Author Archive: admin

Metro Manila under lockdown again due to COVID-19 Delta variant

Metro Manila under lockdown again due to COVID-19 Delta variant

©Pablo Barcelon via CNN Philippines Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Is your city on a lockdown now? Have you received any financial help from your government? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 allow /uh-LOU/ [verb] – to give permission for someone to do something, or to not prevent something from happening The city does not allow smoking in all public areas. announce /uh-NOUNS/ [verb] – to make something known or tell people about something officially The principal announced the dates of the summer vacation. painful /PEYN-fuhl/ [adjective] – causing emotional or physical pain His…
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Metro Manila under lockdown again due to COVID-19 Delta variant

Metro Manila under lockdown again due to COVID-19 Delta variant

©Pablo Barcelon via CNN Philippines Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. What is your country’s current status in the ongoing pandemic? When was the last time you heard about COVID-19 news in the Philippines? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. permit /per-MIT/ [verb] – to allow something Smoking is not permitted in all areas of the establishment. crucial /KROO-shuhl/ [adjective] – extremely important or necessary Training is one of the most crucial parts of becoming a great athlete. severe /suh-VEER/ [adjective] – causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc.; very serious Many people suffer severe financial…
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Metro Manila under lockdown again due to COVID-19 Delta variant

Metro Manila under lockdown again due to COVID-19 Delta variant

©Pablo Barcelon via CNN Philippines Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. authorize /AW-thuh-rahyz/ [verb] – to give official permission for something to happen, or to give someone official permission to do something The school has authorized students to wear smart casual attire every Friday. amid /uh-MID/ [preposition] – in the middle of or surrounded by The old building stood like a rock amid the hurricane. imperative /im-PER-uh-tiv/ [adjective] – extremely important or urgent It is absolutely imperative that we finish this project by next week. metropolis /mi-TROP-uh-lis/ [noun] – a very large city, often the most important city in a large area…
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Simone Biles wins bronze but leaves the competition


©USA Today Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. Are you updated with the Olympics? Please tell me more about it. What sport do you enjoy watching live or on television? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. competition /kom-pi-TISH-uhn/ [noun] – a situation in which someone is trying to win something or be more successful than someone else Mizuki won first place in the poetry competition. unclear /uhn-KLEER/ [adjective] – not sure or certain It is still unclear if the meeting schedule will be changed or not. suffer /SUHF-er/ [verb] – to experience physical or mental pain Anne…
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Simone Biles wins bronze but leaves the competition


©USA Today Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. withdrawal /with-DRAW-uhl/ [noun] – the state of no longer being involved in something Her withdrawal from the competition was a shock to her teammates. vault /vawlt/ [verb] – (in gymnastics) to leap over a form that was originally intended to mimic a horse The gymnast is an expert in vaulting. lose (one’s) bearings /looz (wuhn’s) BAIR-ings/ [idiom] – to become confused about where you are and where other things are The ship lost its bearings in the storm last night. disclose /dih-SKLOHZ/ [verb] – to make something known publicly, or to show something that…
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Simone Biles wins bronze but leaves the competition


©USA Today Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 What sports do you play? Do you participate in contests? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 gymnast /JIM-nuhst/ [noun] – a person who is skilled in gymnastics, often someone who competes in gymnastic competitions Before the accident, Mina was a skilled gymnast. certain /SUR-tn/ [adjective] – knowing that something is true or will happen It is certain we will go to Okinawa this summer. future /FYOO-cher/ [adjective] – a period of time that is to come Sean will surely join future art contests. ago /uh-GOH/ [adverb] –…
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How to keep your home cool on a warming planet


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. How is the weather today in your place? How often do you use air conditioning? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. recent /REE-suhnt/ [adjective] – happening or starting from a short time ago Weather patterns have changed in recent years. climate /KLAHY-mit/ [noun] – the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place I adapted quickly to the new climate. contribute /kuhn-TRIB-yoot / [verb] – to be one of the reasons why something happens Does smoking contribute to air pollution? architecture /AHR-ki-tek-cher/ [noun] – the art and practice of designing…
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How to keep your home cool on a warming planet


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Do you like working from home? What is the usual daily temperature in your place? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 unless /uhn-LES/ [conjunction] – except if Don’t call me unless it’s a real emergency. energy-efficient /EN-er-jee-ih-FISh-uhnt/ [adjective] – using little electricity, gas, etc. Using energy-efficient electrical appliances reduces the monthly electric bill. promote /pruh-MOHT/ [verb] – to encourage people to like, buy, use, do, or support something She’s in London to promote her new book. option /OP-shuhn/ [noun] – one thing that can be chosen from a set…
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