
GSK’s Arexvy vaccine shows promise for a broader age group in the RSV battle

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©Leon Neal/Getty Images/FILE Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. combat /kuhm-BAT/ [verb] – to try to stop something unpleasant or harmful from happening or increasing Despite their best efforts to combat the spread of the virus, the number of cases continued to rise. vaccine /vak-SEEN/ [noun] – a substance that is put into the body of a person or animal to protect them from a disease by causing them to produce antibodies Scientists have been working tirelessly to develop a vaccine for the new strain of the flu. underlying /UHN-der-lahy-ing/ [adjective] – real but not immediately obvious The underlying issue in the…
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A miniature whale fossil discovery sheds light on ancient seas


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. miniature /MIN-ee-uh-cher/ [adjective] – used to describe something that is a very small copy of an object A meticulously preserved miniature seahorse fossil has been unveiled by researchers, a revelation that is poised to transform our comprehension of ancient coastal ecosystems. specimen /SPES-uh-muhn/ [noun] – something shown or examined as an example; a typical example The research highlights the significance of this tiny dinosaur specimen in expanding our understanding of the delicate dynamics within ancient ecosystems. prevailing /pri-VEY-ling/ [adjective] – existing in a particular place or at a particular time In contrast to the prevailing belief…
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Study finds red meat consumption increases type 2 diabetes risk


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. comprehensive /kom-pri-HEN-siv/ [adjective] – complete and including everything that is necessary The comprehensive report covered every aspect of the project, leaving no stone unturned in its analysis and recommendations. paramount /PAR-uh-mount/ [adjective] – more important than anything else The safety of the passengers is paramount, and all measures are taken to ensure their well-being during the flight. kidney /KID-nee/ [noun] – either of a pair of small organs in the body that take away waste matter from the blood to produce urine The doctor examined the patient’s kidney function to ensure it was operating properly. imply…
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Tech giants Nvidia and Foxconn join forces for AI and autonomous tech evolution


©Foxconn Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. renowned /ri-NOUND/ [adjective] – famous for something The renowned author won numerous awards for her exceptional writing. strategically /struh-TEE-jik-lee/ [adverb] – in a way that helps to achieve a plan, for example, in business or politics The company strategically expanded its market presence by opening new branches in key cities. infrastructure /IN-fruh-struhk-cher/ [noun] – the basic systems and services, such as transportation and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively Investment in infrastructure is crucial for a country’s economic development and overall progress. assembling /uh-SEM-buh-luhng/ [noun] – an act…
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World’s smallest bear steps into spotlight, raising concerns


©dailyrecord Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. spark /spahrk/ [verb] – to cause the start of something, especially an argument or fighting A minor disagreement between the two friends sparked a heated argument. habitat /HAB-i-tat/ [noun] – the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives The rainforest is a diverse habitat that is home to a wide variety of species. caution /KAW-shuhn/ [verb] – to warn someone about a possible problem or danger The sign cautioned hikers about the steep and slippery path ahead. surge /surj / [noun] – a sudden and great increase There was a surge in…
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Guinness World Records names Pepper X as the hottest chili pepper on Earth

Pepper X

©Jeffrey Collins/AP Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. meticulous /muh-TIK-yuh-luhs/ [adjective] – very careful and with great attention to every detail The chef’s meticulous preparation of the dish ensured it was perfect in every way. unprecedented /uhn-PRES-i-den-tid/ [adjective] – never having happened or existed in the past The company achieved an unprecedented level of success with its latest product launch. relentless /ri-LENT-lis/ [adjective] – continuing in a severe or extreme way The relentless heatwave made it difficult for people to stay outdoors for long periods. pursuit /per-SOOT/ [noun] – the act of trying to achieve a plan, activity, or situation, usually over…
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Webb telescope reveals hidden secrets of the Ring Nebula

Ring nebula

©ESA/Webb/NASA/CSA Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. unprecedented /uhn-PRES-i-den-tid/ [adjective] – never having happened or existed in the past The discovery of a new species in the jungle was unprecedented because it had never happened before. high-resolution /HAHY-rez-uh-LOO-shuhn/ [adjective] – used to describe something such as a screen or photograph that shows an image extremely clearly The high-resolution display on the new smartphone allows you to see every detail in photos and videos. formation /fawr-MEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the way something is naturally made or the way it has been arranged The geologist studied the rock formation to understand how the mountains were…
Read more shifts focus from ChatGPT to Elon Musk’s X.AI


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. venture /VEN-cher/ [noun] – a new activity, usually in business, that involves risk or uncertainty The entrepreneur decided to start a new venture in the technology sector. entity /EN-ti-tee/ [noun] – something that exists apart from other things, having its own independent existence The company operates as a separate legal entity from its owners. echo /EK-oh/ [verb] – to repeat details that are similar to, and make you think of, something else Her words seemed to echo the sentiments expressed by the previous speaker. vanity domain /VAN-i-tee doh-MEYN/ [noun] – refers to a domain name that…
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Canadian Rockies reveal ancient jellyfish species


©Christian-McCall Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. renowned /ri-NOUND/ [adjective] – famous for something The city is renowned for its rich history and cultural heritage. glimpse /glimps/ [noun] – an occasion when you see something or someone for a very short time During my visit to the museum, I caught a glimpse of a rare dinosaur fossil that offered a fascinating insight into prehistoric life. coral /KAWR-uhl/ [noun] – a substance like rock, formed in the sea by groups of particular types of small animal, often used in jewelry The scuba divers were amazed by the vibrant colors of the coral they…
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French Rothschild family unveils hidden 19th-century treasure trove


©Christie’s Images Limited 2023 Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. emperor /EM-per-er / [noun] – a sovereign ruler of great power and rank, especially the ruler of an empire The emperor of ancient Rome was a powerful and influential leader. heritage /HER-i-tij / [noun] – the cultural, historical, and natural legacy passed down from previous generations Preserving our cultural heritage is essential for future generations to understand our roots. auction /AWK-shuhn/ [noun] – a public sale in which items are sold to the highest bidder The rare artwork was sold at auction to the highest bidder for a significant sum. lavish /LAV-ish/…
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