Tag Archive: science & technology – intermediate

Drones to help Japanese farmers

Drones to help Japanese farmers

Pre-reading questions: How is farming done in your country? What is your opinion about using technology to make every day tasks easier? Vocabulary: test /test/ [verb] an act of doing something to find out if it is working correctly or effectively I need to test my PowerPoint presentation to see if the animations work. average /AV-rij/ [noun] typical or usual The quality of her works is well above average. physical /FIZ-i-kuhl/ [adjective] connected with the body Football is a sport that requires a lot of physical strength. involvement /in-VOLV-ment/ [noun] an act of taking part in something The involvement of every employee is needed for a company to function well….
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What to expect from Apple’s first iOS 12 beta

What to expect from Apple's first iOS 12 beta

Pre-Reading Questions: How often do you use your smartphone? What apps do you have on your smartphone? Vocabulary: operating system /OP-uh-rey-ting SIS-tuhm/ [noun] software that makes other programs and applications usable The virus has damaged the operating system of his computer. feature /FEE-cher/ [noun] an important characteristic, part, or trait of something An interesting feature of this city is its old market. application /ap-li-KEY-shuhn/ [noun] a program designed for a particular purpose You should delete any applications you don’t use anymore. enhancement /en-HANS-ment/ [noun] a change that improves something The image had some enhancements to show more detail. customized /KUHS-tuh-mahyzd/ [adjective] made or changed according to the user’s needs My…
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Google software can now identify ramen by shop

Google software can now identify ramen by shop

Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite Japanese food? Why is it your favorite? In your opinion, what restaurant serves the best ramen? Please explain. Vocabulary: data scientist /DEY-tuh SAHY-uhn-tist/ [noun] a person whose job is to collect, analyze, and interpret large amounts of data My father is a data scientist for an international computer company. upload /UHP-lohd/ [verb] to copy information to a larger computer system or to the internet I already uploaded the photos from our trip to Hokkaido. classify /KLAS-uh-fahy/ [verb] to divide things into groups according to type Do you classify your tasks by subject? prediction /pri-DIK-shuhn/ [noun] to identify something based on knowledge or data We…
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More and more people are downloading self-care apps

More and more people are downloading self-care apps

Pre-reading questions: What are the important things to do in order to stay healthy? What kind of apps do you usually use? Vocabulary: altogether /awl-tuh-GETH-er/ [verb] in total There were 2,500 guests altogether at the party. consistent /kuhn-SIS-tuhnt/ [adjective] agreeing, not contradicting She got good marks for her thesis because her data is consistent. reckon /REK-uhn/ [verb] to think that something is probably true I reckon she’ll do well in the exam. self-absorbed /SELF-ab-SAWRBD/ [adjective] caring only about yourself Nobody likes him because he’s rude and self-absorbed. optimist /OP-tuh-mist/ [noun] positive thinker Though he’s having problems at home, Mojo is still an optimist. Self-care apps are gaining popularity in the…
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Washington passes net neutrality law

Washington passes net neutrality law

Pre-reading questions: How did the Internet change your life? Do you think the Internet has become a necessity? Vocabulary: net neutrality /net nyoo-TRAL-i-tee/ [noun] idea that internet companies cannot speed up, slow down, or block content on the Internet I support net neutrality rules because the Internet should be free. prohibit /proh-HIB-it/ [verb] to officially not allow something Smoking in this area is strictly prohibited. restrict /ri-STRIKT/ [verb] to limit something The government restricted the people’s freedom. penalize /PEEN-l-ahyz/ [verb] to punish someone for breaking a law or a rule Those who break the law shall be penalized. get rid /get rid/ [phrasal verb] to remove something Please get rid…
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Didi Chuxing set to start in Brazil

Didi set to start in Brazil

Pre-reading questions: What are the different modes of transportation in your country? What mode of transportation do you prefer? Vocabulary: ride-hailing [rahyd HEYL-ing] (adjective) mode of transportation similar to a taxi but done through an app Ride-hailing apps are becoming more popular. investor [in-VEST-uhr] (noun) a person who commits capital to a business The investors brought success to her restaurant. expansion [ik-SPAN-shuhn] (noun) process of making a business grow McDonald’s expansion in Kyoto has been all over the news. spark [spahrk] (verb) to cause something to happen The article sparked happy memories for me. rivalry [RAHY-vuhl-ree] (noun) a situation in which teams compete with one another Didi Chuxing, a Chinese…
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Twitter begins “Advertising Transparency Center”


Pre-reading questions: What social media platforms do you enjoy using? What are the good points of using social media? Vocabulary: scrutiny [noun] – careful examination of someone The council members were under scrutiny by the government. inappropriate [adjective] – not right for a situation Her inappropriate behavior during dinner was obvious. creatives [noun] – content or material of an advertisement The creatives used in the commercial was effective. interface [noun] – over-all look of an application Facebook’s new interface is easy to use. transparency [noun] – being made aware of what information is being collected Everyone should practice transparency in the office to avoid conflict. Twitter is launching an Advertising…
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Google keeps a list of everyone’s search history


Pre-reading questions: Do you think that Google is useful? How often do you use the internet? Vocabulary: website – a place on the internet where information can be found Our school has its own website. recommend – to suggest something He recommended a better restaurant. advertisement – an announcement to promote a product or service There are a lot of advertisements inside the mall. information – facts about something This book has a lot of information. relate – to be connected Science is related to technology. Google keeps a record of everything that people search for. It collects information on people’s search history. People can find all the information they…
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Netflix’s charge increases


Pre-reading questions: Are you familiar with Netflix? Are there other popular apps in your country similar to Netflix? What is your favorite movie/TV show? Why is it your favorite movie/TV show?   Vocabulary: existing users – current customers The company takes good care of its existing users. exclusive – only available to a specific group I was invited to join an exclusive club for soccer players. invest – to use money for profit gain I want to invest in a new house. prime – a subscription plan higher than the standard A prime membership in the country club has a lot of benefits.   Netflix has decided to increase its…
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Easier learning through smartphones


Pre-reading questions: Do you find smartphones more advantageous or more disadvantageous? What would your life be like without smartphones? Vocabulary: effortless – easy; natural English is not her first language but her speech is effortless. instantly – immediately I was so tired that when I got home, I fell asleep instantly. extend – increase in scope; to include more Please extend the scope of your research to cover environmental issues in the countryside. mere – no more than; only I want nothing more than mere friendship. accessible – reachable; attainable The Internet has made information more accessible. Communication has been made effortless by smartphones. Through smartphones, people can instantly exchange…
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