Simon Cowell seeks to revive UK boy bands

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. mogul /MOH-guhl/ [noun] – a powerful or influential person in a specific field, especially in business or entertainment The movie mogul announced plans to produce a series of blockbuster films over the next five years. catapult /KAT-uh-puhlt/ [verb] – to quickly move someone or something to a higher level of success or importance The young singer’s viral video helped catapult her to international stardom almost overnight. stratospheric /stra-tuh-SFEH-ruhk/ [adjective] – extremely high or great The company’s stratospheric profits this quarter exceeded all expectations. prominence /PROM-uh-nuhns/ [noun] – the state of being important, well-known, or noticeable The…
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