Pilot gives tips for coping with jet lag

Passengers count on their airline pilots and crews to be alert while they are on board, flying across the globe from 35 to 39 thousand feet. Pilots simply don’t have the luxury of sleeping off jet lag-induced exhaustion, so learning how to handle it is an obligation in their lifestyle. Pilots drain their days and nights flying across all kinds of time zones. They have to know how to deal with lethargy, which is why at Southwest they incorporate their training on how to beat jet lag. Managing jet lag is a job stipulation for them. R.J. Deutschendorf, a system chief pilot at Southwest Airlines aforementioned that you have to train for it.

And he’s willing to pass along some of the tips he learned in his years as a pilot to everyone who’s planning to cross the friendly skies. Staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do, he said. The number one beverage is water. Soft drinks, sugary juices, or diet sodas will not do as well of a job, so crews and passengers are advised to drink as much water as possible. Limit caffeine intake but use it as necessary to stay alert. Watch your diet, keep the sugar to a minimum so you don’t experience highs and crashes afterwards. Get a consistent rest, you have to make adjustments and allowances on your body clock. Go easy on alcohol, passengers should be aware that much alcohol will make feel you more fatigued. Lastly, sleep on the plane so you can arrive at your destination with fresh eyes.
drain – give; spend
lethargy – tiredness; inactivity
incorporate – include; combine
stipulation – condition of agreement
caffeine – hot beverage made from beans of a tree
True or False:

  1. Pilots drain their days and nights flying across all kinds of time zones.
  2. Pilots train themselves to cope with jet lag.
  3. The number one beverage is coffee.
  4. Limit alcohol intake but use it as necessary to stay alert.
  5. Passengers should avoiding sleeping on the plane.

Defend your argument:

  1. “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live in.
  2. “The greatest wealth is health.”
  3. “Your future depends on your dreams, so go to sleep.”
  4. “Travelling is good for your health and necessary for your amusement.”

Express your opinion:

  1. What are the effects of sleep deprivation?
  2. Which tip from the chief pilot did you find the most helpful?
  3. In what ways do you handle jet lag?