
The country that is “seven years behind” the world

Location Ethiopia. Red pin on the map.

Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. abide by /uh-BAHYD bahy/ [phrasal verb] – to follow, comply with, or adhere to a rule, law, or guideline All employees must abide by the company’s safety regulations. leap year /leep yeer/ [noun] – a year that happens every four years and has an extra day on 29 February Use the extra day that comes with this leap year to organize some outings. behind /bih-HAHYND/ [adverb] – slower or later than someone else, or than you should be She was already a month behind with the rent. Gregorian calendar /gri-GAWR-ee-uhn KAL-uhn-der/ [noun] – the system used…
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A quick look inside robotics’ advancements


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. robotics /roh-BOT-iks/ [noun] – the science of making and using robots (machines controlled by computers that are used to perform jobs automatically) The field of robotics has seen many exciting developments in the last decade. artificial intelligence /ahr-tuh-FISH-uhl in-TEL-i-juhns/ [noun] – the study of how to produce machines that have some of the qualities that the human mind has, such as the ability to understand language, recognize pictures, solve problems, and learn His particular research interests were in artificial intelligence. motion /MOH-shuhn/ [noun] – the act or process of moving, or a particular action or movement…
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Apple to present a watch called “Extreme Sports”


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. casing /KEY-sing/ [noun] – a covering that protects something A metal casing enclosed the cable. diagonally /dahy-AG-uh-nl-lee/ [adverb] – in a straight and sloping way that is not horizontal or vertical, for example joining two opposite corners of a square or other flat shape with four sides It’s quickest if you cut diagonally across the park. metrics /ME-triks/ [noun] – a set of numbers that give information about a particular process or activity Do you have any metrics on the rate of usage for the service? aluminum /uh-LOO-muh-nuhm/ [noun] – a chemical element that is a…
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Mud cities that can last for decades


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. founder /FOUN-der/ [noun] – someone who establishes an organization She is the founder and manager of the business. reconstruction /ree-kuhn-STRUHK-shuhn/ [noun] – the process of building or creating something again that has been damaged or destroyed The reconstruction of the building must begin tomorrow. residence /REZ-i-duhns / [noun] – a home This is the president’s official residence. withstand /with-STAND/ [verb] – to be strong enough, or not be changed by something, or to oppose a person or thing successfully The building is designed to withstand earthquakes. intense /in-TENS/ [adjective] – extreme She stood in the intense…
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Offshore wind farms to create 29,000 jobs


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. sector /SEK-ter/ [noun] – one of the areas into which the economic activity of a country is divided The financial sector has lost a lot of money. initiative /ih-NISH-uh-tiv/ [noun] – a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem The initiative is aimed at helping young people. anchor /ANG-ker / [verb] – to lower an anchor into the water in order to stop a boat from moving away The ship anchored near the shore. seabed /SEE-bed/ [noun] – the solid surface of the earth that lies under the ocean The ship has…
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Twitter shares decline after Elon Musk pulls out of the agreement


Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. terminate /TUR-muh-neyt/ [verb] – to (cause something to) end or stop No contract may be terminated by either party without prior written notice. spam /spam/ [noun] – e-mail that is sent to a lot of people, especially e-mail that is not wanted Spam mails can be filtered out using specialized software. premier /pri-MEER/ [adjective] – best or most important He is working as a premier researcher for a second year. authenticate /aw-THEN-ti-keyt/ [verb] – to prove that something is real, true, or what people say it is We require the digital signature that was used to…
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Don’t hide your stress! Here’s why

Upper view of stressed middle age business woman at the table.

Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. subtle /SUHT-l/ [adjective] – not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way She’s been dropping subtle hints of the surprise. cue /kyoo/ [noun] – a signal for someone to do something When I nod, that’s your cue to enter the stage. tensely /TENS-lee/ [adverb] – in a worried or nervous way He tensely awaited the upcoming announcement. scowl /skoul/ [verb] – to look at someone or something with a very annoyed expression Jake scowled at his siblings for jolting him awake with their noise. animosity /an-uh-MOS-i-tee/ [noun] – strong dislike, opposition, or anger Although they’re…
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New book explores Japan’s abandoned rural areas


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. conservative /kuhn-SUR-vuh-tiv/ [adjective] – not usually liking or trusting change, especially sudden change Older people tend to be more conservative and a bit suspicious of anything new. housing /HOU-zing/ [noun] – buildings for people to live in There’s a shortage of cheap housing in the region. openly /OH-puhn-lee/ [adverb] – in an open manner, visibly Sarah talked openly about her problems. superior /suh-PEER-ee-er/ [adjective] – better than average or better than other people or things of the same type This is clearly the work of a superior artist. extinct /ik-STINGKT/ [adjective] – no longer existing There…
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Dubai restaurants awarded for the best food

Michelin Food

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. skyscraper /SKAHY-skrey-per/ [noun] – a very tall modern building, usually in a city The restaurant is at the top of one of the skyscrapers. come through /KUHM-THROO/ [phrasal verb] – become apparent or noticeable through actions or performance. His nervousness comes through when he speaks. consistent /kuhn-SIS-tuhnt/ [adjective] – always behaving or happening in a similar, especially positive, way There has been a consistent improvement in her attitude. innovative /IN-uh-vey-tiv/ [adjective] – using new methods or ideas She was an innovative manager. anticipate /an-TIS-uh-peyt/ [verb] – to imagine or expect that something will happen We don’t anticipate…
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NASA CAPSTONE loses connection, now in good shape


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. rectify /REK-tuh-fahy/ [verb] – to correct something or make something right I am determined to take whatever action is necessary to rectify the situation. transmission /trans-MISH-uhn/ [noun] – the process of broadcasting or sending out something by radio or television, on the internet, etc., or something that is broadcast or sent out Broadband transmission has speeded up access to these sites. worrisome /WUR-ee-suhm/ [adjective] – causing worry The possibility of fire is especially worrisome for people who live on the edge of the forest. rectilinear /rek-tl-IN-ee-er/ [adjective] – moving in or formed from straight lines The…
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