Author Archive: admin

Fashionable masking tapes, a hit for creative customers


Pre-reading questions: Do you like to follow trends? Please explain your answer. What trends is your hometown famous for? Vocabulary: trend [trend] (noun) something that becomes accepted or fashionable She teaches the latest trends in modern dance. patron [PEY-truhn] (noun) a regular customer of a store, restaurant, hotel, etc., This parking lot is reserved for patrons only. subtle [SUHT-l] (adjective) not bright or noticeable I detected a subtle change in his attitude towards us. tone [tohn] (noun) the general style of something I like the movie because of its dark tone. profitable [PROF-i-tuh-buhl] (adjective) resulting in financial profit Some of their new electronic products are highly profitable. A special kind…
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Fashionable masking tapes, a hit for creative customers


Vocabulary: spearhead [/SPEER-head/] (verb) to lead an organized effort or activity Joe will spearhead our marketing campaign. scrapbook [/SKRAP-book/] (noun) an album in which pictures, newspaper clippings, etc. may be pasted or mounted He kept a scrapbook containing press cuttings of his concerts. currently [/KUR-uhnt-lee/] (adverb) at the present time or now Davis is currently performing in a Broadway play. souvenir [/soo-vuh-NEER/] (noun) something that you keep to remember a special visit or event I kept my ticket stub as a souvenir when I went to the Super Bowl. patronize [/PEY-truh-nahyz/] (verb) to be a frequent or regular customer or client of an establishment The ladies of Berne liked to…
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Japanese children’s dream jobs


Vocabulary: occupation [ok-yuh-PEY-shuhn] (noun) a person’s job The applicant’s listed occupation is “writer”. bring about [bring uh-bout] (phrasal verb) to cause something to happen The new academic curriculum aims to bring about positive changes in the future. curriculum [kuh-RIK-yuh-luhm] (noun) the regular or a particular course of study in a school, college, etc. I chose this university because it has the best curriculum. culinary [KUHL-uh-ner-ee] (adjective) connected with cooking, esp. as a developed skill or art My cousin takes culinary classes on the weekends. pastry [PEY-stree] (noun) a sweet, baked food made of a mixture of flour, fat, and water I’m gaining a lot of weight recently because of eating…
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Japanese children’s dream jobs


Pre-reading questions: What is/was your dream job? Why? What do you think is the most important job? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: probe [prohb] (verb) to search into or examine something The detectives probed the crime scene carefully. instructive [in-STRUHK-tiv] (adjective) related to school or research The young genius chose an instructive career to make good use of her intelligence. on the contrary [KON-trer-ee] (idiom) a fact or opinion that is the opposite of one already stated She is lying; on the contrary, she is really guilty of the crime! consecutive [kuhn-SEK-yuh-tiv] (adjective) following one after another without an interruption The teacher has been sick for 5 consecutive days already….
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Japanese children’s dream jobs


Pre-reading questions: What was your childhood dream? What do you think is the most interesting job? Vocabulary: survey [SUR-vey] (noun) a collection of facts or opinions about something According to the survey, more people like chicken than pork. academic [ak-uh-DEM-ik] (adjective) related to school or research Jiro has a good academic record. scientist [SAHY-uhn-tist] (noun) someone who studies science or works in science The scientist started a new research. scholar [SKOL-er] (noun) someone who has studied a subject and knows a lot about it The scholars exchanged their ideas on the subject. professional [pruh-FESH-uh-nl] (adjective) relating to a job that needs special training or education Chihaya wants to become a…
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Netflix’s growth goes beyond target


Vocabulary: outdo [out-DOO] (verb) – to do something better than The new candidate outdid last year’s Olympic champion. subscriber [suh-b-SKRAHY-ber] (noun) – someone who uses a product or service Berryson’s subscribers were disappointed with the company’s new policy. stockholder [STOK-hohl-der] (noun) – a person who owns shares in a company E. Ville Corp’s stockholders had sold their shares when the company expanded instigate [IN-sti-geyt] (verb) – to cause a situation by making a set of actions Yesterday’s protest was instigated by the declaration of war. bank on [BANGK on] (phrasal verb) – to depend or rely on You cannot bank on the police to take responsibility for the tragedy. Netflix…
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Netflix’s growth goes beyond target


Pre-reading questions: What do you usually do on the Internet? What are the kinds of movies that you like to watch? Vocabulary: attain [uh-TEYN] (verb) – to achieve something after a lot of work The goal of ancient philosophers was to attain wisdom. surpass [ser-PAS] (verb) – to be greater than Through hard work, I was able to surpass my previous high scores. exceed [ik-SEED] (verb) – to go beyond in amount The young director’s new movie exceeded the audience’s expectations. fuel [FYOO-uh-l] (verb) – to increase something Poverty in the country is fueled by the recent tax reform. strategy [STRAT-i-jee] (noun) – a plan that you use to achieve…
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Netflix’s growth goes beyond target


Pre-reading questions: How often do you watch movies? Do you watch movies at home or at the movie theater? Vocabulary: top [TOP] (verb) – to be more than something Her savings topped $100 this month. expectation [ek-spek-TEY-shuh-n] (noun) – a strong belief that something will happen David did not have good expectations from the movie. stream [STREEM] (verb) – to watch movies on the Internet Janis prefers streaming to going to the movie theater. credit [KRE-dit] (verb) – to be responsible for something good The coach credits this win to the whole team. content [KON-tent] (noun) – a thing that is held or included in something The writers posted new…
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