We all want something special for our fathers, who work tirelessly for us day and night. There are countless enjoyable activities you can do with your family that don’t need the big bucks. Check out the ideas below on what you can do for the pillar of the home:

1. Start with the basics: a Father’s Day card
Gather your paper, pens or pencils, and coloring materials to create a masterpiece for Dad. Leave heartwarming messages to show your gratitude and to give him the strength he needs on a daily basis. Keep everything handmade for that personal touch!

2. Sunday Funday!
Consider his favorite meal and make preparations ahead of time. Surprise him with breakfast in bed or cook together; either way works. Dad will undoubtedly adore every moment of it regardless.

3. Movie marathon
Set up the TV, play his favorite movies, and accompany him. Dad will love nothing more than a relaxing day with his family. Make sure the popcorn has the right powder flavor!

4. Have a Father’s Day picnic
Choose the perfect outdoor location to spend time with your father and family. Plan activities as well: a picnic is about more than just the food!

Our fathers are known fighters who put in long hours to ensure that the family’s needs are met. However, every warrior needs its sidekick. It’s up to us to support our all-time favorite superhero!