If you search for #ねこねこチーズケーキ (Neko Neko Cheesecake) on Instagram, you’ll be surprised to see how popular these cat-shaped cheesecakes are in Japan. Everyone in the nation is eager to sample these delicious goodies, and for good reason, of course!

Enjoy all the cheese flavors and the energizing properties of milk with the cheesecake experience from All Hearts Co., Ltd. They are the perfect size when you want a small treat that won’t tempt you to consume a whole bucket of ice cream. But the cuteness overload doesn’t stop there. Even if you had no idea what these were, the packaging would likely catch your eye on any visit to FamilyMart. You come across a sweet cat requesting you to give it a piece of your delicious cheesecake. Its best quality might be the endearing name on the packaging: “にゃんともおいしいチーズケーキ” (nyan tomo oishii cheesecake). It’s a smart play on the Japanese terms “nan tomo oishii,” which means “very tasty,” and “nyan”, which translates to “meow”. It clearly indicates what’s inside!

They were put on the market on May 17, 2022, and at just 220 yen per serving, the price is shockingly affordable for such a sweet treat. It’s time to collect all of your loose 100 yen coins and head to the neighborhood FamilyMart for a purrfect snack!