Author Archive: admin

Hearing loud alarm tones can make you feel wobbly and disoriented, research says


Vocabulary: evaluate /ih-VAL-yoo-eyt/ [verb] to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something My schoolmates in college are conducting research to evaluate the percentages of smartphone users. disclose /dih-SKLOHZ/ [verb] to give information to the public that was not previously known Jonas Wright, the CEO of an IT Company refused to disclose awful rumors. rigid /RIJ-id/ [adjective] stiff or fixed; not able to be bent or moved The school principal wants to have rigid rules and regulations to avoid complexity. vigilance /VIJ-uh-luhns/ [noun] more careful attention, especially in order to notice possible danger Through the vigilance of our country, society in the future will be at peace….
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Hydrogen Fuel: A green alternative in the fight against climate change


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you buy environment-friendly products? Have you made any changes in your life to lessen global warming? Vocabulary: develop /dih-VEL-uhp/ [verb] – to grow or cause to grow or change into a more advanced form The team developed a better plan. efficient /ih-FISH-uhnt/ [adjective] – working or operating in a way that gets the results you want without any waste Lisa is thankful to have efficient and excellent team members. mix /miks/ [verb] – to (cause different substances to) combine, so that the result cannot easily be separated into its parts If you mix red with yellow, you’ll get orange. pure /pyoor/ [adjective] – not mixed with anything…
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Hydrogen Fuel: A green alternative in the fight against climate change


Pre-Reading Questions: How do you feel about climate change? Which region in your country has the best weather? Vocabulary: carbon footprint /KAHR-buhn FOOT-print / [noun] –a measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide produced by the activities of a person, company, organization, etc. Researchers are looking for more ways to reduce carbon footprint. firm /furm/ [noun] –a company or business Today they celebrate the law firm’s 10th year anniversary. availability /uh-vei-luh-BI-luh-tee/ [noun] –the fact that something can be bought, used, or reached, or how much it can be Kindly check the list to see the availability of the materials. in the long run /in-the-LAWNG-run/ [idiom] –at a time that is…
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Newly discovered Earth-sized and Tatooine planets, are they livable?


Vocabulary: mission /MISH-uh n/ [noun] the result that a company or an organization is trying to achieve through its plans or actions The LeeBai corporation’s mission is to provide contractual jobs for the unemployed visa-holders. revolve /ri-VOLV/ [verb] to move or cause something to move around a central point or line There are nine planets revolving around the sun. sustain /suh-STEYN/ [verb] to cause or allow something to continue for a period of time The mayor distributed all the grocery items to sustain food supplies for the whole week of deluge in their city. denote /dih-NOHT/ [verb] to represent or mean something Her beauty denoted a war between two kingdoms….
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Newly discovered Earth-sized and Tatooine planets, are they livable?


Pre-reading questions: Have you wondered how to live in outer space? Have you seen a shooting star or an eclipse? Vocabulary: transit /TRAN-sit/ [noun] the process of moving, or the movement of goods or people from one place to another Ana travels on a transit where she met the blind man. probe /prohb/ [verb] to examine something with a tool, especially in order to find something that is hidden A college student probes his invention using advanced technology to do human activities. large /lahrj/ [adjective] big in size or amount The large tortoise found today is the oldest tortoise in its species. sun /suhn/ [noun] the star that provides light…
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Hydrogen Fuel: A green alternative in the fight against climate change


Vocabulary: emission /ih-MISH-uhn/ [noun] an amount of something, especially a gas that harms the environment, that is sent out into the air Laws controlling the emissions of greenhouse gases should be more strict. by-product /BAHY-prod-uhkt/ [noun] something that is produced as a result of making something else Carbon dioxide and water are the by-products of cell respiration. drawback /DRAW-bak/ [noun] –a disadvantage or the negative part of a situation The only drawback is the size of the venue. infrastructure /IN-fruh-struhk-cher/ [noun] –the basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively The war damaged the country’s infrastructure. outweigh…
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Newly discovered Earth-sized and Tatooine planets, are they livable?


Pre-reading questions: Have you ever imagined yourself living on another planet? Please explain your answer. Do you want to be an astronaut? Why or why not? Vocabulary: telescope /TEL-uh-skohp/ [noun] a cylindrical device that you look through to make objects that are far away looking nearer and bigger Ren was so amazed by the constellations of stars that he saw using the telescope in the planetarium. initial /ih-NISH-uhl/ [adjective] of or at the beginning The initial survey will come from the feedback of unemployed new graduates. attest /uh-TEST/ [verb] to show something or to say or prove that something is true The doctors attest that the plant used for the…
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Five tips to make your mental health better this 2020


Vocabulary: perspective /per-SPEK-tiv/ [noun] a particular way of viewing things that depends on one’s experience and personality From a historical perspective, knowing the cultural, social, and traditional aspects of a country is the key to understand its people better. positivism /POZ-i-tuh-viz-uhm/ [noun] the quality of having a positive attitude or message Adrian’s positivism is the foundation of his better judgment. aspiration /as-puh-REY-shuhn/ [noun] something that you hope to achieve His military aspiration is what drives him to keep going despite all his hardships in life. altruistic /al-troo-IS-tik/ [adjective] showing a wish to help or bring advantages to others Maria’s altruistic behavior is what makes people drawn to her. gratitude /GRAT-i-tood/…
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