Monthly Archive: June 2020

Work and safety during the pandemic: What can offices do?

thermal cam2

Pre-Reading Questions: How often do you go inside buildings? Do you think technology can keep us safe? Why or why not? Vocabulary: policy /POL-uh-see/ [noun] a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed to officially by a group of people When will the new no-smoking policy be implemented? conform /kuhn-FAWRM/ [verb] to obey a rule or reach the necessary stated standard All employees are expected to conform to the company’s rules. arrangement /uh-REYNJ-muhnt/ [noun] a group of objects that have been put in a particular order or position The flower arrangement Hana gave me was beautiful. device /dih-VAHYS/ [noun] an…
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Work and safety during the pandemic: What can offices do?

thermal cam2

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you have many phone apps? Do you think all buildings are safe? Vocabulary: lift /lift/ [verb] to end a rule or law The suspension will be lifted next week. advanced /ad-VANST/ [adjective] modern and well developed The applicant needs advanced computer skills to be hired. temperature /TEM-per-uh-cher/ [noun] the measured amount of heat in a place or in the body It’s important to take a person’s temperature when he or she has a fever. factory /FAK-tuh-ree/ [noun] a building or set of buildings where large amounts of goods are made using machines Nina works in a shoe factory. especially /ih-SPESH-uh-lee/ [adverb] for a particular reason The Philippines…
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Work and safety during the pandemic: What can offices do?

thermal cam2

Vocabulary: no-brainer /NOH-BREY-ner/ [noun, informal] something that is very simple to do or to understand The decision was made in an instant since the proposal was a no-brainer. surmise /ser-MAHYZ/ [verb] to decide something is true without having complete information or proof Ethan surmised that the accusation was false and turns out, he was right. hot-desking /hot-desking/ [noun] the practice of using any available desk in an office rather than having your own desk Some employers nowadays use hot-desking as a way to save office space. viable /VAHY-uh-buhl/ [adjective] able to work as intended or able to succeed Can you provide us with other viable options for this software to…
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COE says, “Olympic athletes back into the competition… Only when it is safe”


Pre-reading questions: Do you agree to cancel the Olympic Games? Explain your answer. What can you say about the Olympic Games being postponed? Vocabulary: concern /kuhn-SURN/ [verb] a worried or nervous feeling about something, or something that makes you feel worried The company postponed its monthly event for they are concerned about their employees status. manage /MAN-ij/ [verb] to succeed in doing something, esp. something difficult He was not able to manage the misunderstandings within his team. remedy /REM-i-dee/ [noun] a successful way of curing an illness or dealing with a problem or difficulty Sleeping is the best remedy for headaches. constantly /KAAN-stuhnt-lee/ [adverb] all the time or often They…
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COE says, “Olympic athletes back into the competition… Only when it is safe”


Pre-reading questions: Do you watch the Olympic games? Do you play any sports? Vocabulary: worried /WUR-eed/ [adjective] unhappy because you are thinking about problems or unpleasant things that might happen He is worried about his friend who has a fever. control /kuhn-TROHL/ [verb] to order, limit, or rule something, or someone’s actions or behavior They cannot control the number of people who want to travel. difficult /DIF-i-kuhlt/ [adjective] not easy or simple; hard to do or to understand It will be difficult to travel alone. medicine /MED-uh-sin/ [noun] treatment for illness or injury They are trying to make medicines using coconut oil. soon /soon/ [adverb] In or within a short…
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COE says, “Olympic athletes back into the competition… Only when it is safe”


Vocabulary: peril /PER-uhl/ [noun] great danger, or something that is very dangerous His financial stability has been in peril for the past few years. pandemic /pan-DEM-ik/ [noun] a dangerous disease that infects many people at one time Scientists are trying their best to fight the deadly pandemic the world is currently facing. curtail /ker-TEYL/ [verb] to stop something before it is finished, or to reduce or limit something The Congress is trying to curtail the country’s problems before the year ends. fulfill /fool-FIL/ [verb] to do something that is expected, hoped for, or promised, or to cause it to happen He can fulfill any task that requires meticulous attention to…
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Recovering from the coronavirus: How long does it take?


Pre-Reading Questions: Have you ever gone to the hospital because of a serious health problem? What do you usually eat when you are sick? Vocabulary: heal /heel/ [verb] to make or become well again, especially after a cut or other injury His lip had begun to heal, but signs of a burn remained. symptom /SIMP-tuhm/ [noun] any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular disease No one could tell why the girl felt bad before her symptom of extreme morning pain was exposed. average /AV-er-ij/ [noun] a standard or level that is considered to be typical or usual I work an average of…
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