The use of melatonin as a sleep aid has raised concerns in the wellness community due to its overuse. While melatonin can be beneficial for managing sleep disorders, experts caution against its indiscriminate and excessive use. Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by the body that is responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle. It is commonly used as a supplement to address issues like insomnia or jet lag. However, its availability as an over-the-counter product has led to widespread use without proper medical guidance.

Excessive or unregulated use can lead to a dependency on external sources of melatonin, making it difficult for the body to regulate its sleep patterns independently. The long-term effects of melatonin use are still not fully understood, with studies suggesting potential side effects such as daytime drowsiness, headaches, or sleep disorders. The safety and efficacy of melatonin use in children and adolescents have not been extensively studied. Experts emphasize the importance of using melatonin under medical guidance. This ensures that the appropriate dosage and timing are followed. Instead of relying solely on melatonin, experts recommend adopting healthy sleep habits and addressing lifestyle factors that contribute to sleep disturbances. This includes maintaining a regular sleep schedule, creating a conducive sleep environment, managing stress levels, and practicing good sleep hygiene. Individuals can promote better sleep without relying solely on melatonin supplements.