Monthly Archive: August 2018
Pre-reading questions: Do you know any cartoon characters? Please explain your answer. Are cartoon characters still popular? Why or why not? Vocabulary: railway /REYL-wey/ [noun] the metal tracks on which trains run There isn’t any railway service on Sundays. feature /FEE-cher/ [verb] to include something as an important part The movie features James Dean as a rebellious teenager. theme /theem/ [noun] the subject of a talk, book, film, etc. The theme of loss runs through most of his novels. promote /pruh-MOHT/ [verb] to encourage people to like, buy, use, do, or support something Martha Stewart promotes her products successfully. attraction /uh-TRAK-shuh n/ [noun] something that makes people want to go to…
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Vocabulary: patron /PEY-truhn/ [noun] to be a regular customer of a shop or restaurant, etc. The artistic restaurant has many patrons like artists and writers during the 1920s. chime /chahym/ [noun] a ringing sound I was woken up by the chimes of the cathedral bell. carriage /KAR-ij/ [noun] any of the separate parts of a train in which the passengers sit The Queen’s carriage headed the procession. showcase /SHOH-keys/ [verb] to show the best qualities or parts of something They showcase the work of some of the most gifted artists in the world. passenger /PAS-uhn-jer/ [noun] a person who is travelling in a vehicle but is not driving it, flying…
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Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like taking the bullet train? Explain your answer. What do you think about Hello Kitty characters? Vocabulary: region /REE-juhn/ [noun] an area of a country The army has been brought in to maintain order in the region. prefecture /PREE-fek-cher/ [noun] a political region or local government area in some countries Each prefecture is divided into cities, towns and villages. exclusive /ik-SKLOO-siv/ [adjective] limited to only one person or group of people You can watch exclusive video clips and audio clips on our website. on the other hand /on thee uhth-er hand/ [phrase] from a different, conflicting, or contradictory point of view My husband likes classical music….
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Beginner Intermediate Expert
Beginner Intermediate Expert
Vocabulary: beta /BEY-tuh/ [noun] a test of machinery, software, etc. in the final stages of its development Some serious problems with the software were reported during the beta test. disclose /dih-SKLOHZ/ [verb] to give information to the public that was not known before The journalist decided not to disclose her sources. bug /buhg/ [noun] (informal) an error in a computer program or device We hope he removes all bugs in the software by tomorrow. brick /brik/ [verb] (informal) to make an electronic device useless Take good care of your tablet if you don’t want it bricked. rundown /RUHN-doun/ [noun] a quick review that gives important points about something This short…
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Pre-Reading Questions: What is the brand of your smartphone? Do you like using your smartphone? Why or why not? Vocabulary: public /PUHB-lik/ [noun] all people The park is open to the public. version /VUR-zhuhn/ [noun] a different form of something My favorite book has many versions. include /in-KLOOD/ [verb] to add something as a part of something else The report includes other important information. spend /spend/ [verb] to use time or money on something He spends a lot of time playing computer games. represent /rep-ri-ZENT/ [verb] to show a thing as someone or something else Bill will represent the school for the event tomorrow. Apple finally released iOS 12 to…
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Pre-Reading Questions: How often do you use your smartphone? What apps do you have on your smartphone? Vocabulary: operating system /OP-uh-rey-ting SIS-tuhm/ [noun] software that makes other programs and applications usable The virus has damaged the operating system of his computer. feature /FEE-cher/ [noun] an important characteristic, part, or trait of something An interesting feature of this city is its old market. application /ap-li-KEY-shuhn/ [noun] a program designed for a particular purpose You should delete any applications you don’t use anymore. enhancement /en-HANS-ment/ [noun] a change that improves something The image had some enhancements to show more detail. customized /KUHS-tuh-mahyzd/ [adjective] made or changed according to the user’s needs My…
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Beginner Intermediate Expert
Pre-reading questions: Do you think money is important? Please explain. How do you save money? Vocabulary: limited /LIM-i-tid/ [adjective] kept within a particular size, range, time etc. Time during examinations is limited. donation /doh-NEY-shuhn/ [noun] when money or goods are given to help a person or organization My family sent a donation to the animal shelter. lower /LOH-er/ [verb] to make something smaller in size, amount, or price They lowered the price of milk in convenience stores. send /send/ [verb] to cause something to go from one place to another I sent a letter to my aunt this morning. poor /poor/ [adjective] having very little money or few things The…
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