Tag Archive: Health & Lifestyle – Expert
Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. filter /FIL-ter / [noun] – a tool for creating special effects on an image I applied a filter to the photo to enhance its colors. facial /FEY-shuhl/ [adjective] – of or on the face She applied a facial cleanser to remove dirt and impurities from her face. spark /spahrk/ [verb] – to cause the start of something The inspiring speech by the guest speaker sparked enthusiasm and motivation in the audience. representation /rep-ri-zen-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the way that someone or something is shown or described The museum’s collection offers a diverse representation of different art movements…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. conclude /kuhn-KLOOD / [verb] – to judge or decide something after thinking carefully about it The detective carefully examined the evidence and concluded that it was a case of arson. sustainable /suh-STEY-nuh-buhl / [adjective] – able to continue over a period of time The current fishing practices in this region are not sustainable and may deplete the fish population. undesirable /uhn-di-ZAHYUHR-uh-buhl / [adjective] – not wanted, approved of, or popular The food had an undesirable taste, resulting in customers returning their meals to the restaurant. consumption /kuhn-SUHMP-shuhn/ [noun] – the act of using, eating, or drinking…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. supplement /SUHP-luh-muhnt/ [noun] – a medicine that contains substances that you need to stay healthy in addition to what you get in your food Taking a daily supplement can help ensure that you receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals that you may not be getting from your regular diet. engage in /en-GEYJ/ [phrasal verb] – to take part in something It is important to engage in regular physical activity to maintain good health and fitness levels. intense /in-TENS/ [adjective] – Intense work or thought requires a lot of effort I had an intense workout at…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. evaluate /ih-VAL-yoo-eyt/ [verb] – to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something The teacher will evaluate the students’ performance based on their final exam results and class participation. exposure /ik-SPOH-zher/ [noun] – the fact of experiencing something or being affected by it because of being in a particular situation or place The photographer wore gloves to avoid skin exposure to the chemicals used in the darkroom. nutrition /noo-TRISH-uhn/ [noun] – the process of taking in and using food, or the scientific study of this The nutrition label on the back of the…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. emission /ih-MISH-uhn/ [noun] – the act of sending out gas, heat, light, etc. The factory’s emission of harmful pollutants into the air was causing serious health problems for the nearby residents. disposable /dih-SPOH-zuh-buhl/ [adjective] – intended to be thrown away after use Hospitals have switched to using disposable medical equipment to reduce the risk of infection and increase convenience for medical professionals. administration /ad-min-uh-STREY-shuhn/ [noun] – the people in an organization who manage its business and operations The new administration has promised to focus on environmental issues and has already taken steps to increase funding for…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. subjective /suhb-JEK-tiv / [adjective] – influenced by or based on personal beliefs or feelings, rather than based on facts When reading a novel, it’s important to keep in mind that the emotions and opinions portrayed by the characters are subjective and may not necessarily reflect the author’s own views. objectively /uhb-JEK-tiv-lee/ [adverb] – in a way that is based on facts and not influenced by personal beliefs or feelings When writing a research paper, it’s essential to gather information from multiple sources to ensure that you are presenting the information objectively and not just relying on…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. adverse /ad-VURS/ [adjective] – having a negative or harmful effect on something He has a shellfish allergy, which is why clams and mussels give him adverse reactions like swelling and nausea. scholar /SKOL-er/ [noun] – a person who studies a subject in great detail, especially at a university The researcher was a respected scholar of medicine. advocate /AD-vuh-keyt/ [verb] – to publicly support or suggest an idea, development, or way of doing something He plants trees and leads clean-up drives because he advocates for a better environment. scrutiny /SKROOT-n-ee / [noun] – the careful and detailed…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. prone /prohn/ [adjective] – likely to show a particular characteristic, usually a negative one, or to be affected by something bad, such as damage or an illness Because of his family history of heart disease, John is prone to developing high blood pressure, so he tries to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly. organ /AWR-guhn/ [noun] – a part of the body of an animal or plant that performs a particular job The human heart is an important organ that pumps blood throughout the body to keep us alive. detect /dih-TEKT/ [verb] – to notice…
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Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. taxing /TAK-sing/ [adjective] – difficult or needing a lot of thought or effort If the current process becomes too taxing, a bus service provides an alternative. redundancy /ri-DUHN-duhn-see/ [noun] – a situation in which someone loses their job because their employer does not need them Employees are urged to accept voluntary redundancy. innate /ih-NEYT/ [adjective] – an innate quality or ability is one that you were born with, not one you have learned An innate interest in the physical world exists in children. drastically /DRAS-tik-lee/ [adverb] – in a way that is severe and sudden or…
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Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. trial /TRAHY-uhl/ [noun] – a test, usually over a limited period of time, to discover how effective or suitable something or someone is This clinical trial’s objective was to examine the new vaccine’s effectiveness and safety. brewery /BROO-uh-ree/ [noun] – a company that makes beer or a place where beer is made The beer is prepared for the last process in the brewery before leaving for the cellar of the bar. evaluate /ih-VAL-yoo-eyt/ [verb] – to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something Parents must now participate in committees that organize and…
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