A wide and varied ecosystem of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and archaea, can be found in the human gut. These bacteria have evolved alongside humans for millions of years, outnumbering our own cells by a wide margin. Recent studies, however, indicate that the influence of gut bacteria on our lives may be far greater than previously believed.

This study’s major discovery is that gut bacteria may have an immediate effect on cognitive performance. According to studies, a sophisticated web of neurological, hormonal, and immunological processes links the gut and brain. This indicates that gut bacteria and the brain can connect and affect our thoughts and behaviors. As a result of this research, new treatments have been developed for a variety of mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. For instance, several studies have revealed that probiotics, which are dietary supplements containing beneficial microorganisms, can lessen the signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression. To sum up, the gut microbiota is crucial to human health and well-being.

Researchers may be able to create new treatments for mental health issues and enhance general brain function by better comprehending the intricate interaction between the gut and the brain. Remember that every time you use the restroom and shed some of these microorganisms, you are becoming more human, advises John Cryan, a professor of anatomy and neurology at University College Cork.