Apple’s latest groundbreaking creation, the Vision Pro headset, is set to shake up how people watch TV at home and use computers at work. Priced at $3,500, this innovative device blends three-dimensional digital content with real-world views, aiming to outdo traditional TVs and Mac computers. It is now available in Apple stores across the United States, but it faces competition from cheaper options offered by Meta Platforms, HTC, and others that mainly target gamers.

Despite its high price, the Vision Pro stands out with its custom computing chips and advanced displays. Notably, major streaming services like Netflix and YouTube have not committed to making dedicated apps for it, opting instead to rely on the Safari web browser. However, Apple’s long-term partnership with Walt Disney has led to the creation of an immersive Disney+ app for the Vision Pro. This app transports viewers into different settings, offering unique experiences with popular movies like “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” and “Avengers: Endgame.” While it may not become an instant hit, the Vision Pro has the potential to revolutionize how we consume media and enhance live events and theme park visits. Its collaboration with Disney showcases its ability to engage users with compelling stories and characters. Despite uncertainties regarding its alignment with Steve Jobs’ vision, experts believe the Vision Pro offers versatility beyond traditional TVs, making it appealing to businesses, akin to the early days of the Mac computer.