Tag Archive: Culture & Travel – Expert
Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. abide by /uh-BAHYD bahy/ [phrasal verb] – to follow, comply with, or adhere to a rule, law, or guideline All employees must abide by the company’s safety regulations. leap year /leep yeer/ [noun] – a year that happens every four years and has an extra day on 29 February Use the extra day that comes with this leap year to organize some outings. behind /bih-HAHYND/ [adverb] – slower or later than someone else, or than you should be She was already a month behind with the rent. Gregorian calendar /gri-GAWR-ee-uhn KAL-uhn-der/ [noun] – the system used…
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©Adobe Stock | Kauai, Hawaii Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. flora and fauna /FLOR-uh n FAW-nuh/ [noun (biology)] – the flora and fauna of a place are its plants and animals Scientists have yet to discover different species of flora and fauna. mongoose /MONG-goos/ [noun] – a small tropical animal with a long tail that eats snakes, rats, and birds’ eggs Mongooses from North Africa were believed to eat crocodile eggs. meticulous /muh-TIK-yuh-luhs/ [adjective] – very careful and with great attention to every detail He’s meticulous in accomplishing tasks on time. canopy /KAN-uh-pee/ [noun] – the branches and leaves that spread…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. plump /pluhmp/ [adjective] – having a pleasantly soft, rounded body or shape We had a plump and juicy roast chicken for dinner. aroma /uh-ROH-muh/ [noun] – a strong, pleasant smell, usually from food or drink I just love the aroma of freshly brewed coffee! intense /in-TENS/ [adjective] – extreme and forceful or (of a feeling) very strong She drank more than 8 glasses of water because of the intense heat. infuse /in-FYOOZ/ [verb] – to fill (with herbs, liquid, tea leaves, etc.) so as to extract flavor or other qualities I infused this dish with some…
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©The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo / MOMAT/DNPartcom via BBC Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. rationality /rash-uh-NAL-i-tee/ [noun] – the quality of being based on clear thought and reason, or of making decisions based on clear thought and reason Scientists use logic and rationality in their studies. void /void/ [noun] – a large hole or empty space Lucy looked into the void over the cliff. defiance /dih-FAHY-uhns/ [noun] – behavior in which you refuse to obey someone or something He slammed the door shut in defiance upon exiting the conference room. repressed /ri-PREST/ [adjective] – having feelings that you do…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. usefulness /YOOS-fuhl-ness/ [noun] – the quality or state of being useful Mr. Kent talked about the usefulness of artificial intelligence in his speech. fragrance /FREY-gruhns/ [noun] – a sweet or pleasant smell The fragrance of herbs put her in a good mood. uncover /uhn-KUHV-er/ [verb] – to discover something secret or hidden I enjoy uncovering the mysteries of remote islands. elegance /EL-ih-guhns/ [noun] – the quality of being graceful and attractive in appearance or behavior It was Daniella’s elegance that left an impression on him. innocence /IN-uh-suhns/ [noun] – the quality of not having much experience…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. eventful /ih-VENT-fuhl/ [adjective] – full of interesting or important events Ben and Karen enjoyed an eventful week in Amsterdam. observe /uhb-ZURV/ [adjective] – to obey a law, rule, or custom My relatives, who are American citizens, observe Thanksgiving Day. ornament /AWR-nuh-muhnt/ [noun] – an object that is beautiful rather than useful This market offers Christmas ornaments at affordable prices. warrior /WAWR-ee-er/ [noun] – a soldier, usually one who has both experience and skill in fighting, especially in the past Thomas enjoys reading stories about Roman warriors. significance /sig-NIF-i-kuhns/ [noun] – importance He discussed the significance of…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. strategically /struh-TEE-juh-klee/ [adverb] – in a way that relates to the achievement of long-term or overall aims and interests The seats are strategically placed for maximal viewing. observe /uhb-ZURV/ [verb] – to obey a law or rule, or celebrate a holiday or religious event in a traditional way Coming of Age Day is observed on the second Monday of January. constitution /kon-sti-TOO-shuhn/ [noun] – the set of political principles by which a state or organization is governed, especially in relation to the rights of the people it governs The US constitution was signed in 1787. prosperity…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. indigenous /in-DIJ-uh-nuhs/ [adjective] – used to refer to plants and animals that grow or live naturally in a place, and have not been brought there from somewhere else This dish is made of indigenous herbs and spices. mark /mahrk/ [verb] – to show respect for or commemorate Today marks the 12th anniversary of our store. surge /surj/ [verb] – to increase suddenly and strongly House prices in the UK have surged this month. transaction /tran-SAK-shuhn/ [noun] – an occasion when someone buys or sells something, or when money is exchanged or the activity of buying or…
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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. mythical /MITH-i-kuhl/ [adjective] – mythical The unicorn is a famous mythical creature. hare /hair/ [noun] – an animal like a large rabbit that can run very fast and has long ears The hunter aimed at the hare, but it was too quick for him. hunt /huhnt/ [noun] – a search for something or someone Michael participates in Easter egg hunts every year. edible /ED-uh-buhl/ [adjective] – suitable or safe for eating Be careful looking for mushrooms in the wild. Some of them aren’t edible. scrumptious /SKRUHMP-shuhs/ [adjective] – tasting extremely good The parfait was absolutely scrumptious!…
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©James Cummins Bookseller via CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. miniature /MIN-ee-uh-cher/ [noun] – used to describe something that is a very small copy of an object Be careful with the fragile miniatures. auction /AWK-shuhn/ [verb] – to sell something in a public sale of goods or property The organization auctioned a rare painting last week. volume /VOL-yoom/ [noun] – a book (formal) I came across this volume of essays at the town book fair. awe /aw/ [noun] – a feeling of great respect sometimes mixed with fear or surprise: She was in awe of the hotel’s amenities. treasure /TREZH-er/ [verb]…
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