Outbreak investigation underway at Havasupai Reservation as tourists report illnesses; officials respond

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. veterinarian /vet-uh-ri-NAIR-ee-uhn/ [noun] – a person with a medical degree trained to take care of the health of animals My dog was sick, so we took him to the veterinarian. hygiene /HAHY-jeen/ [noun] – the degree to which people keep themselves or their environment clean, especially to prevent disease Good hygiene is important for staying healthy. gastrointestinal /gas-troh-in-TES-tuh-nuhl/ [adjective] – relating to the stomach and intestines She had gastrointestinal problems after eating the bad food. strain /streyn/ [noun] – a force or influence that stretches, pulls, or puts pressure on something, sometimes causing damage; to cause…
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