
Cranfield University professor believes green air travel is achievable


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. eliminate /ih-LIM-uh-neyt/ [verb] – to remove or take away someone or something He was eliminated from the police investigation. transition /tran-ZISH-uhn/ [noun] – a change from one form or type to another, or the process by which this happens The healthcare system is currently undergoing transition. executive /ig-ZEK-yuh-tiv/ [noun] – relating to making decisions and managing businesses, or suitable for people with important jobs in business His executive skills will be extremely beneficial to the organization. framework /FREYM-wurk/ [noun] – a system of rules, ideas, or beliefs that are used to plan or decide something The…
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UN to act in response to possible famine in Somalia


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. cite /sahyt/ [verb] – to mention something as proof for a theory or as a reason why something has happened Could you cite some data for comparison? brink /bringk/ [noun] – the point where a new, different, or dangerous situation is about to begin Unfortunately, the small business is on the brink of bankruptcy. displace /dis-PLEYS/ [verb] – to force someone to leave their home The new railroad project will displace the residents of the area. respite /RES-pit/ [noun] – a pause or rest from something difficult or unpleasant Snacks brought a temporary respite from his…
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The end of “mandatory fun” at the workplace


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. acknowledged /ak-NOL-ijd/ [adjective] – known or accepted by many people He is the acknowledged leader of a political party. shake-up /SHEYK-uhp/ [noun] – a large change in the way something is organized The arrival of the new manager caused a thorough shake-up of their company. spare /spair/ [verb] – to prevent someone from having to experience something unpleasant Fortunately, I was spared the embarrassment of having to perform in front of everyone. workplace /WURK-PLEYS/ [noun] – a building or room where people perform their jobs, or these places generally Computers have brought dramatic changes to the…
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Architect says that Sheffield’s Ball Street Bridge might become a lovely park

beautiful park

©BBC News Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. spokesperson /SPOHKS-pur-suhn/ [noun] – a person who is chosen to speak officially for a group or organization The airline spokesperson said that the flights would operate as scheduled. component /kuhm-POH-nuhnt/ [noun] – one of the parts of a system, process, or machine Each component is carefully checked before assembly. core /KAWR/ [noun] – the center or most important part of something Safety concerns are at the core of the new policies. transportation /trans-per-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] – a vehicle or system of vehicles, such as buses, trains, etc. for getting from one place to another Bicycles…
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Stereotypical bore: Why do we judge people as “boring”?

Girl sitting in front of young guy and talking to him. He looks bored. Man is not interested in conversation at all

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. stereotype /STEER-ee-uh-tahyp/ [noun] – a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong It’s a stereotype that Americans eat burgers than actual meals. shun /shuhn/ [verb] – to ignore someone and not speak to that person because you cannot accept their behavior, beliefs, etc. He was shunned by his friends for his habitual telling of lies. excruciating /ik-SKROO-shee-ey-ting/ [adjective] – extremely painful This weekend is so excruciating. There’s nothing interesting to do. get under somebody’s skin /get UHN-der SUHM-bod-eez skin/ [idiom] – to annoy someone Weather…
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Office spaces are being converted into luxurious apartments


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. developer /dih-VEL-uh-per/ [noun] – a person or company that makes money from buying land, building new houses, offices, etc., or by changing existing buildings to sell or rent Developers constructing hotels along the coast have harmed much of the region’s natural vegetation. grand /grand/ [adjective] – impressive and large or important The Palace that we have gone to was very grand. local /LOH-kuhl / [noun] – a person who lives in the particular small area that you are talking about Both the locals and the travelers use the café. workplace /WURK-PLEYS/ [noun] – a building or…
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Oil and gas giant BP to collaborate on Aberdeen’s hydrogen ambitions


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. fleet /fleet / [noun] – a number of buses, aircraft, etc. under the control of one person or organization John owns a fleet of taxis. environmentalist /en-vahy-ruhn-MEN-tl-ist/ [noun] – a person who is interested in or studies the environment and who tries to protect it from being damaged by human activities The quality of our lakes and rivers is being improved by environmentalists. renewable /ri-NOO-wuh-bl/ [adjective] – Renewable substances can be used and easily replaced Renewable energy will become progressively more important as time goes on. dismiss /dis-MIS/ [verb] – when a judge dismisses a court…
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UK stores recall chicken products over salmonella fears

People working at a Chicken fillet production line.Group of workers working chicken factory,food processing plant concepts.Meat processing,food industry.Packing of meat slices in boxes ,conveyor belt.

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. outbreak /OUT-breyk/ [noun] – a time when something suddenly begins, especially a disease or something else dangerous or unpleasant They conducted a study on the seasonal outbreaks of malaria in Kenya. precautionary /pri-KAW-shuh-nuh-ree/ [adjective] – intended to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous from happening Precautionary evacuation of the area is taking place due to wildfires. detect /dih-TEKT/ [verb] – to discover something, usually using special equipment The group detected high levels of lead in the village’s atmosphere. inspection /in-SPEK-shuhn/ [noun] – the act of looking at something carefully in order to discover information The whole building…
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Wales maintains its recycling rate in the UK for over a decade


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. outperform /out-per-FAWRM/ [verb] – to do well in a particular job or activity compared to others of a similar type This season, the corporation has routinely outperformed its competitors. obstacle /OB-stuh-kuhl/ [noun] – something that blocks you so that movement, going forward, or action is prevented or made more difficult Overcrowding remains a large obstacle to improving conditions in the area. valiantly /VAL-yuhnt-lee/ [adverb] – in a way that is brave or determined when a situation is very difficult These soldiers have defended valiantly for us. tonne /tuhn/ [noun] – a unit of weight in the…
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Scientists advise mining e-waste rather than the Earth


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. gadget /GAJ-it/ [noun] – a small device or machine with a particular purpose Have you seen this cool tiny device? unsustainable /uhn-suh-STEY-nuh-buhl / [adjective] – causing damage to the environment by using more of something than can be replaced naturally Unless population growth is controlled, life on Earth will become unsustainable. undertake /uhn-der-TEYK/ [verb] – to do or begin to do something, especially something that will take a long time or be difficult We could undertake the work for the time being. awareness /uh-WAIR-nis/ [noun] – knowledge that something exists, or understanding of a situation or…
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