Tag Archive: science & technology
Pre-Reading Questions: Do you have many phone apps? Do you think all buildings are safe? Vocabulary: lift /lift/ [verb] to end a rule or law The suspension will be lifted next week. advanced /ad-VANST/ [adjective] modern and well developed The applicant needs advanced computer skills to be hired. temperature /TEM-per-uh-cher/ [noun] the measured amount of heat in a place or in the body It’s important to take a person’s temperature when he or she has a fever. factory /FAK-tuh-ree/ [noun] a building or set of buildings where large amounts of goods are made using machines Nina works in a shoe factory. especially /ih-SPESH-uh-lee/ [adverb] for a particular reason The Philippines…
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Vocabulary: no-brainer /NOH-BREY-ner/ [noun, informal] something that is very simple to do or to understand The decision was made in an instant since the proposal was a no-brainer. surmise /ser-MAHYZ/ [verb] to decide something is true without having complete information or proof Ethan surmised that the accusation was false and turns out, he was right. hot-desking /hot-desking/ [noun] the practice of using any available desk in an office rather than having your own desk Some employers nowadays use hot-desking as a way to save office space. viable /VAHY-uh-buhl/ [adjective] able to work as intended or able to succeed Can you provide us with other viable options for this software to…
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Pre-Reading Questions: What is your favorite place in Japan? What mobile app do you often use? Vocabulary: stuff /stuhf/ [noun] used to refer to more things of a similar kind to ones you have mentioned I need to buy papers, pens, and stuff for my exam tomorrow. tip /tip/ [noun] a useful piece of information, especially about how to do something Please give some tips about the interview. place /pleys/ [noun] an area, town, building. Could you tell me the new place of the store? list /list/ [noun] a record of short pieces of information, such as people’s names, usually written or printed with a single thing on each line…
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Vocabulary: off-the-beaten-path /of th ee beet-n path/ [idiom] not known or popular with many people My adventurous friend asked me to go somewhere off-the-beaten-path. relish /REL-ish/ [verb] to like or enjoy something I don’t relish the idea of working from home despite the convenience it brings us. piece of cake /pees ov keyk/ [idiom] something that is very easy to do The assigned tasks were a piece of cake that I was able to finish in 1 hour. alert /uh-LURT/ [verb] to warn someone of a possibly dangerous situation The police were alerted by someone that there was an ongoing hostage taking on the 7th street. aviation /ey-vee-EY-shuhn/ [noun] the…
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Beginner Intermediate Expert
Pre-Reading Questions: What are the best places to visit in Japan? What country do you want to visit the most? Why? Vocabulary: delicious /dih-LISH-uhs/ [adjective] having a very pleasant taste I really love the delicious cakes they sell! It’s really worth the price. delight /dih-LAHYT/ [noun] great pleasure, satisfaction, or happiness I couldn’t help but express my delight with his great performance. accessibility /ak-SES-uh-buhl-i-tee/ [noun] the fact of being able to be reached or obtained easily The new city Mayor proposed a new project to increase accessibility to the hospitals. timetable /TAHYM-tey-buhl/ [noun] a list of the times when buses, trains, and planes leave and arrive I need to know…
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Vocabulary: opt /opt/ [verb] to make a choice Heeding his doctor’s advice and a handful of prescribed medication, Levi opted to drink orange juice rather than beer. halt /hawlt/ [verb] to stop something, or to bring something to a stop The blackout halted the party’s preparations. amid /uh-MID/ [preposition] in the middle of or surrounded by They finished the project amid the huge number of meetings and deadlines. precautionary /pri-KAW-shuh-ner-ee/ [adjective] intended to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous from happening A checkpoint is one of the city’s precautionary measures for the residents’ safety. stream /streem/ [verb] to send sound or video on a computer, mobile phone, internet, etc. Nina often…
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Beginner Intermediate Expert
Pre-reading questions: Do you listen to music online? Do you listen to classical music Vocabulary: concert hall /KON-surt hawl/ [noun] a large building in which concerts are performed The play will be done in the concert hall. crowd /kroud/ [noun] a large group of people who have come together Avoid crowds as much as possible during the pandemic. allow /uh-LOU/ [verb] to give permission for someone to do something, or to not prevent something from happening Drinks are not allowed in the library. decide /dih-SAHYD/ [verb] to choose something Mary decided to buy the latest iPhone. receive /ri-SEEV/ [verb] to0 get or be given something I received the gift last…
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Beginner Intermediate Expert