
European Union and Japan sign a free trade deal

European Union and Japan sign a free trade deal

Pre-reading questions: Do you like buying foreign products? Why? Do you think foreign products are expensive? Why? Vocabulary: contract /KON-trakt/ [noun] a legal document that states and explains a formal agreement A partnership between two people needs a contract as a proof of agreement. remove /ri-MOOV/ [verb] to take something away from an object, group, or place They will remove the books from the shelf and arrange it. agreement /uh-GREE-muhnt/ [noun] a promise or decision made between two or more people The two enterprises made an agreement to sell the same product. hindrance /HIN-druhns/ [noun] something that makes it more difficult for you to do something Making mistakes is not…
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Child labor increases in tobacco industry

Child Labor Increases in Tobacco Industry

Pre-reading questions: What is your opinion about child labor? Is child labor prominent in your country? Vocabulary: aggrandize /uh-GRAN-dayhz/ [verb] to make great or greater: increase, enlarge Her teacher aggrandizes her pride because of too much praises. bore /bawr/ [verb] to make a hole in something using a tool It’s part of her morning routine to bore in her garden. endangered /en-DEYN-jerd/ [adjective] in danger of being harmed, lost, unsuccessful Tony’s health is endangered because of eating too much junk food. enduring /en-DOOR-ing/ [adjective] continuing for a long time; lasting She is known because of her enduring generosity. eradicate /ih-RAD-i-keyt/ [verb] to get rid of or destroy something completely People…
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India is facing a water crisis

India is facing a water crisis

Pre-reading questions: How many glasses of water do you drink in a day? Do you know ways on how to conserve water? Please cite them and explain each. Vocabulary: crisis /KRAHY-sis/ [noun] a situation that is extremely difficult The country’s citizens blame the government for the economic crisis. shortage /SHAWR-tij/ [noun] a situation when there is not enough of something There’s a shortage of chairs and school equipment in public schools. widespread /WAHYD-spred/ [adjective] affecting or including a lot of places, people, etc. The newest development on computer gaming was received with widespread interest. estimate /ES-tuh-meyt/ [verb] to guess the cost, size, value, etc. of something We need to estimate…
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Scent check: Japan’s new smell checking device

Scent check Japan's new smell checking device

Photo from © Tanita Pre-Reading Questions: Please describe your favorite scent. Do you like wearing perfume? Why or why not? Vocabulary: device /dih-VAHYS/ [noun] a piece of equipment that is used for a particular purpose A pen tablet is an electronic device that can be used for drawing digital art. reveal /ri-VEEL/ [verb] to make known or show something usually secret or hidden She opened the box carefully to reveal the mystery item. odor /OH-der/ [noun] a particular smell The odor of dried roses was so strong we had to cover our noses. assess /uh-SES/ [verb] to make a judgement about the quality, size, or value of something The first…
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Internet connection suspended in Algeria and Iraq

Internet connection suspended in Algeria and Iraq

Pre-reading questions: How often do you use the Internet? What do you usually do on the Internet? Vocabulary: social media /SOH-shuhl MEE-dee-uh/ [noun] programs that allow people to communicate using the Internet A lof of fake news can be found on social media sites. suspend /suh-SPEND/ [verb] to stop something from being active He was suspended from the team for missing too many practices. implement /IM-pluh-ment// [verb] to start using a plan or a system The training plan is harder to implement that we thought. arrange /uh-REYNJ/ [verb] to plan or prepare something More people would come if you arrange the events on the weekend. refuse /ri-FYOOZ/ [verb] to say…
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Heathrow’s airport expansion gets the green light

Heathrow's airport expansion gets the green light

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like going to airports? What is your favorite airport so far? Vocabulary: expansion /ik-SPAN-shuhn/ [noun] the increase of something in size, number or importance No one expected that her house expansion will be that big. airfield /air-FEELD/ [noun] a level area where aircraft can take off and land The airfield was too wet which resulted to flight delays.. controversial /kon-truh-VUR-shuhl/ [adjective] causing or likely to cause disagreement The CEO was stressed about the spreading of the controversial report within the company. raze /reyz/ [verb] to destroy a building, structure, etc. completely The mayor is planning to raze the old sports center to build a new one….
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Hello Kitty to cover Western Japan’s Bullet Trains

Hello Kitty to cover Western Japans Bullet Train

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like taking the bullet train? Explain your answer. What do you think about Hello Kitty characters? Vocabulary: region /REE-juhn/ [noun] an area of a country The army has been brought in to maintain order in the region. prefecture /PREE-fek-cher/ [noun] a political region or local government area in some countries Each prefecture is divided into cities, towns and villages. exclusive /ik-SKLOO-siv/ [adjective] limited to only one person or group of people You can watch exclusive video clips and audio clips on our website. on the other hand /on thee uhth-er hand/ [phrase] from a different, conflicting, or contradictory point of view My husband likes classical music….
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What to expect from Apple’s first iOS 12 beta

What to expect from Apple's first iOS 12 beta

Pre-Reading Questions: How often do you use your smartphone? What apps do you have on your smartphone? Vocabulary: operating system /OP-uh-rey-ting SIS-tuhm/ [noun] software that makes other programs and applications usable The virus has damaged the operating system of his computer. feature /FEE-cher/ [noun] an important characteristic, part, or trait of something An interesting feature of this city is its old market. application /ap-li-KEY-shuhn/ [noun] a program designed for a particular purpose You should delete any applications you don’t use anymore. enhancement /en-HANS-ment/ [noun] a change that improves something The image had some enhancements to show more detail. customized /KUHS-tuh-mahyzd/ [adjective] made or changed according to the user’s needs My…
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UNRWA endures aid reduction

UNRWA endures aid reduction

Pre-reading questions: What is your opinion on giving donations? Do you budget your money? Why or why not? Vocabulary: budget /BUHJ-it/ [noun] the amount of money a person or organization has available to spend My family is on a very tight budget after my father was sent to the hospital. contribution /kon-truh-BYOO-shuhn/ [noun] an amount of money that is given to help pay for something Mary gave a generous contribution to the animal shelter. annual /AN-yoo-uhl/ [adjective] measured over a period of one year They harvest the flowers annually. expense /ik-SPENSE/ [noun] the money that you spend on something It was a struggle to pay for my college expenses. penniless…
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Free education for British students in 11 countries

Free education for British students in 11 countries

Pre-reading questions: What country or countries have you been to? If none, where would you like to go? Do you want to study abroad? Why or why not? Vocabulary: mere /meer/ [adjective] not more than nor better than The pair of pants I bought online costs a mere $30. require /ri-KWAHYUH-r/ [verb] to make something necessary or needed The students are required to submit their written report by Friday. annual /AN-yoo-uhl/ [adjective] happening once every year I never miss the annual sale at the department store near my house. opportunity /op-er-TOO-ni-tee/ [noun] a chance that makes something possible to happen His work provided him with a lot of opportunities to…
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