The ability to access the digital world is something that the majority of us take for granted and don’t even consider until it is taken away.

The connected world goes crazy when a messenger service goes down for an hour. You lose your sense of direction, your wallet, and your ability to call a ride home when you leave your phone in a cab. You discover what it’s like to live without connection all of a sudden, and you’re totally unprepared. Our ability to gaze beyond the here and now and explore and dream of a world yet to come is made possible by being digitally connected to the world around us. It keeps people connected across great distances, gives you access to any kind of information and education you might ever want to pursue, and opens doors to countless opportunities for individuals of all ages. We imagine a world that is internationally connected because that is what we experience on a daily basis, yet for many people, those connections are still a faraway fantasy. The revolution and opportunity that connection may bring to 2.7 billion individuals and their rural villages are still awaiting them.

For more than three decades, Huawei has worked tirelessly to connect the disconnected across the world’s most difficult terrains, including rainforests, oceans, deserts, and islands. Building economic and social value together allows businesses to prosper and communities to become stronger, no matter where they are on the globe. Due to this, nearly 120 million individuals in rural areas across more than 80 countries will now have connectivity thanks to Huawei’s ICT solutions, including RuralStar.