Climate change is no longer a distant threat that may happen in the future. It is happening right now, and we can already see its devastating effects worldwide. As a reflection of our society, literature, and cinema have also been tackling this pressing issue. However, some works have been criticized for their inaccurate depictions of the future.

Climate fiction, a subgenre of science fiction, has been particularly scrutinized for its flawed portrayals of the climate crisis. Snowpiercer, a post-apocalyptic film set on a train, is a prime example of how climate fiction can go wrong. While it is true that climate change will lead to extreme weather conditions and the displacement of millions of people, the idea of an unending ice age is highly unlikely. Furthermore, relying solely on technology as a solution to combat climate change is not enough. We need to implement policy reforms, engage in collective action, and make systemic changes to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Although climate fiction has a critical role to play in raising awareness about the climate crisis, it is essential to present a realistic view of what the future might hold. It is time for climate fiction to reflect our current situation and the challenges we face and present actionable solutions.