Monthly Archive: December 2017

Steven Tyler opens Janie’s House


Vocabulary: advocate – someone who publicly supports a particular policy or movement He has been an advocate of social change for years. interior design – the art of carrying out designs for rooms, offices, etc. Rose took up a course in interior design. despair – a feeling that everything is wrong and nothing will improve She looked at her husband in despair. philanthropic – helping people, especially by giving money to those in need The concert was sponsored by a philanthropic organization. endeavor – an effort or attempt to do something Our endeavor is for the bright future of our children. culmination – the highest or climactic point of something,…
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Steven Tyler opens Janie’s House


Pre-reading questions: How do you feel about the violence happening around the world? What do you think is the best way to help victims of violence?   Vocabulary: sanctuary – a safe and comfortable place All she wants is the sanctuary her house offers her after a day’s work. downtrodden – treated badly or unfairly This organization aims to help downtrodden women and children. iconic – very famous and well-known His songs are very iconic. movement – a group of people with a particular set of aims The citizens started a movement to change the government. grasp – to understand something He was finding it difficult to grasp what happened…
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Steven Tyler opens Janie’s House


Pre-reading questions: Do you usually give money to the poor? Why or why not? Do you like helping the people around you? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: abuse [verb] – to treat someone in a cruel way Tom abused my friend. rehab [noun] – process of helping someone to give up drugs or any other unhealthy habits He’s better after spending time in rehab. campus [noun] – an area of a school or organization Aiko had a tour of the campus. therapy [noun] – a form of treatment for an illness Massage is a good therapy. victim [noun] – someone who has been hurt or harmed There were a lot of victims…
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China warns borrowers to pay up or be shamed

World News - Expert

Vocabulary: publicize – to make a fact or event widely known to the public The author appeared on television to publicize her latest book. mandate – to carry out a particular policy or task given by an authorized official All high school students were mandated to wear their school ID in the campus. go an extra mile – to make a special effort to do or achieve something The president is determined to go the extra mile for the sake of peace. database – a collection of data arranged for ease and speed of retrieval The library lists all books available on an electronic database that is easily accessed via…
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China warns borrowers to pay up or be shamed

World News - Intermediate

Pre-reading questions: What do you think about lending money to your friends or family members? Please explain your answer. What do you think about borrowing money from the bank? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: platform – an opportunity to make your ideas or beliefs known publicly Facebook is a social media platform widely used across the world. screen – to investigate an individual to make sure that he/she is unlikely to cause problems The Human Resource Department screens all applicants thoroughly. credibility – the quality of being believed or trusted The jury had doubts about the credibility of some of the witnesses. debtor – a person, organization, or country that…
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China warns borrowers to pay up or be shamed

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: Is it easy to borrow some money in your country? Please explain your answer. Is it a bad habit to borrow money from friends? Please explain your anwer. Vocabulary: credit [noun] – a method of buying products that allows you to pay for them in the future The bank offered her a small business credit. behavior [noun] – the way someone acts Anna is tired of her brother’s behavior. borrower [noun] – a person who owes money A borrower should always pay what he owes. billboard [noun] – a large outdoor board for displaying advertisements I saw my friend’s picture on billboard. ban [verb] – to prevent someone…
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Google keeps a list of everyone’s search history


Vocabulary: information – facts about something or someone The teacher will give us some information about the new project. include – a part of something They included me in the dance club. consumer – a person who purchases goods and services for personal use Consumers prefer quality over quantity. advertisement – a paid notice that tells people about a product or service I like the new advertisement of Samsung. user – someone who uses a product or service Internet users like Asahi Net’s fast connection. Google keeps a record of the things that people search for on the internet. The site collects information on searches, browsing history including YouTube videos….
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