Author Archive: admin

Barnard-b discovered to be a new potential home


Pre-reading questions: Do you think there are other habitable planets? Please explain your answer. Will there be a time in the future when humans can finally live in another planet? Why or why not? Vocabulary: potential /puh-ten-shuhl/ [adjective] possible but not yet achieved Mr. Clarins is one of the potential clients in our business. rotate /roh-teyt/ [verb] to turn around an axis or center point The Earth is rotating around the sun for 365.256 days. Celsius /sel-see-uh s/ [adjective] (°C) measurement of temperature in which water freezes at 0° and boils at 100° The normal temperature in the Philippines is 26.6 °C. barely /bair-lee/ [adverb] by the smallest amount The patient’s…
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Barnard-b discovered to be a new potential home


Vocabulary: primitive /prim-i-tiv/ [adjective] relating to the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something The students saw portraits of primitive communities in the 1700’s at the museum. astrophysicist /as-troh-fiz-uh-sist/ [noun] someone who studies astrophysics The astrophysicist explained about the discovery of the new planet. geothermal /jee-oh-thur-muh-l/ [adjective] of or connected with the heat inside the earth The icy surface wasn’t a problem anymore because of the geothermal activity happening underneath it. hostile /hos-tl/ [adjective] unpleasant or not suitable for living or growing The planet is known as hostile due to its freezing temperature. anticipate /an-tis-uh-peyt/ [verb] to imagine or expect that something will happen…
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Barnard-b discovered to be a new potential home


Pre-reading questions: Can there be another earth in the galaxy? Do you think that we can live in another planet? Vocabulary: possible /pos-uh-buhl/ [adjective] able to be done or achieved, or able to exist All things are possible for those who believe. nearest /neer-est/ [adjective] not far away in distance, time, characteristics, or quality Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun. quickly /kwik-lee/ [adverb] at a fast speed The rocket quickly launched to space. temperature /tem-per-uh-cher/ [noun] the measured amount of heat in a place or in the body Western people has heating under their houses to keep it warm. information /in-fer-mey-shuhn/ [noun] facts about a situation, person, event,…
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Mud and plants on new Pacific island confuse scientists

Mud and plants on new pacific island confuse scientist

Pre-reading questions: Have you been to an island before? Do you want to be a scientist? Vocabulary: confuse /kuhn-fyooz/ [verb] to make something difficult to understand I don’t understand why Math confuses me every time I study it. nearby /neer-bahy/ [adjective] not far away in distance; close The nearby cities are surrounded with different kinds of flowers. fertilize /fur-tl-ahy-zer/ [verb] to spread a natural or chemical substance on land or plants, in order to make the plants grow well My parents always ask me to fertilize the flowers and plants in the backyard. gravel /grav-uhl/ [noun] small, rounded stones, often mixed with sand I saw him putting the gravels in…
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Mud and plants on new Pacific island confuse scientists

Mud and plants on new pacific island confuse scientist

Pre-reading questions: Where is the farthest place you have traveled to? Tell me more about it. What will you do if you discover something new? Please explain your answer Vocabulary: unofficially /un-uh-fish-uhl-lee/ [adverb] not officially approved by a person in authority, the government, etc The secretary of justice was unofficially appointed as the new secretary of health. origin /awr-i-jin/ [noun] the beginning or cause of something The origin of some species is still unknown to scientists. eruption /ih-ruhp-shuhn/ [noun] an occasion when a volcano explodes We need to ensure the security now that there were recent volcanic eruptions reported in the city. dropping /drop-ing/ [noun] something dropped; such as dirt,…
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Mud and plants on new Pacific island confuse scientists

Mud and plants on new pacific island confuse scientist

Vocabulary: discovery /dih-skuhv-uh-ree/ [noun] the act of finding something that had not been known before The recent study has lead to the discovery of new incurable diseases. bemuse /bih-myooz/ [verb] to slightly confuse someone Benedict Cumberbatch’s role as Sherlock Holmes bemuses me every time I watch the series. vegetation /vej-i-tey-shuhn/ [noun] plants in general, or plants that are found in a particular area The vegetation in rural areas is flourishing because of hardworking farmers. isthmus /is-muhs/ [noun] a narrow piece of land with water on each side that joins two larger areas of land There were more than five new isthmuses found in the country because of high-functioning drones. erode…
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King of Malaysia leaves the throne

King of Malaysia leaves the throne

Pre-reading questions: Do you like a monarchical government? Why or why not? What do you think is the best government system in the world? Why? Vocabulary: step down /STEP-doun/ [phrasal verb] to give up a job or position He steps down from his position to prove that he is innocent. rumor /ROO-mer/ [verb] to tell or spread by rumor (an unofficial, interesting story or piece of news that might be true or invented) The young couple was rumored to tie the knot next year. maintain /meyn-TEYN/ [verb] to continue to have She tries to maintain her body figure because she wants to join Miss Universe next year. leader /lee-der// [noun]…
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King of Malaysia leaves the throne

King of Malaysia leaves the throne

Vocabulary: abdicate /AB-di-keyt/ [verb] to give up a position as king or queen The queen had abdicated her throne for she wanted to have a simple life. allegedly /uh-lej-id-lee/ [adverb] used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place without proof The people are looking for him because he allegedly won the lottery. preserve /pri-ZURV/ [verb] to keep something as it is The CEO of a manufacturing company wants to preserve the company’s mission and vision for the future generation. rare /rair/ [adjective] not common or frequent; very unusual For ordinary people, it is very rare to witness the wedding of a royal couple….
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