
Are youngsters growing up too quickly?


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. restriction /ri-STRIK-shuhn/ [noun] – an official limit on something Other countries were urged to lift trade restrictions by the president. notion /NOH-shuhn/ [noun] – a belief or idea I have no notion of resigning. awareness /uh-WAIR-nis/ [noun] – knowledge that something exists, or understanding of a situation or subject at the present time based on information or experience Over the last decade, there has been a significant increase in environmental awareness. exposure /ik-SPOH-zher/ [noun] – the fact of experiencing something or being affected by it because of being in a particular situation or place You should…
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Vegan cheese’s secret ingredient

vegan cheese with cashew nut

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. enigmatic /en-ig-MAT-ik/ [adjective] – mysterious and impossible to understand completely The Mona Lisa is famous for her notable enigmatic smile. replicate /REP-li-keyt/ [verb] – to make or do something again in exactly the same way There’s no need to replicate the experiment. This is already as good as is. ethical /ETH-i-kuhl/ [adjective] – relating to a way that tries not to cause social or environmental harm Scientists are questioning the ethical use of meat consumption. lard /lahrd/ [noun] – a white substance made from pig fat and used in cooking Mix water, butter, and lard into…
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Charlotte Brontë’s tiny manuscript to go on sale for $1.25 million


©James Cummins Bookseller via CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. miniature /MIN-ee-uh-cher/ [noun] – used to describe something that is a very small copy of an object Be careful with the fragile miniatures. auction /AWK-shuhn/ [verb] – to sell something in a public sale of goods or property The organization auctioned a rare painting last week. volume /VOL-yoom/ [noun] – a book (formal) I came across this volume of essays at the town book fair. awe /aw/ [noun] – a feeling of great respect sometimes mixed with fear or surprise: She was in awe of the hotel’s amenities. treasure /TREZH-er/ [verb]…
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England to use artificial pancreas for diabetes 1 care


© BBC News Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. pancreas /PAN-kree-uhs/ [noun] – an organ in the body that produces insulin and substances that help to digest food so that it can be used by the body In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas produces little to no insulin. finger-stick /FING-ger-stik/ [adjective] – relating to or being a blood test for which blood is obtained by pricking the skin of a finger to obtain blood from a capillary We need to conduct a finger-stick test to see your blood sugar. statewide /STEYT-WAHYD/ [adjective] – in every part of a state The next statewide…
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The remote workplace’s “ghost coworkers”


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. pandemic /pan-DEM-ik/ [noun] – (of a disease) existing in almost all of an area or in almost all of a group of people, animals, or plants In late January 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic reached the United Kingdom. stroll /strohl/ [noun] – a slow relaxed walk, especially for pleasure We went for a stroll along the beach after dinner. segregated /SEG-ri-gey-tid/ [adjective] – kept separate The government made segregated bike paths last month. workload /WURK-lohd/ [noun] – the amount of work to be done, especially by a particular person or machine in a period of time Teachers…
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IKEA to pay customers to return old furniture


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. pilot /PAHY-luht / [adjective] – A pilot plan, product, or system is used to test how good something is before introducing it The four-day workweek pilot program started last Monday. modify /MOD-uh-fahy/ [verb] – to make changes to something such as a vehicle, machine, or tool, so that it can be used for a different purpose or in a different way I need to modify my kitchen cabinet. multimedia /muhl-tee-MEE-dee-uh/ [adjective] – using a combination of moving and still pictures, sound, music, and words, especially in computers or entertainment They are currently testing multimedia applications in…
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Ellesmere Port Plant to convert domestic garbage into aviation fuel


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. disclose /dih-SKLOHZ/ [verb] – to make something known publicly, or to show something that was hidden Profits of more than $200 million have been disclosed by the corporation. collaboration /kuh-lab-uh-REY-shuhn / [noun] – the situation of two or more people working together to create or achieve the same thing The new airport is the result of a collaboration between two of the country’s greatest architects. burden /BUR-dn/ [noun] – something difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with or worry about Young couples typically face a significant financial burden when purchasing a home. reliance /ri-LAHY-uhns/…
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The ‘Dinosaur asteroid’ causes devastation in springtime


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. asteroid /AS-tuh-roid/ [noun] – one of many large rocks that circle the sun Scientists are hopeful that an asteroid will provide information on the origins of life on Earth. fragile /FRAJ-uhl/ [adjective] – A fragile object is easily damaged or broken Be careful with the vase; it is very fragile. vulnerable /VUHL-ner-uh-buhl/ [adjective] – able to be easily physically or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked Tourists are more vulnerable to attacks because they are unfamiliar with the city’s danger zones. perish /PER-ish/ [verb] – to die, especially in an accident or by being killed, or to…
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The reason that prevents us to be kind

Giving a helping hand. Lending a helping hand. Solidarity, compassion, and charity, rescue. Hands of man and woman on blue sky background.

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. compelled /kuhm-PELD/ [adjective] – having to do something because you are forced to or feel it is necessary Alan felt compelled to report the incident to the authorities. stifle /STAHY-fuhl/ [verb] – to prevent something from happening, being expressed, or continuing She did her best to stifle her anger out of respect. candidly /KAN-did-lee/ [adverb] – in a way that is honest and true, especially about something difficult or painful Rui candidly admitted his mistakes. I admire his honesty. gesture /JES-cher/ [noun] – an action that expresses your feelings or intentions, although it might have little…
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2022’s best Asian restaurant is located in Tokyo


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. gastronomic /ga-struh-NAA-muhk/ [adjective] – relating to the preparation and consumption (= eating) of good food This curry meal is a gastronomic delight! panel /PAN-l/ [noun] – a small group of people chosen to give advice, make a decision, or publicly discuss their opinions as entertainment Jack bravely faced a panel of 40 professors. signature /SIG-nuh-cher/ [adjective] – used to refer to the special thing for which a person or place is particularly known I’d like to order some of your signature dishes, please. innovative /IN-uh-vey-tiv/ [adjective] – using new methods or ideas May designs innovative clothes…
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