Tag Archive: world news – expert

Netherlands to return stolen artifacts to Sri Lanka and Indonesia


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. legacy /LEG-uh-see / [noun] – something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time The artist left behind a powerful legacy of groundbreaking artwork that continues to inspire. diplomacy /dih-PLOH-muh-see / [noun] – the management of relationships between countries The country’s foreign policy prioritizes diplomacy as a means to resolve conflicts and maintain international relations. confront /kuhn-FRUHNT/ [verb] – to face, meet, or deal with a difficult situation or person It takes courage to confront your fears and overcome them. symbolic /sim-BOL-ik/ [adjective] – representing something else The Statue of…
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Heatwave impact – Summer’s new face


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. unprecedented /uhn-PRES-i-den-tid/ [adjective] – never having happened or existed in the past The company achieved unprecedented success with its latest product launch, breaking all previous sales records. severity /suh-VER-i-tee/ [noun] – seriousness The severity of the storm led to widespread power outages and significant property damage. irreversible /ir-i-VUR-suh-buhl/ [adjective] – not possible to change; impossible to return to a previous condition The damage caused by the earthquake was irreversible, leaving the town in ruins and displacing its residents. swiftly /SWIFT-lee/ [adverb] – describes the manner or way in which an action is done, emphasizing speed or…
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Unleash your adventurous spirit in a remote Scottish archipelago

scottish archipelago

©Nicola Colombo/Getty Images Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. faraway /FAHR-uh-WEY/ [adjective] – a long way away I love reading adventure stories that transport me to faraway lands filled with mystical creatures and ancient treasures. scatter /SKAT-er/ [verb] – The children gleefully scattered colorful confetti into the air, watching as it floated and spread in all directions, creating a vibrant and festive atmosphere. After the strong wind blew through the park, leaves were scattered everywhere, creating a colorful and vibrant carpet on the ground. untouched /uhn-TUHCHT/ [adjective] – not changed or spoiled in any way The ancient ruins of Machu Picchu have…
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Mysteries of a newly found ancient city

maya city

©ZRC SAZU Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. elaborate /ih-LAB-er-it/ [adjective] – containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts In order to better understand the complex historical event, the teacher provided an elaborate explanation using visuals and detailed examples, which helped the students grasp the topic more easily. pyramid /PIR-uh-mid / [noun] – a solid object with a square base and four triangular sides that form a point at the top During our trip to Egypt, we marveled at the grandeur of the ancient pyramids, colossal structures built by the pharaohs as tombs for their rulers, showcasing the remarkable…
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Unveiling the rediscovery of The Chocolate Islands

choco island

©HBD Príncipe Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. heritage /HER-i-tij/ [noun] – features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings, that were created in the past and still have historical importance My family and I visited a historical museum to learn about our country’s rich heritage by exploring artifacts and discovering the traditions of our ancestors. legacy /LEG-uh-see/ [noun] – something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time Despite facing numerous challenges, Martin Luther King Jr. left behind a powerful legacy of peaceful activism, inspiring future generations to…
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Unleash the power of drawing


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. outlet /OUT-let/ [noun] – a way in which emotion or energy can be expressed or made use of: Art can serve as a creative outlet, allowing individuals to express their emotions and channel their energy into beautiful and meaningful creations. convey /kuhn-VEY/ [verb] – to express a thought, feeling, or idea so that it is understood by other people Through her heartfelt speech, the speaker was able to convey her gratitude and appreciation to all those who had supported her throughout her journey. profound /pruh-FOUND/ [adjective] – felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme…
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How white roofs cool homes in Indian slums


©Mitul Kajaria Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. scorching /SKAWR-ching/ [adjective] – very hot After spending the entire day under the scorching sun, I was relieved to finally find shade and cool down with a refreshing drink. reliance /ri-LAHY-uhns/ [noun] – the state of depending on or trusting in something or someone Many people have a heavy reliance on their smartphones for communication and accessing information. appliance /uh-PLAHY-uhns/ [noun] – a device, machine, or piece of equipment, especially an electrical one that is used in the house, such as a stove or washing machine My mom uses a dishwasher as a helpful…
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Canada implements nationwide ban on animal testing for cosmetics

Brown rabbit on couch. Veterinarian trims claws. Doctors in gloves.

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. legislation /lej-is-LEY-shuhn/ [noun] – a law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament The government passed legislation to regulate the use of social media platforms and protect users’ privacy. ethical /ETH-i-kuhl/ [adjective] – morally right The organization’s decision to boycott suppliers with unethical labor practices demonstrates its commitment to ethical sourcing. advocate /ad-vuh-kit/ [noun] – someone who speaks for, supports, or represents a person or group of people who may need extra help or protection The advocate for mental health awareness worked to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illnesses…
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Safety tips for outdoor adventures


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. caution /KAW-shuhn/ [noun] – great care and attention Before crossing the street, it is important to look both ways and proceed with caution to ensure your safety. trigger /TRIG-er / [verb] – to cause something to start Loud noises can sometimes trigger anxiety in people who are sensitive to sound. instinct /IN-stingkt / [noun] – the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn about it Even without any prior training, a mother dog relies on her instincts to protect and care for her puppies. clasp /klasp/ [verb] – to…
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Google to block Canadian news in response to new media legislation


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. legislation /lej-is-LEY-shuhn / [noun] – a law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament The government is considering new legislation to protect endangered species and their habitats. amend /uh-MEND/ [verb] – to change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document The government plans to amend the immigration policy in order to make it more inclusive and fair for all applicants. deem /deem/ [verb] – to consider or judge something in a particular way The teacher will deem the project successful if it meets all…
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