Author Archive: admin

Amazon Limits Customer Reviews

  Online store Amazon has set a cutoff point on the allowed number of reviews per user. The site’s revised rules consent five ratings per week only, of items not purchased via the website. This is to abolish feigned ratings on the online marketplace – an act to regain the customers’ trust. On top of that, Amazon has engaged in a lawsuit against sellers that trade complimentary merchandise in exchange of affirmative ratings. This act also intends to clamp down people exploiting online merchants through such agreement. The online store also targets to hamper reviews of purchased products if it has an unusually huge number of reviews in an instant….
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Amazon Limits Customer Reviews

  Pre-reading questions: Do you know What are the things you think that are better bought online? What are the things you think that are still better shopped in a normal way?   Online store Amazon has set a maximum limit on the number of reviews each customer may leave on the site. The new regulation only permits five ratings per week of items not purchased through the site. This step aims to get rid of bogus reviews circulating in the online marketplace as to regain the customers’ trust. Furthermore, Amazon has begun suing sellers for buying false reviews as to consequentially clamp down people selling positive ratings. The…
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Amazon Limits Customer Reviews

Business - B

  Pre-reading questions: Do you know online shopping? Have you shop online? Do you know   Online store Amazon has set a limit on the number of reviews that customers can put on the website. Now, online shoppers can give only five reviews in a week. Some sellers give free products to some customers, so the customers give them a good review. Amazon also has started suing these kind of sellers. They have done this to lessen the number of fake reviews on their website. It is because they want to gain the trust of customers again.   Vocabulary: Review – [noun] a report that gives someone’s opinion about…
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Online market competitions

  Online shopping giants are going extreme to outdone each other as demands for goods online intensifies. Amazon Japan upped its game by expanding target areas on its 1-hour delivery service called Prime Now. Ratuken, Inc., on the same level, does not back down on the challenge by introducing more points, which you gain after every purchase and can be used to avail their merchandises. The Yahoo! Shopping site also employed the same strategy. The companies are all stepping up their strategies to gain more customers. The Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry said in a statement that the e-commerce market is worth a whooping ¥13.8 trillion just in 2015. The…
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Online market competitions

  Pre-reading questions: Where do you usually shop? What are the items that you usually buy? Have you tried buying anything online?   Online shopping is now on the rise in Japan. As competition heats up, online shoppers get freebies and perks. Online shopping is faster than spending much time in mall shopping. Different techniques and styles are being offered by different online shoppers.These companies are improving to gain more costumers. E-commerce is expected to grow more and more. The e-commerce market, including online shopping has worth ¥13.8 trillion in 2015 according to the Economy, Trade, and Industry Ministry. The worth 5 years ago has doubled the market. Companies are…
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Online market competitions

Japan - Beginner

  Pre-reading questions: Do you know online shopping? Have you tried online shopping?   Online shopping in Japan is becoming more famous. Different online stores are now making their service fast and more attractive to customers. They are working more as the online shopping is now in demand. The online market has doubled its worth since 5 years ago. They are also scared that the market will be pressured as the demand increases.   Vocabulary: famous – [adjective] widely known attractive – [adjective] having a pleasing appearance in demand – needed or wanted by many people pressured – [verb] to force or to try to force someone to do something…
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Naganuma for Olympics 2020

  A change of plan has crossed out Miyagi Prefecture as a venue for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The International Olympic Committee, the national government, the Tokyo metropolitan government, and the organizing committee have removed Miyagi Naganuma boat race course in Tome, Miyagi Prefecture from the list for the Tokyo games in favor of the initial venue, Sea Forest Waterway on Tokyo Bay. Holding the games at Naganuma had seemed practical as the cost could be kept around 15 billion yen to 20 billion yen in comparison to the initial 32.8 billion yen on the Sea Forest Waterway plan. However, pursuing this Naganuma plan would divide the Olympic village and…
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