Teenager dies due to caffeine overdose

Pre-reading questions: What do you usually have for breakfast? Do you enjoy drinking coffee in a cafe? Why or why not? Vocabulary: educate [EJ-oo-keyt] (verb) to teach someone We should educate our children about taking care of the environment. caffeinated [KAF-uh-ney-tid] (adjective) containing caffeine This caffeinated cake tastes really good. consume [kuhn-SOOM] (verb) to eat or drink up I consumed a lot of water after the basketball game. stimulant [STIM-yuh-luh nt] (noun) a chemical substance that increases activity The football player used the stimulant to increase his energy. fatal [FEYT-uhl] (adjective) causing death Heart attack is a fatal disease. Coffee is the most popular stimulant for stressed people around the…
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