Archeologists have discovered the world’s oldest known painting in the world – a life sized picture of a wild pig, believed to date at least 45,500 years ago in Indonesia. Maxime Aubert, co-author of the study told the media that it was discovered by doctoral student Basran Burhan in Leang Tedongnge cave located in Sulawesi. It was painted using dark red ochre pigment and resembles a part of a narrative scene. Co-author Adam Brumm said that the pig looks like observing a social interaction between other warty pigs.

“The people who made it were fully modern, they were just like us, they had all of the capacity and the tools to do any painting that they liked,” said Aubert in the published journal of Science Advances. This provides evidence of human life in the region, filling out a long blank spot in archeological records. Brumm believes that there are older artworks to be discovered. “It just shows how much artwork is there waiting to be found on this island. It’s hiding in plain sight.”