Author Archive: admin

China to launch new generation of driverless maglev trains in 2020


Pre-reading questions: What is the most convenient public transportation system for you? Why? Do you like to travel by train? Why or why not? Vocabulary: generation /jen-uh-rey-shuhn/ [noun] a group of products or machines that are all at the same stage of development The company is working on developing the new generation of sports cars. driverless /drahy-ver-lis/ [adjective] (of a vehicle) not having a person as a driver His dream is to invent a reliable driverless car. commercial /kuh-mur-shuhl/ [adjective] used to describe a product or service that can be bought by the public This airport handles almost 20,000 commercial flights a month. entirely /en-tahyuhr-lee/ [adverb] completely The new product…
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China to launch new generation of driverless maglev trains in 2020


Pre-reading questions: How often do you take trains? Which one do you like, train or bus? Vocabulary: train /treyn/ [noun] a railway engine connected to a group of vehicles for carrying people or goods I go to work by train. speed /speed/ [noun] how fast something moves He was traveling at a speed of 80 kph. only /ohn-lee/ [adjective] used to show that there is a single one or very few of something She was the only person who finished the project. company /kuhm-puh-nee/ [noun] an organization that sells goods or services in order to make money My friend and I worked for the same company. also /awl-soh/ [adverb] in…
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Rising tennis star Naomi Osaka bags more sponsors


Photo by © The Mainichi via The Mainichi Business Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite winter activity? What sports would you like to try? Vocabulary: first /furst/ [determiner] coming before all others in order, time, amount, quality, or importance As a student, my first priority is to graduate. sport /spohrt/ [adjective] relating to sports Kindly bring your sports attire tomorrow! business /BIZ-niz/ [noun] a company that buys and sells goods and services Diane has an online business. player /PLEY-er/ [noun] someone who takes part in a sport or game Riko is a basketball player. believe /bih-LEEV/ [verb] to think that something is true or correct I believe that they got…
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Rising tennis star Naomi Osaka bags more sponsors


Photo by © The Mainichi via The Mainichi Business Pre-reading questions: What is the most interesting sport for you? Please explain your answer. What is your opinion about extreme sports? Vocabulary: compete /kuhm-peet/ [verb] to do an activity with others and try to do better than they do Rina competes with Pete in an essay writing activity. ambassador /am-BAS-uh-DAWR/ [noun] a person who represents, speaks or advertises a particular organization, group of people, activity, or brand The new Ambassador to the United States was appointed by the President. impact /IM-pakt/ [noun] a strong effect or influence on a situation or person The new advertisement has made quite an impact on…
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Rising tennis star Naomi Osaka bags more sponsors


Photo by © The Mainichi via The Mainichi Business Vocabulary: sponsorship /SPON-ser-ship/ [noun] an act of supporting a person, organization, or activity with the use of money The sponsorship for sports this year has surprisingly increased. pre-order /PRE-AWR-der/ [noun] an agreement to sell something before it is finished or available The book you have been waiting for is now available for pre-orders. exceed /ik-SEED/ [verb] to be greater or to go past an allowed limit Your performance exceeded the given criteria. contract /kon-trakt/ [noun] a formal agreement between two different people or groups, or the agreement itself If you signed a contract then you are obliged to comply accordingly. assume…
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Let it Be: The new Beatles documentary


Vocabulary: acclaimed /uh-KLEYMD/ [adjective] enthusiastically praised The book was written by the acclaimed author J. R. R. Tolkien. chronicle /KRON-i-kuhl/ [noun] a record of events in the order in which they happened I think the movie is the most persuasive chronicle of his life as an emperor. assure /uh-SHUR/ [verb] to cause something to be certain The last phone call from the client assured the company’s financial profit. revision /ri-VIZH-uhn/ [noun] a change that is made to something After checking, the student’s business proposal needed a lot of revision. long-awaited /long-uh-WEYT-ted/ [adjective] having been expected for a long time Yesterday, the health department successfully submitted its long-awaited report to the…
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Let it Be: The new Beatles documentary


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like listening to music? If yes, what kind of music do you like? If no, why not? Do you like watching films? If yes, what kind of films do you like? If no, can you tell why? Vocabulary: director /DIH-rek-ter/ [noun] a person who tells actors in a film or play how to play their parts The latest movie of the most famous director was a total flop. footage /FOOT-ij/ [noun] film or videotape that shows a single event or place Detectives were studying the security footage of the house near the crime scene. joyous /JOI-uhs/ [adjective] full of joy Our recent trip to Bali was…
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