The country that is “seven years behind” the world

Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. abide by /uh-BAHYD bahy/ [phrasal verb] – to follow, comply with, or adhere to a rule, law, or guideline All employees must abide by the company’s safety regulations. leap year /leep yeer/ [noun] – a year that happens every four years and has an extra day on 29 February Use the extra day that comes with this leap year to organize some outings. behind /bih-HAHYND/ [adverb] – slower or later than someone else, or than you should be She was already a month behind with the rent. Gregorian calendar /gri-GAWR-ee-uhn KAL-uhn-der/ [noun] – the system used…
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