Author Archive: admin

New NTT West Corp. job interview program

  The new NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone) West Corp. system was developed to analyze students’ practice job interviews. “I want the students to discover their good points and become confident,” said Tomoko Kojiri, associate professor of information engineering at Kansai University. Through camera and microphone, the system monitors facial expressions and counts how many times the speaker utters interjections. Moreover, a wristband checks the pulse and hand movements of the interviewee. But their attitudes and mannerisms can also affect the results. The results can be used to correct eye movements, gestures, and ways of speaking. Kansai University conducted mock interviews with 17 students last August and September. According to…
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New NTT West Corp. job interview program

  Pre-reading questions: What are typical job interview questions? What do you think is the one of hardest questions asked during an interview? Does physical attributes contribute to a higher evaluation in an interview.   The NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone) West Corp. developed a program at Kansai University. The program analyzed students’ practice job interviews, and the results can be used to correct eye movements, gestures, and ways of speaking. Furthermore, a wristband checks the pulse and hand movements of the interviewee. Through camera and microphone, the program monitors facial expressions and counts how many times the speaker utters er or um. However, attitudes and mannerisms can also affect…
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New NTT West Corp. job interview program

Education - B

  Pre-reading questions: Have you ever attended to a job interview? Are job interviews important? Why?   The NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone) West Corp. made a program at Kansai University. The program examined students’ practice job interviews. Kansai University worked on their first interviews with 17 students last August and September. The results shows that the interviewers like students who answered smoothly. But for unexpected questions, the interviewers gave higher score to students who answered with smiles.   Vocabulary: examine – [verb] test pulse – [noun] beat interviewee – [noun] one who is interviewed; respondent interviwer – [noun] one who asked questions unexpected – [adjective] sudden   True or…
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Martin Luther King Jr.’s childhood home reopens to public

  Pre-reading questions: What is a historic site? Have you ever been to a historic site? Why are historic sites important?   After temporarily closing for repairs, Martin Luther King Jr.’s childhood home reopens. King is known for being an activist and a leader. His house at 450 Auburn Ave. N.E. is one of the buildings in the historic site in Atlanta, Georgia. It had to undergo repairs due to damages caused by daily visits, according to Judy Forte, superintendent of Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site in Atlanta. King’s birth home is partly open since only the first floor was restored. The upper floor of the landmark still…
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Martin Luther King Jr.’s childhood home reopens to public

  After the temporary closure in August 2016 for repairs, the home where Martin Luther King Jr. spent twelve years as a child reopens to the public in January 2017. King was an American Baptist leader and an activist who was a Civil Rights Movement leader. His childhood home, which is located at 450 Auburn Ave. N.E., is one of the buildings in the historic site found in Atlanta, Georgia. It had to be closed for minor renovations as a result of the wear and tear from foot traffic, according to Judy Forte, superintendent of Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site in Atlanta. King’s birth home, however, is only…
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Martin Luther King Jr.’s childhood home reopens to public


  Pre-reading questions: Do you know Martin Luther King Jr.? Do you know any historic site?   Atlanta, Georgia – After series of repairs, Martin Luther King’s home re-opened on a holiday dedicated to him. Their home became a museum after his assassination in 1968. People can now get a peek inside the first floor of the historical house. It’s second floor still needs repairs. It has been closed for 5 months for renovation.   Vocabulary: series – [noun] a group or number of related events etc. dedicated – [adjective] wholly committed to something museum – [noun] a building or a place where works of art, scientific specimen, and other…
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Miyagi school opens to public after the great 2011 tsunami attack

  The Great East Japan Earthquake caused the 2011 tsunami attack that engulfed a school in Miyagi prefecture. The school recently opened to the public for the very first time. On the grounds of Miyagi Kesennuma Koyo High School remains all the vehicles swept in the 14-meter waves of tsunami. Visitors from within and outside the prefecture were allowed in to see the structures before clean-up and perpetuation work begins. One of 135 visitors, Tanaka Satoshi said that seeing a car situated on the third floor taught him how rugged the tsunami was. Kanagawa prefectural government dispatched officials to the Kesennuma civil engineering office to help build the four-storey south…
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Miyagi school opens to public after the great 2011 tsunami attack

  Pre-reading questions: Do you know what a tsunami is? Do you know someone who has been affected by a tsunami? Can a tsunami be prevented? How?   A school in Miyagi prefecture was hit by the 2011 tsunami attack. The school opened to the public for the very first time. Vehicles swept in the 14-meter waves remain on the grounds of Miyagi Kesennuma Koyo High School. Debris are scattered all around the building. I thought I had known what the disaster was like from news, but seeing a car sitting on the third floor taught me how powerful the tsunami was, said Satoshi Tanaka, a Kanagawa prefectural government official….
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