Tag Archive: health – expert

Breath test to detect cancers begins trial in UK

Breath test to detect various cancers begins trial in UK

Vocabulary: trial /TRAHY-uh/ [noun] a test, usually over a limited period of time, to discover how effective or suitable something or someone is The company has to conduct four clinical trials to know the drug’s safety. clinical /KLIN-i-kuhl/ [adjective] used to refer to medical work or teaching that relates to the examination and treatment of ill people Her sister is a clinical psychologist at Newt’s Mental Health Foundation. molecule /MOL-uh-kyool/ [noun] the simplest unit of a chemical substance He went to the clinic to ask for the result of the DNA molecule to see if he is really the father of his son. metabolic /met-uh-BOL-ik/ [adjective] relating to metabolism (the…
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Ebola virus could spread to Uganda

Ebola virus could spread to Uganda 01162019

Vocabulary: outbreak /OUT-breyk/ [noun] a time when something suddenly begins, especially a disease or something else dangerous The outbreak of the disease is alarming which causes people to evacuate. disperse /dih-SPURS/ [verb] to spread across or move away over a large area He was greatly affected by the rumors that disperse to the public. hazardous /HAZ-er-duhs/ [adjective] something that is dangerous and likely to cause damage Aki intentionally quit her job overseas because the situation was hazardous for her health. lethal /LEE-thuhl/ [adjective] able to cause or causing death; extremely dangerous The family is asking for prayers because his condition is lethal and needs to undergo an operation. catastrophe /kuh-TAS-truh-fee/…
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Too much body weight may cause depression

Pre-reading Questions Answer the following questions about the topic. Please explain your answer. Is obesity becoming a health problem in your country? Please explain your answer. Name some health problems that an obese person can have. Article Reading Read the passage and take note of the highlighted words in the vocabulary guide. According to the researchers of International Journal of Epidemiology, people who are obese are at higher risk of developing depression. Based on their study, women with high body mass index (BMI) are more likely to suffer depression than men and one of the underlying factors is related to physical appearance.   Researchers procured hospital and personal data from…
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Sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of stroke

Sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of stroke

Vocabulary: aggravate /AG-ruh-veyt/ [verb] to make a disease worse He listens to the advice of the unlicensed doctor, that’s why the medication only aggravated his condition. vulnerable /VUHL-ner-uh-buhl/ [adjective] able to be easily hurt, influenced, or attacked Children are vulnerable to cold temperature that’s why they easily get sick. erratic /ih-RAT-ik/ [adjective] not regular, certain, or organized in its movement or behavior She tends to report late at work every Wednesday because of her erratic schedule. indulge /n-DUHLJ/ [verb] to allow yourself to have something enjoyable Every time I get stressed, I indulge myself some ice cream. alleviate /uh-LEE-vee-eyt/ [verb] to make pain or problems less severe The antibiotics that…
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Poor hand-washing increases in the United States

Poor hand-washing increases in the United States

Vocabulary: agriculture /AG-ri-kulh-cher/ [noun] business, science, or activity of farming He is interested in agriculture because his father is a farmer. bacteria /bak-TEER-ee-uh/ [noun] very small organisms that are found everywhere and may cause disease An airborne bacteria infected all people during the vacation. contaminate /kuhn-TAM-uh-neyt/ [verb] to make something poisonous Broken water pipes can contaminate the city’s water supply. numerous /NOO-mer-uhs/ [adjective] great in number; many The high school graduates felt nostalgic because of the numerous memories they shared. antibacterial /an-tee-bak-TEER-ee-uhl/ [adjective] intended to reduce harmful bacteria You may use antibacterial sanitizer after touching the toilet bowl. US Department of Agriculture (USDA) shows that 97% of people practice poor-hand…
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Too much ice cream may lead to a heart attack

Too much ice cream may lead to heart attack

Vocabulary: binge /binj/ [noun] an occasion when an activity is done in an extreme way, especially eating, drinking, or spending money She goes on an ice cream binge whenever she’s stressed out. overeat /oh-ver-EET/ [verb] to eat more food than your body needs Overeating does not do us any good. Instead, eating in moderation is key. ultimately /UHL-tuh-mit-lee/ [adverb] finally, after a series of things have happened The lack of sleep can lead to health complications and ultimately, death. trigger /TRIG-ger/ [verb] to cause something to start He triggered the fire alarm when he burned the fried chicken. aggravate /AG-ruh-veyt/ [verb] to make something worse Road repair has aggravated the…
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Elderly smokers turn to e-cigarettes

Elderly smokers turn to e-cigarettes

Vocabulary: refill /REE-fil/ [noun] a material or supply to replace something that has been used up This printer’s ink needs refills. conventional /kuhn-VEN-shuh-nl/ [adjective] ordinary or normal The young chef mastered the conventional uses of olive oil. nicotine /NIK-uh-teen/ [noun] addictive chemical found in tobacco Nicotine makes you addicted to cigarettes. addictive /uh-DIK-tiv/ [adjective] makes one not stop doing or taking once one has started doing or taking The newly-released action game is addictive. carcinogen /kahr-SIN-uh-juhn/ [noun] a substance that can cause cancer Keep carcinogens off your body if you don’t want to get sick. A new method of smoking is becoming a trend to those who would like to…
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Teenager dies due to caffeine overdose

Teenager dies due to caffeine overdose

Vocabulary: cardiac arrhythmia [KAHR-dee-ak uh-RITH -mee-uh] (noun) irregular heartbeat Cardiac arrhythmia is a serious health hazard. county [KOUN-tee] (noun) largest political division in most states in the US We are moving to Orange County, California. patron [PEY-truh n] (noun) a person who is a loyal customer of a product or service She is a well-known patron of innovative products. instantaneous [in-stuhn n-TEY-nee-uh s] (adjective) immediate effect or response The school got an instantaneous response from the board. overdose [OH-ver-dohs] (noun) too much drug intake at a given time Drug overdose is fatal. A 16-year old high school student collapsed and died after consuming a large bottle of Mountain Dew, a…
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US cancer death rates decrease

US cancer death rates decrease

Vocabulary: in-depth [IN-DEPTH] (adjective) extensive, thorough I am going to give you an in-depth report of your friend’s medical condition. aid [eyd] (noun) professional treatment for illness or injury We are going to send medical aid to the victims of the typhoon. auspicious [aw-SPISH-uh s] (adjective) promising success, fortunate, favorable I met him at an auspicious time, I was sick and he had the cure. disparity [dih-SPAR-i-tee] (noun) a great difference There’s a disparity in the ages of people who join our organization. enjoin [en-JOIN] (verb) instruct or urge to do something The government enjoins all citizens to participate in activities to save the environment. In the 2018 in-depth report…
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Eating may not be effective in blocking stress


Vocabulary: tactic [TAK-tik] (noun) a specific action intended to get a particular result The company’s smart tactics improved the employees’ morale. in the long run [in thuh LAWNG ruhn] (phrase) at some time in the future Studying hard can help students in the long run. comfort food [KUHM-fert food] (noun) food that people eat when they are sad or worried Pizza and ice cream are common comfort foods. halt [HAWLT] (verb) to stop something The elections are halted by the government. impulsively [im-PUHL-siv-ly] (adverb) doing something without thinking She bought a $1000 dress impulsively. Stress is experienced by people of all ages. Everyone has different tactics to cope with stress….
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