Author Archive: admin

Energy-storing bricks: A new renewable energy potential


© The D’Arcy Laboratory in Washington via CNN Pre-reading questions: Do you try to save energy? Do you recycle? Vocabulary: find /fahynd/ [verb] — to discover, especially where a thing or person is, either unexpectedly or by searching, or to discover where to get or how to achieve something They found out that Alyssa went to the US. magazine /MAG-uh-zeen/ [noun] — a type of thin book with large pages and a paper cover that contains articles and photographs and is published every week or month The international boyband, BTS, was featured on TIME Magazine. pump /puhmp/ [verb] — to force liquid or gas to move somewhere Did you know…
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Energy-storing bricks: A new renewable energy potential


© The D’Arcy Laboratory in Washington via CNN Vocabulary: embed /em-BED/ [verb] — to fix something firmly into a substance The arrow embedded itself in the tree trunk. advance /ad-VANS/ [verb] — move forward The troop of soldiers advanced to the military camp later that afternoon. porous /PAWR-uhs/ [adjective] — something that is porous has many small holes, so liquid or air can pass through, especially slowly Some rocks are porous; some are not. component /kuhm-POH-nuhnt/ [noun] — a part that combines with other parts to form something bigger Water is a mixture of the chemical components hydrogen and oxygen atoms. commercially /kuh-MUR-shuhl-lee/ [adverb] — in a way that relates…
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Underwater Italian village to possibly resurface after 27 years


© Romano Cagnoni/Hulton Archive/Getty Images via CNN Pre-reading questions: What is your opinion about Italy? Are you interested in visiting a “ghost town”? Why or why not? Vocabulary: resurface /ree-SUR-fis/ [verb] — to rise to the surface of the water again Rumor has it that the underwater village will resurface next year. underwater /UHN-der-WOT-er/ [adjective] — under the surface of water The machine is capable of working even underwater. man-made /MAN-MEYD/ [adjective] — produced or developed by humans rather than coming directly from nature There are many man-made lakes around my city. promote /pruh-MOHT/ [verb] — to encourage the existence or development of something We should focus on promoting the…
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Underwater Italian village to possibly resurface after 27 years


© Romano Cagnoni/Hulton Archive/Getty Images via CNN Pre-reading questions: Have you been to Italy before? What places do you like visiting? Vocabulary: village /VIL-ij/ [noun] — a group of houses and other buildings that is smaller than a town, usually in the countryside The fishing village next to ours is very popular. reappear /re-uh-PEER/ [verb] — to appear again or return after a period of time It’s possible that the disease may reappear. sink /singk/ [verb] — to (cause something or someone to) go down below the surface or to the bottom of a liquid or soft substance The Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean in 1912. former /FAWR-mer/ [adjective]…
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Underwater Italian village to possibly resurface after 27 years


© Romano Cagnoni/Hulton Archive/Getty Images via CNN Vocabulary: submerge /suhb-MURJ/ [verb] — to go below the surface of an area of water The diver is able to submerge underwater as deep as 243 meters. relocate /ree-LOH-keyt/ [verb] — to move to a different place The people are ordered to relocate to the next town due to the damages caused by the earthquake. drain /dreyn/ [verb] — if you drain something, you remove the liquid from it, usually by pouring it away or allowing it to flow away Drain the remaining contaminated water before replacing it. reservoir /REZ-er-vwhar/ [noun] — a place for storing liquid, especially a natural or artificial lake…
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BTS smashes YouTube records with their newest video, Dynamite


© BigHit Entertainment Pre-reading questions: Who is your favorite foreign artist and why? How often do you listen to YouTube? Vocabulary: simultaneously /sahy-muhl-TEY-nee-uhs-lee/ [adverb] – in a way that is simultaneous (happening or being done at exactly the same time) The students started their projects simultaneously. icon /AHY-kon/ [noun] – a very famous person or thing considered as representing a set of beliefs or a way of life Muhammad Ali is a boxing icon. breakthrough /BREYK-throo/ [noun] – an important discovery or event that helps to improve a situation or provide an answer to a problem The new vaccine against COVID-19 is a breakthrough in medicine. single /SING-guhl/ [noun] –…
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BTS smashes YouTube records with their newest video, Dynamite


© BigHit Entertainment Pre-reading questions: Do you like listening to songs by foreign artists? Do you use YouTube? Vocabulary: superstar /SOO-per-stahr/ [noun] – an extremely famous actor, singer, musician, sports player, etc Tiger Woods is a superstar in golf. over /OH-ver/ [preposition] – above or higher than something else, sometimes so that one thing covers the other The little boy pulled the blanket over his head because he was so scared. name /neym/ [verb] – to give someone or something a name Mr. Corden named their puppy “Spot”. premiere /pri-MEER/ [noun] – the first public performance of a play or any other type of entertainment Today is the world premiere…
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