
Outbreak investigation underway at Havasupai Reservation as tourists report illnesses; officials respond


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. veterinarian /vet-uh-ri-NAIR-ee-uhn/ [noun] – a person with a medical degree trained to take care of the health of animals My dog was sick, so we took him to the veterinarian. hygiene /HAHY-jeen/ [noun] – the degree to which people keep themselves or their environment clean, especially to prevent disease Good hygiene is important for staying healthy. gastrointestinal /gas-troh-in-TES-tuh-nuhl/ [adjective] – relating to the stomach and intestines She had gastrointestinal problems after eating the bad food. strain /streyn/ [noun] – a force or influence that stretches, pulls, or puts pressure on something, sometimes causing damage; to cause…
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Space tourists show astronaut-like body changes, study reveals adaptation and recovery patterns


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. undergo /uhn-der-GOH/ [verb] – to experience something that is unpleasant or has a strong effect He had to undergo surgery after the accident. immune system /uh-MYOON-si-stm/ [noun] – the cells and tissues in the body that make it able to protect itself against infection Eating fruits and vegetables can help strengthen your immune system. stabilize /STEY-buh-lahyz/ [verb] – to become or make something become firm, steady, or unlikely to change The doctor gave him medicine to help stabilize his condition. adverse /ad-VURS/ [adjective] – having a negative or harmful effect on something Smoking has adverse effects…
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Baltimore Port’s main shipping channel fully reopens after Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. commercial /kuh-MUR-shuhl/ [adjective] – related to buying and selling things Many commercial ships pass through the port every day. cargo /KAHR-goh/ [noun] – the goods carried by a ship, aircraft, or other large vehicle The ship was loaded with cargo for the trip across the ocean. refloat /ree-FLOAT/ [verb] – to make a ship float again after it has sunk or grounded They worked hard to refloat the ship after it ran aground. depth /depth/ [noun] – the distance down either from the top of something to the bottom, or to a distance below the top…
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Elephants may address each other by name, study finds


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. vigorously /VIG-er-uhs-lee/ [adverb] – with great energy, intensity, or enthusiasm She vigorously pursued her dreams, undeterred by any obstacles in her path. multifaceted /muhl-tee-FAS-i-tid/ [adjective] – having many different aspects or features; versatile or varied The multifaceted approach to problem-solving considered various perspectives and solutions, leading to a comprehensive strategy. arbitrary /AHR-bi-trer-ee/ [adjective] – based on chance rather than being planned or based on reason The assignment of seating in the classroom seemed arbitrary, as there was no clear rationale behind the arrangement. imitation /im-i-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the action of using someone or something as a…
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World’s largest camera set for astronomy in Chile


©Olivier Bonin/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory/Handout via REUTERS Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. behemoth /bih-HEE-muhth/ [noun] – something that is extremely large and often extremely powerful The new aircraft carrier is a behemoth, dominating the naval fleet with its immense size and power. audacious /aw-DEY-shuhs/ [adjective] – showing a willingness to take bold risks The startup’s audacious plan to revolutionize the tech industry attracted significant investor interest. elucidate /ih-LOO-si-deyt/ [verb] – to explain something or make something clear She elucidated the complex scientific concept with simple, easy-to-understand examples. comprise /kuhm-PRAHYZ/ [verb] – to consist of or be made up of The new…
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Apple unveils “Apple Intelligence” AI features


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. enhancement /en-HANS-muhnt/ [noun] – the process of improving the quality, amount, or strength of something The software update included several enhancements to improve speed. elevate /EL-uh-veyt/ [verb] – to raise something or lift something up The new coach hopes to elevate the team’s performance. intuitive /in-TOO-i-tiv/ [adjective] – easy to understand or operate without explicit instruction The app has an intuitive design that makes it easy to use. impactful /im-PAKT-fuhl/ [adjective] – having a major impact or effect The documentary was very impactful and changed many people’s views. reaffirm /ree-uh-FURM/ [verb] – to give your support…
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SpaceX’s Starship achieves historic full test flight


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. splashdown /SPLASH-doun/ [noun] – the landing of a spacecraft in the sea The astronauts cheered when their capsule made a successful splashdown in the ocean. gulf /GUHLF/ [noun] – a large area of sea partially enclosed by land The gulf between the two countries has many fish and coral reefs. contract /kuhn-TRAKT/ [verb] – to make a legal agreement with someone to do something They plan to contract a company to handle the event’s catering. fleet /fleet/ [noun] – group of ships or vehicles The fleet of fishing boats returned to the harbor at sunset. colonization…
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Global aquaculture surpasses wild fisheries in historic production shift, reports UN


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. stagnation /stag-NEY-shuhn/ [noun] – a situation in which something stays the same and does not grow and develop The economic stagnation in the region has led to high unemployment and reduced investment opportunities. nutritional /nyoo-TRI-shuh-nuhl/ [adjective] – relating to nutrition The nutritional benefits of a balanced diet are essential for maintaining good health and preventing diseases. commonly /KOM-uhn-lee/ [adverb] – often or usually In language learning, pronunciation is commonly overlooked, but it plays a crucial role in effective communication. anchovy /AN-choh-vee/ [noun] – small fish that are often salted and preserved Anchovies add a distinct salty…
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Coca-Cola aims to attract young consumers with its new raspberry-infused Coca-Cola Spiced

Coca-Cola Spiced

©AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. counterpart /KOUN-ter-pahrt/ [noun] – a version of the same product that has a significant feature altered or modified The electric car model released this year comes with enhanced battery life alongside its diesel counterpart, which remains popular for long-distance travel. overwhelmingly /ow-vuh-WEL-muhng-lee/ [adverb] – strongly or completely; in an overwhelming way The performance was overwhelmingly positive, leaving the audience in awe of the actors’ talents. predominantly /pruh-DO-muh-nuhnt-lee/ [adverb] – mostly or mainly The landscape is predominantly forested, with vast stretches of green as far as the eye can see. subtle /suht-l/ [adjective] –…
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Important summit brings together South Korea and African nations


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. deepen /DEE-puhn/ [verb] – to make something more intense, stronger, or more involved The teacher tried to deepen the students’ understanding of the topic. mineral /MIN-uh-rul/ [noun] – a solid natural substance that is formed by geological processes Calcium is an important mineral for strong bones. cobalt /KOH-bawlt/ [noun] – a hard, silvery-blue metallic element Cobalt is used in making some types of batteries. resilience /ri-ZIL-yuhns/ [noun] – the ability to recover quickly from difficulties The community showed great resilience after the natural disaster. transformation /trans-fur-MAY-shun/ [noun] – a complete change in the appearance or character…
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