In the enchanting Gatorland Park in Florida, an extraordinary alligator named “Jawlene” has captured the hearts of visitors and locals. Jawlene, a female alligator, receives special care from the dedicated crocodile expert, Savannah Boan. The community chose her name, showing their desire to see her thrive. Jawlene’s journey reflects the park’s team’s dedication and her own remarkable resilience. She has gained a slight weight of approximately 0.01 ounces due to the team’s unwavering commitment to her well-being.

CEO Mark McHugh of Gatorland shared heartwarming news about Jawlene’s progress. She can now self-feed by independently consuming two mice using the back of her tongue. While discussions about fitting Jawlene with a prosthetic upper jaw have arisen, the park’s administration wisely decided to postpone such measures. Their primary focus is to ensure that Jawlene fully adjusts to her new home and attains the necessary weight for a healthier future. Mark McHugh’s deep affection for this remarkable alligator reinforces her role as a symbol of resilience and hope at Gatorland Park, demonstrating the enduring commitment of both the park’s team and the broader community to her well-being.