Author Archive: admin

How insomnia impacts the body

Health - Intermediate

  A recent study show that as stress and anxiety levels increase, it has become more challenging to hit the sack for eight hours, as doctors recommend. Majority of people are now sleeping for five to seven hours; most of them are battling with chronic insomnia almost every night. Adding the work-related stress, there will be impressions on the body. One clear evidence of it is how a person looks so haggard even when the day is still young. Those bags under the eyes won’t tell a lie, either. The brain is the most affected organ in the body when someone’s missing out a shut-eye. Sleep-deprived individuals have slower cognitive…
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How insomnia impacts the body

Health - Beginner

  Pre-reading questions: Have you experienced sleeping for a few hours? What was the longest sleep you’ve had?   A recent study shows that sleeping habits of most people are at worst nowadays – sleeping between five to seven hours. One third of these individuals are having insomnia rooted from stress. It is now harder to doze off for eight full hours as anxiety and stress levels of each person increase. One can actually experience how insomnia can affect his or her body. Aside from anxiety increasing, a sleep-deprived person would either slump all afternoon or get hyper all night, munch carbs more than the norm, and crave for more…
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How insomnia impacts the body

Health - Beg

  Pre-reading questions: Sleeping is a hobby. Do you agree? Sleeping for longer hours is healthy. Do you agree?   A study shows that most people are now only sleeping between five to seven hours a day. Anxiety and stress caused by insomnia are the factors why people lack sleep. People who only sleep for five hours a day get angry easily and eat more than usual. They tend to look older than their age. They also experience slow thinking. They drink more coffee all through the day.   Vocabulary: anxiety [noun] – fear or nervousness about what might happen stress [noun] – mental tension and worry caused by problems…
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Researchers find a new organ in the human body

  Researchers from the University Hospital Limerick in Ireland discovered a new human organ called as Mesentery. It can be found in the human digestive system. Mesentery is described as a double fold of the peritoneum, the abdominal cavity lining, which keeps everything together. J. Calvin Coffey, an Irish researcher who lead the study, stated that humans have an organ in the body which hasn’t been acknowledged until now. After the discovery of this new organ, the next step is to find out its function. But since its function is still unknown, researchers are investigating whether its distinctive cell type is responsible of how it works. Coffey also stated that…
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Researchers found a new organ in the human body

Health - Beginner

  Pre-reading questions: Is Science one of your favorite subjects in school? Are you fascinated with how our body works?   Researchers have discovered a new human organ hidden in our digestive system for a long time. This new organ is known as Mesentery. It is a double fold of the peritoneum, which is the lining of the abdominal cavity. It conjoins the intestine to the wall of our abdomen to keep everything in place. Mesentery has been mistaken to be made up of separated structures at first but research shows that it is a continuous organ although the function is still unknown. Further research will be conducted to determine…
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Researchers found a new organ in the human body

Health - Beg

  Pre-reading questions: Do you like Science? Do you still remember the different parts of the human body? Have you imagined having two or more extra parts in your body?   Researchers discovered a new human organ called as Mesentery. This organ is in the digestive system. Mesentery is a double fold of the peritoneum and it connects the intestine to the abdomen. At first, it is made up of some separate parts but more study is needed to know the function of this organ. Scientists say that Mesentery can help in understanding abdominal diseases.   Vocabulary: organ – [noun] a part of the body (such as the heart or…
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Hong Kong’s Ghost Island comes to life


  A small island, barely covering one square kilometer, was inhabited by Hakka people who migrated from Northern China in the 19th century. The first denizens of the island constructed salt pans to sustain a source of income. The salt pans were closed due to rising competitions from other countries about 100 years ago, which leads to residents resorting to farming and fishing to make a living. Some families began leaving Yim Tin Sai in the 1960s to seek a better life resulting to the village’s decrease of population until there was no one left to live there. Despite the island’s downfall, a former villager named Colin Chan went back…
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Hongkong’s Ghost Island comes to life


  Pre-reading questions: Do you like to travel? Why? Where is your favorite country/town/city? Why? Do you like modern or historical art? Why?   An isolated island in Hong Kong previously named as Yim Tin Sai or “Ghost Island” is slowly returning to life. Yim Tin Sai also means “Salt Pan” in Cantonese. It was Hong Kong’s salt pan for over hundred years. Due to competition against nearby countries like Vietnam and Thailand, the pans slowly shut down. People from the island fled to seek for education in the city. Colin Chan, the previous village representative, saw a decaying island when he came back. He decided to dedicate his life…
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