Author Archive: admin

Nagano attempts to keep traditional insect dishes


Photo by © Kyodo via The Japan Times Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite food? Why? What unusual food do you want to eat? Why? Vocabulary: order /AWR-der/ [noun] with the aim of achieving something She studies every night in order to pass the entrance examination. tradition /truh-DISH-uhn/ [noun] cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions The art exhibit we attended yesterday reminded me how important our tradition is. preserve /pri-ZURV/ [verb] to keep something from decaying, destroyed or dying I truly believe that we should preserve our natural resources. culture /KUHL-cher/ [noun] the way of life of a particular group of people at a particular time She was…
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A box of delight: Shiba Inu marshmallows

shiba inu

Photo by © Casey Baseel, SoraNews24 via Japan Today Pre-Reading Questions: What is your favorite snack? Please tell me more. Do you like eating desserts? Why or why not? Vocabulary: complement /kom-pluh-mehnt/ [verb] to make something else better when combining it with another Her red scarf complements her outfit. identical /ahy-den-ti-kuhl/ [adjective] exactly the same, or very similar William’s coat looks identical to mine. mixture /miks-cher/ [noun] a combination of different things The mixture of drinks made my brother ill. goods /guds/ [noun] items for sale The new shop sells goods at cheap prices. contain /kuhn-teyn/ [verb] to have something inside The victim’s suitcase contains only his clothes and wallet….
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A box of delight: Shiba Inu marshmallows

shiba inu

Photo by © Casey Baseel, SoraNews24 via Japan Today Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like eating snacks? What snacks do you usually eat? Vocabulary: snack /snak/ [noun] a small amount of food eaten between meals Popcorn is my favorite snack. adorable /uh-dohr-uh-buhl/ [adjective] attractive and easily loved Nina is an adorable 2-year-old girl. mix /miks/ [verb] to combine different things Oil and water do not mix. often /of-uhn/ [adverb] a lot or many times Carla often goes to the cinema. cost /kost/ [verb] to pay an amount of money to buy something or do something How much does it cost to go to Kyoto? Enjoy your coffee breaks and tea time…
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A box of delight: Shiba Inu marshmallows

shiba inu

Photo by © Casey Baseel, SoraNews24 via Japan Today Vocabulary: befit /bih-fit/ [verb] to be right or suitable for someone or something He was offered a position that befits his seniority and experience in the field. sweet tooth /swit tuth/ [idiom] a strong liking for sweet foods James doesn’t have a sweet tooth but he eats chocolates every now and then. mirror /mir-er/ [verb] to be similar to someone or something Emil finds it bothersome when Lukas mirrors his sense of fashion. confection /kuhn-fek-shuhn/ [noun] a decorated cake or sweet dish Besides music, Vienna is also renowned for its coffee and confections. munchies /muhn-cheez/ [noun] snacks eaten between meals, at…
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Survey shows Japanese youth spend three hours online each day


Pre-reading questions: Do you use the Internet for fun or learning? Explain your answer. How often do you use the internet? Vocabulary: study /stuhd-ee/ [noun] the activity of examining a subject in detail to discover new information The previous study showed how people choose to spend their free time. spend /spend/ [verb] to use time doing something or being somewhere She spent a lot of time finishing her homework. search /surch/ [verb] to look for information on the internet Searching the internet helps students do their homework. government /guhv-ern-muhnt/ [noun] the group of people who officially control a country The government is planning to help the needy. data /dey-tuh/ [noun]…
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Survey shows Japanese youth spend three hours online each day


Vocabulary: survey /ser-vey/ [noun] a set of questions people are asked to gather information or find out their opinions A recent survey shows that the density of the rural population is decreasing. consume /kuhn-soom/ [verb] to use time, especially in large amounts Several minutes were consumed searching for the puzzle piece. surf /surf/ [verb] to spend time visiting a lot of websites She likes to surf the internet in her spare time. official /uh-fish-uh-l/ [noun] a person who has a position of responsibility in an organization Health Department officials have been urging people to eat less meat. outcome /out-kuhm/ [noun] the result or effect of an action, situation, or event…
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Survey shows Japanese youth spend three hours online each day


Pre-reading questions: Do you use the internet? Is the internet important? Vocabulary: inquiry /in-kwahyuhr-ee/ [noun] the act of asking for information She made an inquiry about the case. give /giv/ [verb] to give your money, time, or best efforts Their teacher gave them an hour break before taking the examination. look /look/ [verb] to try to find something People are looking for different websites to study English. ministry /min-uh-stree/ [noun] a government department led by a minister All the ministries will have a meeting next week. result /ri-zuhlt/ [noun] the information you get from something The result of their English exam was good. In 2018, the Japanese government made an…
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China to launch new generation of driverless maglev trains in 2020


Vocabulary: maglev /mag-lev/ [noun] short for magnetic levitation: an advanced type of transport system in which a train travels on a magnetic track, often at very high speeds South Korea’s first maglev train began operations on February 3, 2016. acceleration /ak-sel-uh-rey-shuhn/ [noun] the increase in something’s speed, or its ability to go faster He bought a sports car that has impressive acceleration. intercity /in-tur-sit-ee/ [adjective] traveling from one city to another, or happening between cities There is an intercity bus station near the shopping mall. solely /sohl-lee/ [adverb] only and not involving anyone or anything else He is solely in charge of the event that will be held next week….
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