Beluga whale Hvaldimir has entered Swedish waters after a four-year journey along the Norwegian coast. In 2019, Hvaldimir gained global attention when he was seen wearing a harness believed to be associated with Russian military training. OneWhale, an organization focused on protecting the whale’s welfare, reported the sighting and praised Sweden for its efforts to safeguard Hvaldimir. Sweden promptly contacted OneWhale and closed a bridge to ensure its safety. According to the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries, Hvaldimir has been traveling along the Norwegian coast since 2019, occasionally stopping at fish farms to feed. The whale is known for interacting with boats and playing with people on board. Concerns were raised as Hvaldimir approached Oslo, a densely populated area, increasing the risk of harm through human contact.

Experts suggest Hvaldimir is a trained animal, as indicated by the specially designed harness adorned with “Equipment St. Petersburg” markings and camera mounts. It is alleged that the whale came from Russia and may have been trained by the Russian Navy for various military tasks. Although Hvaldimir’s situation in Sweden remains challenging due to the high population density, both OneWhale and the Swedish authorities are committed to ensuring the whale’s well-being. The presence of Hvaldimir in Scandinavian waters draws attention to the interest and concerns surrounding marine animals’ potential involvement in military operations.