrics because they are lightweight and moisture-resistant. dye /dahy/ [noun] – a substance used to color materials, such as fabrics, hair, or food Textile manufacturers use various natural and synthetic dyes to produce vibrant clothing colors. additive /AD-i-tiv/ [noun] – a substance that is added to food in order to improve…
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Weight-loss medications show potential in managing unhealthy cravings


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. agonist /AG-uh-nist/ [noun] – a substance that stimulates a response when it binds to a receptor in the body The doctor explained that the drug acts as an agonist to reduce cravings. mimic /MIM-ik/ [verb] – to copy the way someone or something behaves, looks, or moves The medicine mimics natural hormones to help control appetite. satiety /suh-TAHY-i-tee/ [noun] – the feeling of being full after eating and no longer wanting more Eating fiber-rich foods helps increase satiety and reduces unnecessary snacking. dependency /dih-PEN-duhn-see/ [noun] – a state of needing something regularly, often because of addiction…
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Workplace napping gains attention as companies weigh productivity and well-being

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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. cognitive /KOG-ni-tiv/ [adjective] – connected with thinking or conscious mental processes The brain exercises are designed to improve cognitive skills, such as memory and focus. efficiency /ih-FISH-uhn-see/ [noun] – the quality of doing something well with no waste of time or resources The new software increased efficiency by reducing the time needed to process data. regulation /reg-yuh-LEY-shuhn/ [noun] – an official rule or law that controls how something is done The company must follow safety regulations to ensure a secure working environment. phenomenon /fi-NOM-uh-non/ [noun] – something that exists and can be seen, felt, or experienced,…
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Pug Rescue South Africa provides safe haven for abandoned dogs


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. sanctuary /SANGK-choo-er-ee/ [noun] – a place of safety, protection, or refuge The wildlife sanctuary provides a safe home for injured and endangered animals. dispute /dih-SPYOOT/ [noun] – disagreement or argument between people or groups The ongoing disputes between the two companies delayed the finalization of their contract. prone /prohn/ [adjective] – likely to experience or suffer from something Children who do not get enough sleep are more prone to colds and flu. unforeseen /uhn-for-seen/ [adjective] – not expected or predicted The company faced unforeseen challenges when launching its new product overseas. conscientious /kon-shee-EN-shuhs/ [adjective] – wishing…
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Nutrition experts recommend healthy cooking methods


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. bioavailability /bahy-oh-uh-vey-luh-BIL-i-tee/ [noun] – the extent to which nutrients or other substances can be absorbed and used by the body Researchers are studying ways to enhance the bioavailability of certain medications to improve their effectiveness. deplete /dih-PLEET/ [verb] – to reduce the amount or availability of something Excessive use of chemical fertilizers depletes the soil of essential nutrients, affecting crop yields. lycopene /LAHY-kuh-peen/ [noun] – a red pigment and antioxidant found in tomatoes and some other red fruits, known for its health benefits Watermelon is another fruit rich in lycopene, which may help protect the skin…
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US public health reforms target obesity, ultra-processed foods, and school lunches

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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. advocate /AD-vuh-keyt/ [noun] – a person who supports or speaks in favor of an idea, policy, or cause An advocate for health reforms spoke about reducing harmful food additives. compliance /kuhm-PLAHY-uhns/ [noun] – the act of obeying a law, rule, or request Compliance with the new food safety regulations is essential for food producers. obstacle /OB-stuh-kuhl/ [noun] – something that blocks progress or makes achieving a goal difficult The high cost of healthier meals was an obstacle to reforming school lunches. proponent /pruh-POH-nuhnt/ [noun] – a person who supports an idea, policy, or plan Proponents of…
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Guide to yoga styles finds the best fit for beginners


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. integrate /IN-ti-greyt / [verb] – to combine two or more things so that they work together This program integrates real-world applications with theoretical knowledge for a comprehensive understanding. precision /pri-SIZH-uhn/ [noun] – the quality of being exact The surgeon’s precision during the operation ensured the patient’s quick recovery. sequence /SEE-kwuhns/ [noun] – a series of things that follow each other in a particular order The director arranged the film sequences to create a gripping narrative. akin /uh-KIN/ [adjective] – similar to something The teamwork required in basketball is akin to that needed in corporate projects. versatility…
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New treatment lowers blood pressure for difficult cases


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. persistent /per-SIS-tuhnt/ [adjective] – continuing to exist or endure over a prolonged period She had a persistent cough, which prompted her to visit a doctor for further tests. invasive /in-VEY-siv/ [adjective] – involving entry into the body by cutting or inserting instruments Researchers are developing less invasive techniques to diagnose complex medical conditions. artery /AHR-tuh-ree/ [noun] – one of the thick tubes that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body Clogged arteries can lead to serious health issues such as heart attacks or strokes. catheter /KATH-i-ter/ [noun] – a long, very thin…
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People keep balance to stay healthy as they age


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. inevitable /in-EV-i-tuh-buhl/ [adjective] – certain to happen, unavoidable Accidents are inevitable when drivers do not follow the road rules. geriatrician /jer-ee-uh-TRISH-un/ [noun] – a medical doctor specializing in the care of older adults The geriatrician recommended regular health check-ups for elderly patients. unsteady /uhn-STED-ee/ [adjective] – lacking stability or balance The boat became unsteady when the wind picked up. physical therapist /FIZ-i-kuhl THER-uh-pist/ [noun] – a healthcare professional specializing in physical rehabilitation After the surgery, he visited a physical therapist to regain strength in his knee. consistently /kuhn-SIS-tuhnt-lee/ [adverb] – in a regular or unchanging manner…
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COVID-19 transforms the world and challenges public health


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. vulnerable /VUHL-ner-uh-buhl/ [adjective] – exposed to the possibility of being harmed or attacked Children with chronic illnesses are vulnerable to infections during flu season. inequitable /in-EK-wi-tuh-buhl/ [adjective] – unfair or biased The school’s funding distribution was inequitable, favoring wealthier districts. disparity /dih-SPAR-i-tee/ [noun] – difference or inequality, especially those related to unfairness There are significant disparities in education quality between urban and rural areas. affluent /AF-loo-uhnt/ [adjective] – having a lot of money or wealth Affluent neighborhoods often have better access to quality healthcare. variant /VAIR-ee-uhnt / [noun] – a different form or version of something…
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