Author Archive: admin

1 out of 50 people falls in love on an airplane


Vocabulary: literally /LIT-er-uh-lee/ [adverb] using the real or original meaning of a word or phrase There were literally hundreds of pages to read in the book. reveal/ /ri-VEEL/ [verb] to allow something to be seen A study reveals that 87% of parents think that technology is useful to the students. survey /ser-VEY/ [verb] to ask people questions in order to find out about their opinions and behavior The researchers surveyed the lifestyle of 200 people for their presentation next week. routine /roo-TEEN/ [noun] a usual set of activities or way of doing things Visiting a doctor is part of his weekly routine. opportunity /op-er-TOO-ni-tee/ [noun] an occasion or situation which…
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1 out of 50 people falls in love on an airplane


Pre-reading questions: Do you like to travel by airplane? Why or why not? When was your first flight? Vocabulary: interview /IN-ter-vyoo/ [verb] to ask someone questions to get information One of her tasks is to interview applicants. habit /HAB-it/ [noun] something that you do often and regularly I always buy the same brand of shoes out of habit. increase /IN-krees/ [verb] to become larger in amount or size The crime rate in the country is alarmingly increasing. moreover /MAWR-oh-ver/ [adverb] used to add information That was a good deal, moreover, the price was reasonable. interact /in-ter-AKT/ [verb] to communicate with or react to Teachers interacted well with the students. 1…
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AI robots to start teaching English in Japan by 2019

AI robots to start teaching English in Japan by 2019

Vocabulary: proficiency /pruh-FISH-uhn-see/ [noun] the condition or fact of producing the results you want without waste They will check his English proficiency first before he gets accepted to school. ministry/ /MIN-uh-stree/ [noun] a government department led by a minister The ministry of Education has a proposed budget of 20 billion yen for classroom improvement. aspire /uh-SPAHYUHR/ [verb] to want something very much or hope to achieve something or be successful I aspire to become one of the greatest poets of all time. curriculum /kuh-RIK-yuh-luhm/ [noun] all the courses given in a school, college, etc. There will be a change in the school curriculum starting next month. mandatory /MAN-duh-tawr-ee/ [adjective] made…
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AI robots to start teaching English in Japan by 2019

AI robots to start teaching English in Japan by 2019

Pre-reading questions: Do you like the English language? Is learning English difficult for you? Why or why not? Vocabulary: aim /eym/ [verb] to plan for a specific purpose I aim to become the best writer of this generation. improve /im-PROOV/ [verb] to get better, or to make something better She promised to improve her reading skills. oral /OHR-uhl/ [adjective] spoken; not written They did not do well in their oral presentation. trial /Y-uhl/ [noun] a test, usually over a limited period of time The trial project was opposed by the people. require /ri-KWAHYUHR/ [verb] to order or demand something I require you to always wear your ID when you are…
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AI robots to start teaching English in Japan by 2019

AI robots to start teaching English in Japan by 2019

Pre-reading questions: Do you like studying English? Do you think that learning English is difficult? Vocabulary: help /help/ [verb] to make it possible or easier for someone to do something She helps the students with their homework. project /PROJ-ekt/ [noun] a piece of planned work or activity that is completed over a period of time The project that we are working on is nearly finished. lesson /LES-uhn/ [noun] an amount of teaching given at one time Today we are going to study a new lesson material. include /in-KLOOD/ [verb] to make something part of something else Our exams will include the topics that we studied last month. change /cheynj/ [noun]…
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The pursuit of a brighter tomorrow

The pursuit of a brighter tomorrow

Vocabulary: short-sighted /SHAWRT-SHAY-tid/ [adjective] a short-sighted person can only clearly see objects that are closer to them She is a short-sighted person that’s why she can’t easily recognize people who are coming towards her. steer clear of /STEER-KLEER-ov/ [idiom] to avoid someone or something because you think the person or thing may cause trouble He is trying to steer clear of his bad habits before it’s too late. a blitz on /ah-BLITS-awn/ [idiom] a great effort to improve something or doing something that needs to be done We had a blitz on dad’s old car and upgraded all the machine for his birthday. main character /meyn KAR-ik-ter/ [noun] most important…
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The pursuit of a brighter tomorrow

The pursuit of a brighter tomorrow

Pre-reading questions: Do you usually play when you were young? What is your favorite part of the body? Vocabulary: problem /PROB-luhm/ [noun] something that causes difficulty or that is hard to deal with Her problem is not your concern. change /cheynj/ [noun] refers to something unusual or new than what existed before There will be a change in the company’s policy. between /bih-TWEEN/ [adverb] in or into the space that separates two places, people, or objects Jake is in between the table and the small chair. difficult /DIF-i-kuhlt/ [adjective] not easy The exam was too difficult for me. because of /bih-KUHZ ov/ [preposition] as a result of Because of her,…
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