Author Archive: admin

Japan to give 2.5 million yen scholarship for foreign nursing students

Diverse medical or nursing school students raise their hands to ask or answer a question during class. They are using laptop computers.

Pre-reading questions: Would you like to study or work in another country? Why or why not? What do you think are the benefits of working in another country? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: facility /fuh-sil-i-tee/ [noun] the buildings, equipment, and services provided for a particular purpose Our school has excellent sports facilities. aim /eym/ [verb] to plan for a specific purpose or to intend She aims to become a good actress in the future. shortage /shawr-tij/ [noun] a situation in which there is not enough of something Many restaurants increased the price of their burgers because of the beef shortage. caregiver /kair-giv-er/ [noun] someone who takes care of a person…
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Japan to give 2.5 million yen scholarship for foreign nursing students

Diverse medical or nursing school students raise their hands to ask or answer a question during class. They are using laptop computers.

Pre-reading questions: Do you want to work in another country? What is your dream job? Vocabulary: foreign /fawr-in/ [adjective] in or from a country that is not your own She loves watching foreign movies. receive /ri-seev/ [verb] to get or to be given something I received a gift from my father. outside /out-sahyd/ [adverb] not in a particular place She was standing outside the house waiting for her parents. system /sis-tuhm/ [noun] a particular set of actions for doing something The new tax system will be effective next year. opportunity /op-er-too-ni-tee/ [noun] a chance for advancement or progress Tom missed the opportunity for promotion. Foreign nursing students will receive 2.5…
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Japan to give 2.5 million yen scholarship for foreign nursing students

Diverse medical or nursing school students raise their hands to ask or answer a question during class. They are using laptop computers.

Vocabulary: resolve /ri-zolv/ [verb] to solve or end a problem or difficulty The office staff worked quickly and effectively to resolve the problem. workforce /wurk-fohrs/ [noun] the group of people who work in a company, industry, or country The company has to reduce its workforce to cut their labor cost. sector /sek-ter/ [noun] one of the areas into which the economic activity of a country is divided Most of the employees in a private sector are not given a paid medical leave. amend /uh-mend/ [verb] to change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document The judge agreed to amend my date of birth on my…
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Facebook makes people unhappy, according to a study


Pre-reading questions: Do you use social media sites? Why or why not? How often do you use social networking sites? Vocabulary: huge /yooj/ [noun] extremely large in amount or size Her last book signing was a huge success. unaware /uhn-uh-wair/ [adjective] not understanding or realizing something Angela is unaware of the announcement made by the principal. impact /im-pakt/ [noun] a powerful effect that something has on a situation or person Your friend can make a great impact in your life. attitude /at-i-tood/ [noun] a feeling or opinion about something or someone My attitude depends on how you treat me. recognize /rek-uhg-nahyz/ [verb] to know someone or something because you have…
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Facebook makes people unhappy, according to a study


Vocabulary: deactivating /dee-ak-tuh-veyt/ [noun] the action of causing something to be no longer active or effective Deactivating my twitter is impossible to me. participant /pahr-tis-uh-puhnt/ [noun] a person who becomes involved in a particular activity There are 4,000 participants in the seminar. outcome /out-kuhm/ [noun] effect of an action, situation or event The outcome will be greater if you put an effort in everything you do. well-being /wel bee-ing/ [noun] the state of being healthy and happy Jake’s priority was his well-being. release /ri-lees/ [verb] to allow something to be used in public or to be available for use She released an important documents they needed for the conference. Deactivating…
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Facebook makes people unhappy, according to a study


Pre-reading questions: What do you do in your free time? What makes you happy? Vocabulary: health /helth/ [noun] the condition of the body or mind and the degree to which it is free from illness She has a good health. make /meyk/ [verb] to perform an action I have to make a decision. university /yoo-nuh-vur-si-tee/ [noun] a place of higher education usually for people who have finished twelve years of schooling Jay is going to a private university next year. user /yoo-zer/ [noun] someone who uses a product, machine, or service John is a twitter user. connected /kuh-nek-tid/ [adjective] joined together They are finally connected after several years. According to…
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World’s largest underwater theme park to open in Bahrain


Vocabulary: diversified /dih-vur-suh-fahyd/ [adjective] of differing kinds, various Europe has a lot of diversified tourist destinations. exquisitely /ik-skwiz-it-lee/ [adverb] in a very beautiful and delicate way She has an exquisitely inborn talent. submerge /suhb-murj/ [verb] to put or sink below the surface of water It is so easy for him to submerge in the sea because he grew up near the ocean. centerpiece /sen-ter-pees/ [noun] the most important or attractive part or feature of something The centerpiece of this hotel is extremely elegant. biologist /bahy-ol-uh-jist/ [noun] a specialist in biology My best friend is a marine biologist who works abroad. Do you always end up in the same popular destinations…
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World’s largest underwater theme park to open in Bahrain


Pre-Reading Questions: Have you been to an unusual tourist destination? Explain your answer. Where did you spend your last vacation? Tell me more about it. Vocabulary: establish /ih-stab-lish/ [verb] to start something that will last for a long time, or to create or set something in a particular way She helps to establish their newly opened restaurant. extraordinary /ik-strawr-dn-er-ee/ [adjective] very unusual or special We have been to an extraordinary museum in Europe. highlight /hahy-lahyt/ [noun] the most important and interesting part The painting of Vincent van Gogh is the highlight of the museum. enthusiast /en-thoo-zee-ast/ [noun] someone who is very interested in and involved with a particular subject or…
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World’s largest underwater theme park to open in Bahrain


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like traveling? Do you like swimming? Vocabulary: underwater /uhn-der-waw-ter/ [adjective] under the surface of water, esp. under the surface of the sea They have an underwater camera. attraction /uh-trak-shuhn/ [noun] something that people come to see because they are interested in it Europe has many tourist attractions. aircraft /air-kraft/ [noun] any vehicle made to fly The aircraft will take off now. special /spesh-uhl/ [noun] not ordinary or usual The chair in my room is special. experiment /ek-sper-uh-ment/ [noun] a test done in order to learn something They made an experiment in their Science subject. Planning your next travel vacation? There are many tourist spots that you…
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